Craig of War

Obsidian lavora a sei diversi progetti, un nuovo Fallout a breve è improbabile
Obsidian Entertainment lavora attualmente a sei diversi progetti, il che significa che le speranze di vedere a breve un nuovo episodio di Fallout sviluppato da loro sono esigue.
"Obsidian is working on six different projects, a new Fallout soon is unlikely
Obsidian Entertainment is currently working on six different projects, which means hopes of seeing a new Fallout episode developed by them are slim.
Obsidian Entertainment is currently working on six different projects, which means that a possible new episode of Fallout developed by the team will not arrive any time soon.
Since Microsoft acquired Bethesda, the developers of the Californian studio have often been asked the fateful question: will they make Fallout: New Vegas 2?
Well, beyond the intentions it seems that for the moment the greatest enemy of this hypothesis is the calendar of the team's commitments, which is managing six different projects starting from the second DLC of The Outer Worlds, supervised by Megan Starks.
Tim Caim and Leonard Boyarsky are dealing with an as yet unannounced game, which could be The Outer Worlds 2 or something completely new, while Josh Wawyer is working on his Project Missouri.
Then we have Branon Adler, who is devoting himself to an already established project that probably isn't a new chapter of Fallout, Adam Brennecke and his team dealing with Grounded and finally Chris Parker and the rest of the team focused on Avowed.
In short, unless a few sensational surprises we will hardly see a new Fallout developed by Obsidian Entertainment soon.