Redundant thread, I know. I don't care
What's your top 20 games? Don't think too much about it. No honorable mentions. Nobody is gonna call the video game forum police if you forget about Killer 7 or something.
Just list the first twenty that come to mind. It's okay to leave something out.
Oh also just a brief sentence or two, or even a paragraph about each game would be aces.
Here's mine:
1. Chrono Trigger
There's not much which can be said about Chrono Trigger which hasn't already. It's still the king imho, and I don't think it's the nostalgia talking. My cousin tells me he taught me to read while we played Chrono Trigger "together" when I was a kid. Might even be the first game I ever beat, probably with his help. Characters are all super memorable, the main storyline refuses to drag and the battle system is just simple and complex enough. Chrono Trigger also easily features my favorite OST in gaming to this day. There's just like a perfect balance here. I wouldn't mind Secret of the Forest being played at my funeral one day.
2. Tekken 7
Even with my small nitpicks - Tekken 7 is the best Tekken, hands down. It's rare when a game can override my near impregnable sense of nostalgia for prior entries - but Tekken 7 is the one. Game is insanely well balanced despite having a roster which is nearly as large as the first Tekken Tag Tournament. The mechanics are slick, and the game plays very fast. One wrong move and your opponent is gonna eat out your butthole straight up. I will admit, I'm not a fan of gaudy-ass out of place DLC characters like Noctis and Negan... but I hope newcomers like Lucky Chloe and Lidia are around for a long time moving forward. They're super fun to fight against (I'm an Asuka/Paul player). Tekken just rules, man, and this is the best one. Easily. I'm assuming they're gonna reboot the series after this. Just call it "Tekken" and call it a day. Tekken 7's story mode's plotline is convoluted as heck, and being forced to play as characters I don't like is a total no-go for me. I love that they continue to support the game years after initial release.
Knights of the Old Republic is the game which made me fall in love with the original Xbox. Between this, Deus Ex: Invisible War, and Morrowind - I had just never seen games like this before. My dialog options affecting the plotline directly, and Kotor had the extra benefit of being able to run around and wreak havoc in the Star Wars universe. For some reason, this still feels more engrossing than say - Jedi Fallen Order. The writing is stupidly funny at times, and I just always have such a blast playing this. Idk man. Never even bothered with Kotor 2 for whatever reason. I just love this game lol. I'm actually playing Mass Effect right now, and sorta wish it was this game instead, ha.
4. FF6
Final Fantasy 6 is my first Final Fantasy... and also the best. I really don't get all the hype around FF7 to be honest... even as a kid I liked 8 and 9 more, as far as the PS1 games go. Once again, a super memorable cast. Larger than what you got in Chrono Trigger, and dare I say that this game was more... atmospheric? It was certainly moodier. So many aspects of this game just cemented my love of the franchise for years to come. The skill system was so tight, dude, and I think Kefka may be my favorite video game villain ever. The opera scene and the ghost train, Terra, Locke, Edgar, and Gau... everyone was so unique and so fun to play as. Just visually stunning and so thematic for what the SNES had to offer. I kinda wanna play it now just writing this.
5. Earthbound
I grew up on these Super Nintendo RPGs. They shaped me, man. My cousin had them all, it seemed. None had quite the amount of personality and charm as Earthbound. It's just so damn weird, funny, and trippy. Oddly, I wouldn't say the cast was super memorable, but as a kid, it was sooo cool being able to roam around a modern setting like you could in this game. Earthbound was probably the second game I ever actually completed to finish. If there were a game which shaped my personality as a I got older - it'd probably be Earthbound. Something about it still bleeds cool to this day.
6. NHL Hitz 2003
Hockey is my favorite sport and the NHL HItz franchise is my favorite representation of it in video game form. The hockey equivalent of Blitz, the series played fast and loose with the rules and kept the fighting and checking as a key component to every period. They're all fantastic - but Hitz 2003 is the peak of the series, easily. Hitz Pro may have had Lidstrom on the cover, but it was missing all the sick Nu-Metal bops, the fun customization options... and frankly, 5 on 5 just didn't feel as exciting as 3 on 3 did for whatever reason. I still fire this up more than I do the modern NHL games. Top tier sports game here.
7. Simpsons Road Rage
It's Crazy Taxi... but way better. I'm not even a huge Simpsons fan or anything, but I have tons of fun playing this with friends still. People always praise Hit & Run which was the GTA clone... but this is my jam right here. I could go all night playing this with people tbh, even flying solo and unlocking things over again can be fun. It's pure chaos, man. I dont think this formula gets old. I always play as Moe or Abe. I don't even have much to say here, but this game is always a blast for whatever reason. Even the repetitive lines like "I have no insurance!" "I'm afraid of the future!" still crack me up. Maybe I'm braindead lol
8. FF9
As a kid, Final Fantasy 8 was my favorite of the PS1 games in the series. I'm old enough now to see the error of my ways. 9 is the clear winner here. Played through it recently when my mom was terminally ill at my house here, and this little game was just enough to keep me sane and pushing onward. Between this and a re-watch of Buffy... I was grasping at straws for my sanity. It's because of this, I'm going to place this above FInal Fantasy X on my list here. It's hard to sorta talk about this game without getting choked up, because I reflect so much on that time period I was playing it last. I'm just gonna assume you all already know how fantastic this is. Awesome characters and storyline. Just lots of fun with twists and turns abound. Very pretty for a PS1 game too.
9. FFX
Final Fantasy X is the game which made me want a PS2. Sorta the end of an era for the franchise I came to adore growing up too. The storyline actually got me emotionally a bit here which is rare for a game to be able to do, and I'm impressed still by just how modern this game still feels per the HD remaster or whatever.. Levelling up via the grid system was fun for a change, and made me feel more involved and aware of how I was developing my party. The soundtrack is bitching, and the characters are strongly developed too. I low-key have Tidus and Luna action figures shamefully hidden in a drawer in my home, a rare guilty pleasure. Final Fantasy X may be the last Final Fantasy to really feel like a Final Fantasy, and was a perfect swan song imho.
10. Super Mario RPG
It feels silly to admit that Super Mario RPG is my favorite Mario game. It's not a platformer, nor is it even developed by Nintendo. I was a huge Nintendo fanboy growing up, with my first game ever being Super Mario Bros 3. This was different though. Mario and friends looked like claymation, and they actually all seemed to have full-fledged personalities. I got to explore the world where Mario lived! Also that damn Space Invaders clone mini game in here would just waste full blown evenings after school for me after my homework was done. Lots of little jokes and stuff in here too. I need to replay this one day. I feel like it may even deserve to be higher up on my list. I don't know. These SNES RPGs were the peak of gaming imho, it was so weird to me how they'd fit these huge worlds on a cartridge like that.
11. Tekken 5
I'm going against popular opinion here, but Tekken 5 is better than Tekken 3. I'm an Asuka main, and this is her debut - so I may have a slight bias. The game is faster, the roster is larger, the stages are cooler, and you can even play the arcade version of Tekken 3 on here if you want. Some of the best graphics on the PS2, hands down, and this all feels surprisingly modern. I've clocked hours in the practice mode alone. Such a better story mode than Tekken 7 too fwiw.
12. Tekken 3
A lot of people cite Tekken 3 as the best Tekken game, and while I don't necessarily agree - I also wouldn't want to argue against this either. I get it, y'know, I get it. It's fantastic. It's the debut of Jin, there's Tekken Force, and then you got Gon. There's also King wearing what is my favorite fighting game character design of all time:
You just can't beat that man. The soundtrack is a banger, and Tekken 3 is the core of what every other game in the franchise after it built off of. It's when Tekken grew up, and I truthfully don't have too much affinity for the first two entries in the franchise beyond the base elements. Tekken 3 still feels fantastic, and I do boot it up every so often to give it a go, often attempting moves which with Paul which weren't implemented until later games.
13. Golden Sun
I've said it before, and I'll say it again - Super Nintendo RPGs are my favorite kind of games. 16 bit JRPGs with turn based combat. I don't know what it is. Golden Sun gave me that on the go, even moreso than Pokemon Red had a generation prior. Golden Sun was the real deal. Beautiful sprite work, awesome music, and the Djinn system was so neat, man. I still need to play the other two games in the franchise, but I always come back to this one, take a break, and forget to grab my dumb code at the end to carry my save info over. I've often rocked an Isaac avatar online. I've never rocked a Crono, Frog, or Magus avatar. Idk why that is.
14. Dark Cloud 2
I first fumbled onto the Dark Cloud franchise when I read that it was supposed to be a Zelda killer. Dark Cloud 1 was not that. It was a sweet dungeon crawler with town building elements - which is totally dope in its own right. Dark Cloud 2 though was so much more colorful and expansive in every way. The cel-shaded art is arguably my favorite visual stylings on the PS2, and the endless dungeon crawling, crafting, fishing, photo taking with a much tighter story structure than Dark Cloud 1 ever had cemented this as one of my all time favorite PS2 titles ever. Dark Cloud 2 is just so cool man. I don't know if it's a "Zelda killer" - they're different games - but I'd be lying if I said I didn't prefer this game to anything in the Zelda franchise.
15. Devil May Cry
I love just how unapologetic Devil May Cry is. It oozes early 2000's energy like few other games. The combat is top tier, despite the camera fighting against itself every so often and the game feels so moody throughout the campaign , with sparks of that nu metal, Underworld/Matrix energy that only Devil May Cry seems to get. This and Monster Hunter are probably my favorite Capcom franchises, and I'm going to take this one overall. I'm not even super good or anything, far from it, but I've never played anywhere near as big of a smile on my face as I have Devil May Cry. Short campaign too. I always appreciate that. This game vibes.
16. Ape Escape 2
For my money, Ape Escape is the greatest 3D platforming franchise of all time. Eat my nuts, Miyamoto. No game in the trilogy (I ignore the spinoffs) did it better than Ape Escape 2. Ape Escape 1 and 3 are great games themselves but there's just something so much more charming about the second game in the franchise. I think it's the writing, because there's lots of little hidden nuggets as you scan the apes and get extra info on them. I love the tools, the controls, and the level design. I honestly haven't had much more blissful fun gaming than I have had with Ape Escape 2. This one rules.
17. Chocobo's Dungeon 2
I used to be a major pothead in my late teens up until my early twenties. Won't touch the stuff now, or any drug really, but no video game was more fun for me to smoke a few bowls too, eating crap food, and suckling a 2 liter of Diet Pepsi than Chocobo's Dungeon 2. Yes, it's repetitive. Yes, it's an isometric dungeon crawler. Yes, I'm sure there are better ones that I'm not aware of - but screw you, this is what I played. I would just zone out for hours playing this game. I'd be lying if this one didn't make the list. Also yes, apart from Final Fantasy 9 - I'd say this is the best Final Fantasy on PS1. Lick my pecker, nerds.
18. Deus Ex Human Revolution
I once went mountain biking with a friend. The kind with the crazy dirt trails and wild jumps and stuff. I took a jump the wrong way, flipped over the handlebars and totally botched up my right wrist. It still kinda freezes up on me every so often to this day. I didnt have insurance, or a proper job at the time, and had just gotten out of a real bad fling with a super hottie. I was a pothead, and I was injured, and hella-depressed. I just zoned out and booted this game up and was fully absorbed. This was my first foray into the franchise after loving Invisible War as much as I did on original Xbox and it didn't disappoint in any way. Was so much better. This game carried me through a real rough patch, and I'm grateful for it. I'd spend hours on end forcing my way through this. Heck, I even loved the Wii U version when it came out. The gamepad stuff was neat! Bosses were a bitch lol. Shame how this franchise was handled, ultimately.
19. Vexx
Vexx is superior to Super Mario 64, and I'm standing by that. There's no way Vexx could exist without Super Mario 64, even paying direct nods, but it absolutely took the ball and ran with it. Far superior combat, controls, and camera; way better graphics, and the cryptic riddles in collecting all of the wraith hearts were legit mind benders at times. This is the tier of gaming which Super Mario Sunshine should have been. It's a dark and brooding 3D platformer, which some may not like - but it's so legitimately underrated that it's comical. Such a shame this never got a sequel or any appropriate acclaim. Hidden gem, hands down.
20. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Anyone who knows me, knows that I'm clearly biased, but Buffy the Vampire Slayer is my favorite original Xbox exclusive game. This, and its multiplatformed sequel, Chaos Bleeds, are so much better than most licensed games have any right to be. Sorta like that X-Files Resident Evil Clone on PS2. Either way, this game is a strong 8/10 with the Buffyness of it all forcing it into my top 20 overall. Combat is fun, and rarely boring, despite it not being as diverse as other action titles may be. Dusting vamps is ALWAYS so satisfying - I don't know why. Boss fights are a blast, and conferencing with the Scooby gang between levels really does make me feel like I'm in the show staight up. For someone who loves an old WB teen show a little too much, this game is a treasure, and I can't leave it off my list. A genuinely strong entry.
What's your top 20 games? Don't think too much about it. No honorable mentions. Nobody is gonna call the video game forum police if you forget about Killer 7 or something.
Just list the first twenty that come to mind. It's okay to leave something out.
Oh also just a brief sentence or two, or even a paragraph about each game would be aces.
Here's mine:
1. Chrono Trigger

There's not much which can be said about Chrono Trigger which hasn't already. It's still the king imho, and I don't think it's the nostalgia talking. My cousin tells me he taught me to read while we played Chrono Trigger "together" when I was a kid. Might even be the first game I ever beat, probably with his help. Characters are all super memorable, the main storyline refuses to drag and the battle system is just simple and complex enough. Chrono Trigger also easily features my favorite OST in gaming to this day. There's just like a perfect balance here. I wouldn't mind Secret of the Forest being played at my funeral one day.
2. Tekken 7
Even with my small nitpicks - Tekken 7 is the best Tekken, hands down. It's rare when a game can override my near impregnable sense of nostalgia for prior entries - but Tekken 7 is the one. Game is insanely well balanced despite having a roster which is nearly as large as the first Tekken Tag Tournament. The mechanics are slick, and the game plays very fast. One wrong move and your opponent is gonna eat out your butthole straight up. I will admit, I'm not a fan of gaudy-ass out of place DLC characters like Noctis and Negan... but I hope newcomers like Lucky Chloe and Lidia are around for a long time moving forward. They're super fun to fight against (I'm an Asuka/Paul player). Tekken just rules, man, and this is the best one. Easily. I'm assuming they're gonna reboot the series after this. Just call it "Tekken" and call it a day. Tekken 7's story mode's plotline is convoluted as heck, and being forced to play as characters I don't like is a total no-go for me. I love that they continue to support the game years after initial release.

Knights of the Old Republic is the game which made me fall in love with the original Xbox. Between this, Deus Ex: Invisible War, and Morrowind - I had just never seen games like this before. My dialog options affecting the plotline directly, and Kotor had the extra benefit of being able to run around and wreak havoc in the Star Wars universe. For some reason, this still feels more engrossing than say - Jedi Fallen Order. The writing is stupidly funny at times, and I just always have such a blast playing this. Idk man. Never even bothered with Kotor 2 for whatever reason. I just love this game lol. I'm actually playing Mass Effect right now, and sorta wish it was this game instead, ha.
4. FF6

Final Fantasy 6 is my first Final Fantasy... and also the best. I really don't get all the hype around FF7 to be honest... even as a kid I liked 8 and 9 more, as far as the PS1 games go. Once again, a super memorable cast. Larger than what you got in Chrono Trigger, and dare I say that this game was more... atmospheric? It was certainly moodier. So many aspects of this game just cemented my love of the franchise for years to come. The skill system was so tight, dude, and I think Kefka may be my favorite video game villain ever. The opera scene and the ghost train, Terra, Locke, Edgar, and Gau... everyone was so unique and so fun to play as. Just visually stunning and so thematic for what the SNES had to offer. I kinda wanna play it now just writing this.
5. Earthbound

I grew up on these Super Nintendo RPGs. They shaped me, man. My cousin had them all, it seemed. None had quite the amount of personality and charm as Earthbound. It's just so damn weird, funny, and trippy. Oddly, I wouldn't say the cast was super memorable, but as a kid, it was sooo cool being able to roam around a modern setting like you could in this game. Earthbound was probably the second game I ever actually completed to finish. If there were a game which shaped my personality as a I got older - it'd probably be Earthbound. Something about it still bleeds cool to this day.
6. NHL Hitz 2003

Hockey is my favorite sport and the NHL HItz franchise is my favorite representation of it in video game form. The hockey equivalent of Blitz, the series played fast and loose with the rules and kept the fighting and checking as a key component to every period. They're all fantastic - but Hitz 2003 is the peak of the series, easily. Hitz Pro may have had Lidstrom on the cover, but it was missing all the sick Nu-Metal bops, the fun customization options... and frankly, 5 on 5 just didn't feel as exciting as 3 on 3 did for whatever reason. I still fire this up more than I do the modern NHL games. Top tier sports game here.
7. Simpsons Road Rage

It's Crazy Taxi... but way better. I'm not even a huge Simpsons fan or anything, but I have tons of fun playing this with friends still. People always praise Hit & Run which was the GTA clone... but this is my jam right here. I could go all night playing this with people tbh, even flying solo and unlocking things over again can be fun. It's pure chaos, man. I dont think this formula gets old. I always play as Moe or Abe. I don't even have much to say here, but this game is always a blast for whatever reason. Even the repetitive lines like "I have no insurance!" "I'm afraid of the future!" still crack me up. Maybe I'm braindead lol
8. FF9

As a kid, Final Fantasy 8 was my favorite of the PS1 games in the series. I'm old enough now to see the error of my ways. 9 is the clear winner here. Played through it recently when my mom was terminally ill at my house here, and this little game was just enough to keep me sane and pushing onward. Between this and a re-watch of Buffy... I was grasping at straws for my sanity. It's because of this, I'm going to place this above FInal Fantasy X on my list here. It's hard to sorta talk about this game without getting choked up, because I reflect so much on that time period I was playing it last. I'm just gonna assume you all already know how fantastic this is. Awesome characters and storyline. Just lots of fun with twists and turns abound. Very pretty for a PS1 game too.
9. FFX

Final Fantasy X is the game which made me want a PS2. Sorta the end of an era for the franchise I came to adore growing up too. The storyline actually got me emotionally a bit here which is rare for a game to be able to do, and I'm impressed still by just how modern this game still feels per the HD remaster or whatever.. Levelling up via the grid system was fun for a change, and made me feel more involved and aware of how I was developing my party. The soundtrack is bitching, and the characters are strongly developed too. I low-key have Tidus and Luna action figures shamefully hidden in a drawer in my home, a rare guilty pleasure. Final Fantasy X may be the last Final Fantasy to really feel like a Final Fantasy, and was a perfect swan song imho.
10. Super Mario RPG

It feels silly to admit that Super Mario RPG is my favorite Mario game. It's not a platformer, nor is it even developed by Nintendo. I was a huge Nintendo fanboy growing up, with my first game ever being Super Mario Bros 3. This was different though. Mario and friends looked like claymation, and they actually all seemed to have full-fledged personalities. I got to explore the world where Mario lived! Also that damn Space Invaders clone mini game in here would just waste full blown evenings after school for me after my homework was done. Lots of little jokes and stuff in here too. I need to replay this one day. I feel like it may even deserve to be higher up on my list. I don't know. These SNES RPGs were the peak of gaming imho, it was so weird to me how they'd fit these huge worlds on a cartridge like that.
11. Tekken 5

I'm going against popular opinion here, but Tekken 5 is better than Tekken 3. I'm an Asuka main, and this is her debut - so I may have a slight bias. The game is faster, the roster is larger, the stages are cooler, and you can even play the arcade version of Tekken 3 on here if you want. Some of the best graphics on the PS2, hands down, and this all feels surprisingly modern. I've clocked hours in the practice mode alone. Such a better story mode than Tekken 7 too fwiw.
12. Tekken 3

A lot of people cite Tekken 3 as the best Tekken game, and while I don't necessarily agree - I also wouldn't want to argue against this either. I get it, y'know, I get it. It's fantastic. It's the debut of Jin, there's Tekken Force, and then you got Gon. There's also King wearing what is my favorite fighting game character design of all time:

You just can't beat that man. The soundtrack is a banger, and Tekken 3 is the core of what every other game in the franchise after it built off of. It's when Tekken grew up, and I truthfully don't have too much affinity for the first two entries in the franchise beyond the base elements. Tekken 3 still feels fantastic, and I do boot it up every so often to give it a go, often attempting moves which with Paul which weren't implemented until later games.
13. Golden Sun

I've said it before, and I'll say it again - Super Nintendo RPGs are my favorite kind of games. 16 bit JRPGs with turn based combat. I don't know what it is. Golden Sun gave me that on the go, even moreso than Pokemon Red had a generation prior. Golden Sun was the real deal. Beautiful sprite work, awesome music, and the Djinn system was so neat, man. I still need to play the other two games in the franchise, but I always come back to this one, take a break, and forget to grab my dumb code at the end to carry my save info over. I've often rocked an Isaac avatar online. I've never rocked a Crono, Frog, or Magus avatar. Idk why that is.

14. Dark Cloud 2

I first fumbled onto the Dark Cloud franchise when I read that it was supposed to be a Zelda killer. Dark Cloud 1 was not that. It was a sweet dungeon crawler with town building elements - which is totally dope in its own right. Dark Cloud 2 though was so much more colorful and expansive in every way. The cel-shaded art is arguably my favorite visual stylings on the PS2, and the endless dungeon crawling, crafting, fishing, photo taking with a much tighter story structure than Dark Cloud 1 ever had cemented this as one of my all time favorite PS2 titles ever. Dark Cloud 2 is just so cool man. I don't know if it's a "Zelda killer" - they're different games - but I'd be lying if I said I didn't prefer this game to anything in the Zelda franchise.
15. Devil May Cry

I love just how unapologetic Devil May Cry is. It oozes early 2000's energy like few other games. The combat is top tier, despite the camera fighting against itself every so often and the game feels so moody throughout the campaign , with sparks of that nu metal, Underworld/Matrix energy that only Devil May Cry seems to get. This and Monster Hunter are probably my favorite Capcom franchises, and I'm going to take this one overall. I'm not even super good or anything, far from it, but I've never played anywhere near as big of a smile on my face as I have Devil May Cry. Short campaign too. I always appreciate that. This game vibes.
16. Ape Escape 2

For my money, Ape Escape is the greatest 3D platforming franchise of all time. Eat my nuts, Miyamoto. No game in the trilogy (I ignore the spinoffs) did it better than Ape Escape 2. Ape Escape 1 and 3 are great games themselves but there's just something so much more charming about the second game in the franchise. I think it's the writing, because there's lots of little hidden nuggets as you scan the apes and get extra info on them. I love the tools, the controls, and the level design. I honestly haven't had much more blissful fun gaming than I have had with Ape Escape 2. This one rules.
17. Chocobo's Dungeon 2

I used to be a major pothead in my late teens up until my early twenties. Won't touch the stuff now, or any drug really, but no video game was more fun for me to smoke a few bowls too, eating crap food, and suckling a 2 liter of Diet Pepsi than Chocobo's Dungeon 2. Yes, it's repetitive. Yes, it's an isometric dungeon crawler. Yes, I'm sure there are better ones that I'm not aware of - but screw you, this is what I played. I would just zone out for hours playing this game. I'd be lying if this one didn't make the list. Also yes, apart from Final Fantasy 9 - I'd say this is the best Final Fantasy on PS1. Lick my pecker, nerds.
18. Deus Ex Human Revolution

I once went mountain biking with a friend. The kind with the crazy dirt trails and wild jumps and stuff. I took a jump the wrong way, flipped over the handlebars and totally botched up my right wrist. It still kinda freezes up on me every so often to this day. I didnt have insurance, or a proper job at the time, and had just gotten out of a real bad fling with a super hottie. I was a pothead, and I was injured, and hella-depressed. I just zoned out and booted this game up and was fully absorbed. This was my first foray into the franchise after loving Invisible War as much as I did on original Xbox and it didn't disappoint in any way. Was so much better. This game carried me through a real rough patch, and I'm grateful for it. I'd spend hours on end forcing my way through this. Heck, I even loved the Wii U version when it came out. The gamepad stuff was neat! Bosses were a bitch lol. Shame how this franchise was handled, ultimately.
19. Vexx

Vexx is superior to Super Mario 64, and I'm standing by that. There's no way Vexx could exist without Super Mario 64, even paying direct nods, but it absolutely took the ball and ran with it. Far superior combat, controls, and camera; way better graphics, and the cryptic riddles in collecting all of the wraith hearts were legit mind benders at times. This is the tier of gaming which Super Mario Sunshine should have been. It's a dark and brooding 3D platformer, which some may not like - but it's so legitimately underrated that it's comical. Such a shame this never got a sequel or any appropriate acclaim. Hidden gem, hands down.
20. Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Anyone who knows me, knows that I'm clearly biased, but Buffy the Vampire Slayer is my favorite original Xbox exclusive game. This, and its multiplatformed sequel, Chaos Bleeds, are so much better than most licensed games have any right to be. Sorta like that X-Files Resident Evil Clone on PS2. Either way, this game is a strong 8/10 with the Buffyness of it all forcing it into my top 20 overall. Combat is fun, and rarely boring, despite it not being as diverse as other action titles may be. Dusting vamps is ALWAYS so satisfying - I don't know why. Boss fights are a blast, and conferencing with the Scooby gang between levels really does make me feel like I'm in the show staight up. For someone who loves an old WB teen show a little too much, this game is a treasure, and I can't leave it off my list. A genuinely strong entry.