Can’t Git Gud
I don't understand. Why are you motioning this?Bloodborne sold less than Horizon Zero Dawn on PS4. Get the logic?
And it sold less than uncharted 4 so... ?
I don't understand. Why are you motioning this?Bloodborne sold less than Horizon Zero Dawn on PS4. Get the logic?
I don't understand. Why are you motioning this?
And it sold less than uncharted 4 so... ?
If you see someone driving a Ferrari you don't try and sell them a Honda, your logic makes absolutely no sense. Also had a little gander at your profile thinking maybe you're a big Bloodborne fan, WRONG I WAS. I mean maybe you're a big fan of the intro portion but it was too difficult so you ran back to the forums since you feel more at home there defending your precious plastic boxThey should be trying to sell PC gamers a PS5, not a single game.
Oh ok I get it.Sigh... I using the port beg logic against him.
If the reason for Days Gone on PC sell less than Horizon on PC is because HZD sold more on PS4 than Days Gone on PS4, by his logic Bloodborne would sell less than HZD too.
Them he used the 'PC Souls community' argument.
Oh ok I get it.
Understand... It is 34 fucking degrees Celsius outside and 30 in my flat. I am dying
but 60fps is low frame rate.
my PC monitor is 165hz. playing at 60hz on it is not fun. i need games to be at 120-160fps
patheticIf you see someone driving a Ferrari you don't try and sell them a Honda, your logic makes absolutely no sense. Also had a little gander at your profile thinking maybe you're a big Bloodborne fan, WRONG I WAS. I mean maybe you're a big fan of the intro portion but it was too difficult so you ran back to the forums since you feel more at home there defending your precious plastic box
Edit: and before you think I'm trying to take the pcmr position and simply talk shit, I play games not platforms, I just purchased a digital PS5 this past week cause I want to play Ratchet, so don't pull that card on me.![]()
120-140fps is bad. 240 is where real gaming is taking it's not. i've been playing games at 120-160hz and there is a big difference going down to 60.
Nah it's not actually. You've got somebody pearlclutching who hasn't even played the game properly while people like myself and deadpool have platimum'd the game and want others to experience it. Fanboyism is the only reason a gamer would want to keep games off other platforms.pathetic
lso had a little gander at your profile thinking maybe you're a big Bloodborne fan, WRONG I WAS. I mean maybe you're a big fan of the intro portion but it was too difficult so you ran back to the forums since you feel more at home there defending your precious plastic box![]()
It's funny cause I bought the game when it came out at launch physical, then later found out about the whole digital game sharing thing so I bought the game+old hunters dlc and played through it again with my wife. I will buy it AGAIN on PC (if it releases there) TWICE since Steam does not allow you to game share like Playstation so they will have gotten FOUR sales out of just me alone and I am 100% okay with that because I love the game that much and I want to support it. And then there are people like Bryank75...Nah it's not actually. You've got somebody pearlclutching who hasn't even played the game properly while people like myself and deadpool have platimum'd the game and want others to experience it. Fanboyism is the only reason a gamer would want to keep games off other platforms.
Hahaha good one.if the game isn't launching broken on PC, then no mod could enhance Bloodborne. it's a near perfect game
but I mean, fun reskin shit... that's cool I guess for the lulz
Can someone in this thread explain what a remaster is vs what a remake is?
Dont know if you are being sarcastic or not but a 'remake' would be literally remaking the game on a new engine, or new code. Possibly keeping the gameplay identical and just remaking the graphics, or also changing the gameplay itself, improving it, or adding to it.Can someone in this thread explain what a remaster is vs what a remake is?
Would cost more than Zenimax and you'd only get 1 game studio out of it. Bad idea.
Horizon sold 716000 copies in 1 month on PC. A game from From Software would do way bigger numbers than that as the Souls community is largely a PC community.
How exactly does one try to sell PC gamers a PS5? Showing them what they've missed out on for 6 years seems to me to be one of only ways.
There's no good reason to keep Bloodborne solely on PS consoles at this point. It's not going to move any more consoles than it already has. Put it on PC, maximise profits.
If Sony isn't profitable on hardware, does it make any difference if GAMERS support Sony, whether it's on a PlayStation or their own hardware? A sale is a sale, especially in a market that is larger than it's own PS playerbase? You can't just ignore a market that is larger than your own.If we read into the image....PlayStation leadership are upsetting their most valuable customers to sell one or two games on PC to people who DO NOT want to be PlayStation customers..... seems like a really really stupid strategy to me.
No it wasn't lolDark Souls 1 was exclusive on 360 for a year.
If we read into the image....PlayStation leadership are upsetting their most valuable customers to sell one or two games on PC to people who DO NOT want to be PlayStation customers..... seems like a really really stupid strategy to me. money? Think about it. Half of you are gonna buy this game again, knowing this why would Sony not try to grab some coin from the PC audience? Their competitor has been double dipping and it's looking tastyIf we read into the image....PlayStation leadership are upsetting their most valuable customers to sell one or two games on PC to people who DO NOT want to be PlayStation customers..... seems like a really really stupid strategy to me.
If Sony isn't profitable on hardware, does it make any difference if GAMERS support Sony, whether it's on a PlayStation or their own hardware? A sale is a sale, especially in a market that is larger than it's own PS playerbase? You can't just ignore a market that is larger than your own.
I love how you ignore all the post calling you out on your bullshit and continue to double down on your nonsense. That image is literally you with your 0.07% completion of a game that you apparently are so scared of losing that a company would like to sell more copies of, grow the fuck up.
Pot meet ketlle.You act like a cunt all the time? Were you born one or what?
Cause you are a real piece of shit.
Pot meet ketlle.
Pot meet ketlle.
Also if you honestly think that then you must not really look at my post history, I spend more time actually engaging with people in actual dialogue versus constantly bitching and whining about my favorite plastic box potentially losing a game I don't even play.
Oh no an adult who is emotionally invested in corporations making decisions he has absolutely no say in doesn't consider me important, whatever shall I do, anyways.I have no interest in your post history, youre a nobody to me and you mean nothing. Why would I waste more of my time on a complete dickhead.
Oh no an adult who is emotionally invested in corporations making decisions he has absolutely no say in doesn't consider me important, whatever shall I do, anyways.
Or just buy the remaster on PS5? guess you missed the post above lol. Some of us actually don't swear allegiance to a platform.I guess you'll keep waiting for that port. Just a wild guess.
Or just buy the remaster on PS5? guess you missed the post above lol. Some of us actually don't swear allegiance to a platform.
I can't wait to see you on Dr.Phil one day when you have to explain your gaf post history to your kid.Everything that is not PlayStation or Nintendo must die.
I think you are confusing Ns low effort Wii U ports, with PS ' high effort, and reasonably costly Remasters/Remakes.Y'all like to talk trash about Nintendo but sony has like 4 -5 recent "remasters" of games that are not even old lmao. I guess companies love easy money, shocked.
I can't wait to see you on Dr.Phil one day when you have to explain your gaf post history to your kid.
360 and ps3.No it wasn't lol
Mental gymnastics only works with fanboys buddyI think you are confusing Ns low effort Wii U ports, with PS ' high effort, and reasonably costly Remasters/Remakes.
I can't deal with you right now, I'm going to play Control...He made this up.....
Rule number 1: Don't buy Xbox
Rule number 2: If you see an Xbox, smash it.
I was so proud!
It is fathers day here today....
You must be really stupid..... you need the hardware to be sold to make the profit on everything else. One sale vs 10-12 sales average per hardware owner.... it makes a huge difference.
I mean, it's really cool and all you dunking on me for not playing a game back in 2015 when I was a very busy new father..... but don't get ahead of yourselves and think you actually have shit on me.
It is the lot of you that are pathetic.
You celebrated Zenimax games NOT going to PlayStation and out of the same mouths you try and say Sony is somehow anti-consumer for funding and keeping their own games on their own hardware....
That goes forDeaDPo0L84 too.
Everything that is not PlayStation or Nintendo must die.
I don't ... I mean ... are you ... are you going insane? Is that what this is?He made this up.....
Rule number 1: Don't buy Xbox
Rule number 2: If you see an Xbox, smash it.
I was so proud!
It is fathers day here today....
I can't deal with you right now, I'm going to play Control...