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Ok, how many have you bought something from the Epic Store.


I bought Alan Wake on a sale last year. I wasn’t impressed by the visuals and now there’s a remaster in incoming on PS5 so it was a complete waste.


Won't do it until they have better features for users. When they get there I'll be fine with giving their store a browse.


I've never understood the "PC storefront wars"....I'm not a PC gamer, but it seems unbelievably stupid.

What am I missing and why would you care?
Some people have gamed exclusively through Steam for the past 15 years and have developed a morbid attachment to it. As a consequence, since the Epic Store explicitly stated they want to compete with Steam for PC market share, they are at open war with it.

Some of these people will also tell you that that's the Epic Store launcher is a malware, that it steals your data and sells it to China, that it burns through your CPU, that it is actively eroding PC gaming culture and other hyperbolic nonsense. The truth is that the anti-Epic campaign started the exact moment Epic said they wanted to compete with Steam and began applying active competition against Valve, with the free games policy, the PC timed exclusives and offering better cuts of the profit to indie devs. That was a war declaration and from that moment on anything Epic did or said, be it good, bad, neutral or even fake, for those people automatically became evil incarnate.

It's exactly like console wars, but it's even more stupid because the thing doesn't even cost you money to begin with, you can have both for free and use one, the other or both at your leisure with zero restrictions, so why even have to get stuck on one and attempt to put down the other so aggressively.

My personal opinion on the Epic Store? It's a bit shit in terms of interface/profile management, the absense of user discussions and reviews makes it harder to investigate in advance what you are buying, and the lack of a cart is immensely stupid. Apart from that, it isn't any more or less serviceable than other launchers like GOG Galaxy, Ubisoft or Battlenet. I played a good dozen games they gave away and I was interested in anyway. Bought a couple DLCs for a game they had given for free. Never encountered any real issues.


Gold Member
I bought a fortnite founders pack back when it had nothing to do with battle royal and was a base building/defence zombie game.

That's it.


They do good promotions like getting 10 euros coupons after a purchase etc. So yeah i bought something from them.


Targeting terrorists with a D-Pad
Bought Trover Saves the Universe and Tony Hawk. Perhaps something else I can't remember.


Buying digital is simply stupid, if the seller doesn't give you the executable file.
So I'm just here for the free things, thank you very much.


You don't like being forced to do something as minor as clicking on a different app?
Assuming you are not a trolling asshole, you are making the mistake of equating the two stores as identical. They are not. One offers vastly more functionality and feature set than the other. So when Epic makes a game exclusive, they automatically lower the value of said game, because the customer is getting less for their money.

Then there is the more abstract concept of people simply preferring to own games in a single place, which also shouldn't be underestimated.

I did buy few games on EGS when they were super cheap, but the store and client sucks.


Nothing yet, I'd probably bend if FF7 was exclusive there but so far I'd rather wait as the experience in their front end is pretty poor.


The only game I'll ever want from there is THPS1+2, and I'm not installing that storefront for one game. Either Activision releases it on another storefront or I'm not buying it.


I've bought a few games using the £10 coupons. I have a lot of the free games offered. But I have no issue using it. I tend to go where the deals are.

I use Parsec to stream all my games to my laptop so Steam is not required in that respect and I use GOG Galaxy to view, organise and run all my games (MS Store, MS Gamepass, Steam, Origin, Uplay, Epic Store).
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When I want a game on PC, I check isthereanydeal and because I'm not idiot Steam homer, I buy it wherever it's cheaper. So, yeah, I've purchased games on EGS, Steam, GoG and a half dozen other storefronts.

Also, all the bullet points about how much better Steam apparantly is is just internet argument fodder. I've literally had the same experience on both platforms. I buy a game, I install a game, I click play and play a game. When I'm done I quit the game. Same fucking thing. I buy games for the games, not for trading cards or other dumb shit.

Steam zealots are worse than console fanboys.


Yeah a few stuff.
Between the regional pricing and occasional $10 off coupon they've had some insanely good prices.
Got Jedi Fallen Order like a month after release for $17, DQ11S at launch for $7, Control also for like $7 when it was still going for $40+ on consoles, and I think or two other things.

I do prefer Steam and GOG. But I don't mind buying stuff on Epic when it's like Half as much as everywhere else.
My main issue with Epic is how slow their launcher is for me. Steam and GOG just open the store or games instantly, Epic sometimes takes like 5 minutes to open for no apparent reason.
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Bought RDR 2 like... a while back with one of those $10 coupons. That I think is the only thing that I have spent money on over there. Though I do use the free games here and there. Recently beat Remnant from the Ashes thanks to Epic.


I bought Predator Hunting Grounds when it dropped, as well with Chivalry 2. I eventually bought World War Z for a real low price just to see how it was because people started talking about it.

Other than that it's nothing but free games. EGS is incredibly barebone, and it's ridiculous considering how much man power they have to create something better. It can't even do the most basic things that Steam does and has done for over a decade.


I've only gotten free games so far, but I would have no qualms about buying games on their store if I wanted. And why should I? You guys are vocally boycotting it because it doesn't have a shopping cart? Because you might have to use a different launcher? Cry me a river, buncha prima donnas.


Gold Member
I bought Snowrunner and MechWarrior 5 with some coupons I had a while back. Even with that and all the free games I collected, I would forget that I had the app installed on my PC. Eventually I just uninstalled it and stick with Steam, GOG and Bnet.


Neo Member
I bought Superliminal from it with one of the coupons during a sale once, otherwise have mostly just been collecting the free games. I think Superliminal is the only game I've actually played using EGS though.
It feels like I own half the store at this point, but I never actually paid for anything.

I think the only games I actually installed and played were Sonic Mania and Enter the Gungeon.


So....you're upset that you had to click a different storefront to get games than the one you use mostly?....

Uhhh, I don't get it
Me either, and I game on PC.

I have to click a different icon to access a game... boo? I guess?

Doesn't bother me, it's still a click away regardless.


Gold Member
i bought Fortnite Save The World and the tony hawks remasters on Epic. I think that’s it the rest are f2p or we’re given away for free. That said im More than happy to buy from epic instead of steam. Steam is obviously the best store out there but I’m not loyal to Steam. If Epic is offering a better deal or if Steam isn’t giving me a reason to buy it from them then I’ll get it on Epic.

I really dont buy into all this rage. I’m happy epic are giving steam competition. I’ll buy games anywhere if it makes sense to me.
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I don’t always game on PC, but when I do I play old games from GOG.


I bought a lot of Ubisoft games via Epic with the 10 dollar coupons. FarCry 5 complete, ghost recon breakpoint point complete, etc.

Why sin only once when you can sin twice per sale.


It's great that PC gamers have a choice in storefronts.

If Tim Sweeney and Epic had spent their Fortnite money improving their client instead of (temporarily) taking away that choice, I might have actually supported their efforts.


I haven't bought directly from the Epic Store, a couple of keys i had to redeem on there bought from elsewhere and yeah i get the free games aswell.


I really don't get the tribalism in gaming I really don't. Every billion dollar company is a piece of shit, they don't care about you! I go where the best deal is. End of. I bring this up Everytime in these type of threads but I remember when in the early 00's people absolutely hated steam. Probably more hate than epic gets. After all steam is just a form of drm and a walled garden like every other launcher. People be people I guess.


Not a thing, switched my Shenmue 3 preorder to PS4 when they did that bullshit.Wanted THPS 1+2, but I refuse to support them. Their form of competition doesn't benefit me , the studios get money, and I have to deal with an inferior store front.


I've only bought "Control", and only because they had it with a VERY deep discount (I remember paying around US$10 for that game mere months after it was released). The rest of my EPIC store library is comprised of all the games they've been giving away for free. Hahahahaha

If a game is free, why not enjoy it? ;)
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Bought HZD, Days Gone, control, and a bunch of free games I guess.

Edit: RDR2 and borderlands 3
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I really don't get the tribalism in gaming I really don't. Every billion dollar company is a piece of shit, they don't care about you! I go where the best deal is. End of. I bring this up Everytime in these type of threads but I remember when in the early 00's people absolutely hated steam. Probably more hate than epic gets. After all steam is just a form of drm and a walled garden like every other launcher. People be people I guess.
Tribalism is a very odd way to word it. Most people just prefer Steam. It's where their games are, it's still the most feature rich platform, they have haven't done anything overly insulting to their customer base. I find the plastic box "tribalism" to be much more disturbing personally. Fans of a particular PC game store front seem mild to me compared to console warriors.
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