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All Cyberpunk 2077 leaks/spoilers in here and nowhere else.


Neo Member
Do we know any male romances at all? As far as everything goes now we still don't know any guys we can romance.. Rumor say maybe Kerry Eurodyne but I'd like to know before hand.


According to PC Gamer the day 0 patch is indeed the day 1 patch. Apparently it is also buggy as hell. Not sure if that applies to anyone other than PC or not but here's the sauce for those interested.

cyberpunk 2077 pc gamer review
so that will be 50gb patch to all PC versions ? digital ones too ? so lets say it will be GOG 63gb preload +50gb day 0/1 patch then ? wtf
those bad colors , those bugs makes ubi bugs looks like nothing rly and ubi didnt delayed they games like for years... i mean if thats not look just terrible bad for devs i dont know what does then ? when you delay game for so long it must be perfect right, right ? ... final build gold build that is on discs is not playable without 50gb patch ? wtf is this shit ?
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Do we know any male romances at all? As far as everything goes now we still don't know any guys we can romance.. Rumor say maybe Kerry Eurodyne but I'd like to know before hand.
It is strange that we haven’t seen any male romances yet. I’m eventually going to play a straight female character and would hope that there are a few male romances.
And as for female romances I don’t think we’ve seen all of them either.


Of course they knew people would get the game before launch. People aren't even allowed to use their own gameplay when reviewing it.
I mean, I'm sure they figured it would happen. It always does and this game is huge. But Best Buy really messed up, lol. Yup, which makes me think the day 1 patch could be fairly critical, but who knows. Guess we'll find out soon enough, lol.

I agree with you with what they confirmed, but they also stated that the patch they got barely seem to actually correct many issues, which tells me its very likely enough issues really exist that simply won't be patched out day 1. Witcher 3 to this day still has loads of bugs. Earlier this year I was playing and I came across many issues, like one here the sound cuts off (which isn't that bad as restarting fixes it) and then I got a much more nasty glitch, like several NPCs simply stopped speaking, you couldn't interact with them at all. This is YEARS after the fucking release.

This is where I think people need to be very honest about this developer.

Could a day 1 patch fix all of Cyberpunk 2077's issues? Sir....a patch given to just correct the issues for the reviewers knowing damn well they'd be posting a review on the game couldn't correct most of the issues they dealt with. So maybe a day 1 patch could fix those issues, but if that was the case THAT was the patch the reviewers needed to give it a glowing review. Did a day 1 patch magically fix Witcher 3?

I got Witcher 3 day 1 and a bug with calling roach would cut off the sound of him whistling.

To my surprise years later that bug legit is still in the game when I booted it up. So maybe I'm wrong, maybe the extra attention given to Cyberpunk 2077 and those low scores cause them to actually spend the next years actually fully correcting those issues, but all I have to go on is what we know happened with Witcher 3....
Well, Yong DID say the patch didn't do anything with his previous save, however with a new save/character one bug he saw every time was gone. He said that means it probably fixed other things as well but he didn't give it enough time at that point.

I was unsure of Witcher 3's current status, but I figured it was fixed pretty good considering everyone's reaction to it. I experienced all kinds of shit on PC, lol. It was so bad that I stopped playing because I was tired of constantly falling through the environment.

I always expected there to be bugs, maybe even more than the average open world title as it's coming from CDPR. I just didn't want to assume there'd be THAT many because of its development length and all they put into it.
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Do we know who the romance options are from male v yet? Dantics confirmed that Judy is only interested in women, which I'm sure is going to make a lot of thirsty nerds upset. But he also said Male V doesn't have a lot of romance options either which actually surprised me.
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Only thing I'm not happy about with CDPR is how they're not allowing anyone to use their own footage and are not handing out any console copies for reviews.

They know if the last gen buyers saw how shit it ran they would likely cancel their orders or request refunds, it's very unlike CDPR as they are usually very open in this aspect, seems strange, but as someone who has seen plenty of leaked footage on the console he will be playing the game on (PS5) I'm pretty happy with what I got, just hope they patch out some of these bugs for day one.


Do we know who the romance options are from male v yet? Dantics confirmed that Judy is only interested in women, which I'm sure is going to make a lot of thirsty nerds upset. But he also said Male V doesn't have a lot of romance options either which actually surprised me.
I know you can get into a romance with Panam as Male V, Meredith is available too but I'm unsure if that's a lesbian relationship as it looked like they were scissoring (I think??) In the leaked footage.


I know you can get into a romance with Panam as Male V, Meredith is available too but I'm unsure if that's a lesbian relationship as it looked like they were scissoring (I think??) In the leaked footage.

Okay, that made me laugh pretty hard. Judy being lesbian is one thing, but Meredith too? Why would Male V get the short end of the stick with romance options? The demographic for this game are mostly straight men. What the fuck were they thinking?

Ivory Blood

Here is that Ciri gaming mag.



Neo Member
so that will be 50gb patch to all PC versions ? digital ones too ? so lets say it will be GOG 63gb preload +50gb day 0/1 patch then ? wtf
those bad colors , those bugs makes ubi bugs looks like nothing rly and ubi didnt delayed they games like for years... i mean if thats not look just terrible bad for devs i dont know what does then ? when you delay game for so long it must be perfect right, right ? ... final build gold build that is on discs is not playable without 50gb patch ? wtf is this shit ?

Personally, from what I gather from the PCgamer review article I think the day 1 patch is the patch most reviewers have received during testing but its a rolling patch.

I'm sure lots of beta testers and programmers are hooked up to an IV drip of red bull and cartons of cigarettes on hand trying to squash bugs and adding their fixes to the day 1/0 patch or whatever they call it on a daily basis.

When that was out there was 2 days left for them to fix bugs, now there is only one day. So I think we're gonna get our hands on a Bethesda style bugfest. Hopefully the bugs I experience are at least funny, and not game breaking.


The bugs are a real bummer and cdpr should absolutely be called out for. However if I'm going to be honest guys , if this is the worst part of the game then I'm relieved. You can fix bugs. You could add features to the game that make it better, like a transmog system. But you can't fix things like a bad story.

I'm just trying to say it could have been worse, it could have been a whole lot worse. Mass Effect Andromeda is probably a prime example.


The bugs are a real bummer and cdpr should absolutely be called out for. However if I'm going to be honest guys , if this is the worst part of the game then I'm relieved. You can fix bugs. You could add features to the game that make it better, like a transmog system. But you can't fix things like a bad story.

I'm just trying to say it could have been worse, it could have been a whole lot worse. Mass Effect Andromeda is probably a prime example.
We still don't know how buggy this thing is. Wait a couple of days after millions people start playing the game.
Only thing I'm not happy about with CDPR is how they're not allowing anyone to use their own footage and are not handing out any console copies for reviews.

They know if the last gen buyers saw how shit it ran they would likely cancel their orders or request refunds, it's very unlike CDPR as they are usually very open in this aspect, seems strange, but as someone who has seen plenty of leaked footage on the console he will be playing the game on (PS5) I'm pretty happy with what I got, just hope they patch out some of these bugs for day one.

As a PC gamer with a mid-range PC, I just want to know how performance is.

So far, i'm hearing that the game runs pretty badly even on a 3080 at full settings - but that apparently could be because of the DRM that would come off at release time.

I just want to know if it really does struggle even on a high end spec, and if so, then i'll probably just refund my copy on steam.


The bugs are a real bummer and cdpr should absolutely be called out for. However if I'm going to be honest guys , if this is the worst part of the game then I'm relieved. You can fix bugs. You could add features to the game that make it better, like a transmog system. But you can't fix things like a bad story.

I'm just trying to say it could have been worse, it could have been a whole lot worse. Mass Effect Andromeda is probably a prime example.

Sure, but you have to admit, the bugs seriously hampered the reviews of this game. We could be looking at a ~97 game instead of something that will likely drop below 90.
And it isn't even a superficial problem. A bad first impression could mean this game becomes a meme. It could even impact how much money CDPR invests into the expansions.
Only thing I'm not happy about with CDPR is how they're not allowing anyone to use their own footage and are not handing out any console copies for reviews.

They know if the last gen buyers saw how shit it ran they would likely cancel their orders or request refunds, it's very unlike CDPR as they are usually very open in this aspect, seems strange, but as someone who has seen plenty of leaked footage on the console he will be playing the game on (PS5) I'm pretty happy with what I got, just hope they patch out some of these bugs for day one.

With the publicly available info, I reaffirm my belief CDPR executives might want to take a hard look at the development process. Three delays, one of them weeks before scheduled launch, a copious amount of bugs almost universally acknowledged , a PR campaign hampered, not allowing reviewers to post footage 24/48 hours before official release , all strongly suggest management problems at the tech/QA levels, especially given they even brought in QA help from the outside.

Of course, this was an especially difficult task because of all of the platforms. But it was also their choice to launch the game on so many of them. Adam Kiciński already said there will be changes to the tech department, but their public image seems to be taking a hit right now.
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yes you can fix bugs if game is released like in hurry like if they didint had time, like other devs if they released game on time when they said frist time they will, then its kinda ok , kinda, its still would be mess of a final game build, but this shit here was delayed more then anyone can remember, and we getting this bad final build ... what where they doing there ? on holidays ?
in the end they should said then officaly that final game build is mess and we need to patch game with 60gb patch first and then we will bring more patches... noone said that, they just said game will work best on all platforms as it can be... its kinda not doing that is it
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It makes no sense to expect polishing and solid gameplay in a CDPR game. Expect well-crafted dialogues, lots of content and you won't be disappointed.

Exactly. Same thing with Bethesda RPGs and many WRPGs in general. I'm their for the story, characters, questing, lore etc. and often just play on easy (or turn difficulty up and down as needed) o blow through the mediocre (IMO) gameplay, not have to fuss to much with optimizing builds (don't enjoy that) etc.


Writes a lot, says very little
Gameplay is the most important element though. dont be a punching bag.

Oh trust, I don't disagree with you. I mean in terms of the only draw from CDPR's titles. I support them getting those 7s and 8s. You still need to be able to enjoy actually playing a title in terms of gameplay.


Wait, Judy is female only romance?

Seriously? The hottest girl in the game is female only???

Why? Not even Bioware does that

I'll say this much, when it comes to the romances in the game, Judy was front and center of all of it. Not to mention it seems like out of the romances, she is the most integral to the main plot, leading me to believe that she's probably the most developed. So the fact that they made her Lesbian, kinda seems like a dick move. Straight men are the main demographic for this game, I don't care who's feelings that hurts.

Reminds me of Serana from Skyrim. All the marriage options in that game were basically non-characters. But then you had this woman that you traveled with, bled with, got invested with, and yet even though there are signs that she likes you and depends on you, you can't romance her. It made no fucking sense. That's why modders gave Bethesda the middle finger and made her romanceable. I'm assuming the same will eventually happen for Judy.


As a PC gamer with a mid-range PC, I just want to know how performance is.

So far, i'm hearing that the game runs pretty badly even on a 3080 at full settings - but that apparently could be because of the DRM that would come off at release time.

I just want to know if it really does struggle even on a high end spec, and if so, then i'll probably just refund my copy on steam.

Nvidia is also most likely going to drop a new driver for it I suspect. If not before launch then just after.


I'll say this much, when it comes to the romances in the game, Judy was front and center of all of it. Not to mention it seems like out of the romances, she is the most integral to the main plot, leading me to believe that she's probably the most developed. So the fact that they made her Lesbian, kinda seems like a dick move. Straight men are the main demographic for this game, I don't care who's feelings that hurts.

Reminds me of Serana from Skyrim. All the marriage options in that game were basically non-characters. But then you had this woman that you traveled with, bled with, got invested with, and yet even though there are signs that she likes you and depends on you, you can't romance her. It made no fucking sense. That's why modders gave Bethesda the middle finger and made her romanceable. I'm assuming the same will eventually happen for Judy.

If Judy is really one of the main supporting characters, then it's an outrage that she's not bi, makes no damn sense for a game like this.

It would be the same thing as Liara not being able to romance male Shepards.


Looks so bad, canceled my Amazon preorder I've had for over a year on ps4. Gonna wait for it to hit $30 and patched to run well on ps5. Looks to be the most over hyped game ever.
Most overhyped game ever: it achieved a 91 on Opencritic and you haven't played it yet
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