Why would that matter? Same Studio made the new Wolfenstein series, and had this to say back then:Who wants to bet their are no Nazi's in the game, because of PC 'reasons'. It wont feel right without Nazi's, unless they do a 'Temple of Doom' style story.
Maybe this is the final wolfenstein gameWasn't MachineGames supposed to make a final Wolfenstein to complete the trilogy? Did this get cancelled?
What's garbage is your take. Xbox didn't spend 7.5 billion to make games exclusive. They did it for Game pass day one. What don't you understand about Xbox not having exclusives anymore?Why do people keep peddling this garbage logic? There's a reason the Bethesda/Zenimax deal cost $7.5 billion. That's with a "B". It was not so Microsoft could help sell Playstation consoles.
SureWhat's garbage is your take. Xbox didn't spend 7.5 billion to make games exclusive. They did it for Game pass day one. What don't you understand about Xbox not having exclusives anymore?
there is no such term, both companies are stupid for using it. Exclusive means one platform sir.
i will give my two cents abot this things ( dont get used to it ,im more a a drivet tru shitposter guy)
i dont like the current state of machine games,they are talented devs with a bad tendency to the wrong kind of wokeness,and the two last games suffered from that and some horrid level design,also i dont like how the told a history ( and it amazes me how they got so much praise for the story on the new colossus) their exagerated histronic style works for a parody not much else,also i dont see a indiana jones games a a first person game,its nonsense4
Also the wole "indiana jones its about killing nazis" no,its a horrible take on what indiana jones its,he hates nazis (and who doesnt?) and they are perfect cartoony bad guys,but the indana jones spirint its about adventure,lost tombs,exotics places,indy its not a"killing"machine and is a man of the 40s, so the woke crowd are trying to cancel this character a long time ago,dont take this route or you will make a bad mistake,stay away for kindengarten politics if you gonna go into thart way do in a mature way
everyone in this forum who says this game its gonna be multi or exclusive its full of shit,thy dont know nothing,and nothing its written on stone on this times,and lol at the people "hoping " this remains exclusive,what a sad life you must have to get gratification for this kind of thing,get better not bitter
bethesda games they won't be totally relegated to the Xbox console but also to pc and cloud .. but they won't be on PlayStation unless Sony allows gamepass on the console. it's very clearWhat's garbage is your take. Xbox didn't spend 7.5 billion to make games exclusive. They did it for Game pass day one. What don't you understand about Xbox not having exclusives anymore?
Why buy Bethesda then?What's garbage is your take. Xbox didn't spend 7.5 billion to make games exclusive. They did it for Game pass day one. What don't you understand about Xbox not having exclusives anymore?
What's garbage is your take. Xbox didn't spend 7.5 billion to make games exclusive. They did it for Game pass day one. What don't you understand about Xbox not having exclusives anymore?
I would imagine this is 2 years off and going to be only on XBox and PC. LucasArts have a history of their IP being tied to just one console or only on the PC depending on the gameCurrently the buyout is not 100% finalized. As in they still dont own any control yet. Machine games hasn't worked on anything large since Wolfenstein 2. They did a expansion, but it was short. So what have they been working on? To me this was already in the works for some time. As in story, characters and all that have been written. So this has been at least in concept for a while if they are putting out a teaser. I mean could be just a announcment teaser which is what It seems. But I would have to believe they have been in talks with Lucas for a while now.
It could be exclusive if Microsoft and zenimax is finalized, but I don't think lucas arts would want to have one platform. Unless MS flexed gamepass as a reason why it should?
You haven't played a MachineGames game then?Who wants to bet their are no Nazi's in the game, because of PC 'reasons'. It wont feel right without Nazi's, unless they do a 'Temple of Doom' style story.
honestly seen he don't have any idea of what he is writing ..ms platform is at this point consoles+pcs+cloud and they have the biggest audience between the three. it is clear that they will use acquisitions to push more users on gamepass and the Xbox platform ... and not to favor PlayStationWhy buy Bethesda then?
Just cut a deal for each game that comes out.
Yes but its not up to them is it.You haven't played a MachineGames game then?
It needs to be on PS5. Good that someone is making a new Indiana Jones game. I still disappointed that this was cancelled:
I think it would be annoying if big licensed games like this are exclusives. I think Spider-Man should be on Xbox too.Port begging on Sony side will be glorious in next few years.
I think it would be annoying if big licensed games like this are exclusives. I think Spider-Man should be on Xbox too.
I would imagine this is 2 years off and going to be only on XBox and PC. LucasArts have a history of their IP being tied to just one console or only on the PC depending on the game
You haven't played a MachineGames game then?
wtf dude this whole "im gonna be a marketer for gamepass on forums" its getting wildCan't wait to play it on D1 via Gamepass. And can't wait all the Sony fans to subscribe to the service to play the game as
nah,thats a poor attempt ill give you 3 of 10,be BETTER not bitter,plastic boxes? like this one? u arent fooling anyone dude,silenced for being a mediocreman on a mission
we know, bethesda games a shit, wolfenstein games are shit, Indiana Jones Ip is shit....
quick look at your previous posts, and everything is clear, try harder, honestly guys some of you are so transparent that we cannot take seriously your rants like the above
just be open and honest and admint that you are simply salty that these games, most likely, will no longer be released on your favourite plastic box
Sorry, I'll balance by advertising some Sony stuffwtf dude this whole "im gonna be a marketer for gamepass on forums" its getting wild
I disagree.I think it would be annoying if big licensed games like this are exclusives. I think Spider-Man should be on Xbox too.
Hoping that it's Xbox exclusive so it lights a fire under PlayStation managements ass.....
I have my doubts that it will reach anywhere near the levels of Uncharted but it's good for Xbox to have some excitement and this is a kinda exciting announcement, way better than the Perfect Dark, Halo and other announcements.
Star Wars games have been exclusives in the past and Marvel/Disney had no issues with Spiderman being exclusive. I think we'll just see it on the Series X/S and the PC.For indy maybe, Starwars are not exclusive. It honestly depends if Microsoft made a deal prior to buyout with bethesda for exclusivity and worked with lucas arts.
Tomb Raider (2013) is best Uncharted game so I would be OK with that. Well, I would prefer something more puzzle oriented but Tomb Raider is still fine quality target.It will be more close to TR then Uncharted. Uncharted is just another level of quality production.
Would actually find it funny if they are lifetime exclusive as it provides this forum much entertainment, but a precedent has already been set with Cuphead another game Microsoft funded and has control over where it could release. They milked it for three years and finally threw it to the other consoles after it was used up.EVERY Bethesda game and we're going to have this shit....oh yes, mark my words Microsoft didn't pay $7.5bn because, 12 month exclusive until Playstation release, blah, blah, blah, blah.....
Pretty sure it will be an Uncharted style game. Microsoft have wanted their own Uncharted for years.
Cant wait to be honest!.
I expect a Cuphead type situation for these Bethesda games including Indiana Jones. 3 years exclusive on Xbox then finally releasing it for the Playstation. Same way Playstation handled Horizon for PC. It ensure 85-90% of sales are made on the "home" platform, encourages system sales, and gives the games newfound attention and further sales years later to a new market.
Its no different. Microsoft funded Cuphead and controls where the game can release.Bethesda is now a Microsoft studio, Studio MDHR is not.
Its no different. Microsoft funded Cuphead and controls where the game can release.
Star Wars games have been exclusives in the past and Marvel/Disney had no issues with Spiderman being exclusive. I think we'll just see it on the Series X/S and the PC.
Why would I be I'm not invested in this since I already deal with Microsoft on PC. Like Cuphead, Microsoft will use these games once they're old to get more money with late ports.You're in for a tough time
Tomb Raider (2013) is best Uncharted game so I would be OK with that. Well, I would prefer something more puzzle oriented but Tomb Raider is still fine quality target.
It has nothing to do with any prior deals.For indy maybe, Starwars are not exclusive. It honestly depends if Microsoft made a deal prior to buyout with bethesda for exclusivity and worked with lucas arts.
StarWars has been a giant brand since the '70s. So I don't get your point and we've had exclusive Star Wars games for the N64, Cube, Xbox Ect I don't think Disney worry too much as long as they get money and the developer follows their IP agreementsIn the past they have when they were being developed by Bioware which was not owned by EA at the time. Now starwars is a giant brand that even if I dislike the game battlefront sells millions. Also Jedi fallen order was multiplat, Squadrons is multiplat. It was in the early days we had Republic commando among knights series being exclusive to one platform. But those were early games. Everything since then mostly has been multiplatform.
Indy has a history with xbox, so It could stay xbox/PC. So who knows. Right now All I know is this game is a ways out, and machine games are a good developer. Just hope its not first person, unless the platforming is as good as doom eternal. Then they might have something.
It needs to be on PS5. Good that someone is making a new Indiana Jones game. I'm still disappointed that this was cancelled:
It has nothing to do with any prior deals.
Once MS takes over, either those deals have to be re-negotiated, or they already were during the preliminary process of the buyout. I'm pretty sure Phil and other Xbox execs already know the exclusivity status of this game and any others even before the deal is finalized. Bethesda most likely had to open their books and MS now knows the roadmap of Zenimax for the next few years thanks to the due dilligence process. This would also explain the inflated price of 7.5B. If they have more licensed games in the pipeline, MS had to pay premium to get those aswell.
Anyone who thinks MS will be cockblocked by a recent deal when they pay close to 8 billion dollars is delusional. IF this game makes it to PS5, it's not because of any deals made prior to the buyout. It's because MS wants it to for some reason.
Judging by the non-reception from Sony, I'm going to go out on a limb and say they have no idea about any Zenimax game coming to PS5 except for the two they paid for. Jim Ryan already said he has no clue if Starfield is even coming to PS5.
StarWars has been a giant brand since the '70s. So I don't get your point and we've had exclusive Star Wars games for the N64, Cube, Xbox Ect I don't think Disney worry too much as long as they get money and the developer follows their IP agreements
It's 2 years away at the earliest I would imagine and to me that makes it sound like its only coming to Xbox and PC's and maybe a port to the Switch 2