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Is the Halo community extremely whiny or am I missing something with infinite?

So I was never a huge halo fan but with infinite it just seemed to click. Me and a few of my friends play alot and often for roughly 3 hours a day since launch....after falling in love with the game I decide to join r/halo which to my shock it is non....stop...whining. Like I've seen communities dislike a game, but to the extent I see on the halo reddit was shocking. Halo infinite seems to be a super solid game that needs some improvement but I then had to double check if I was bugging for loving it. Is the halo community this whiny or is it just a weird circumstance? I was a big in the Modern Warfare 2019 community and even they werent as whiny about cold war as halo fans seem to be about the best FPS multiplayer game out there. So if any long time halo fan can catch me up...what going on?
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Super, super whiny. 343i can't win with them. Change something and they whine. Don't change something and they whine.

Just stay away from gaming reddit subs in general. I love games but I am not on a single one of them because they're just cesspools. It's like this place and reeeee but turned up to 11.
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Naked Lunch

Infinite is easily the best Halo mp 343i has ever made.
Its fun, plays great, looks great. Fairly well balanced for launch as well.
As a hardcore Halo head there are issues I have with it but I appreciate the game for what it is - its the best Halo mp since 2007's H3 in my opinion.

Its getting way too much flak in many of the wrong areas in my opinion:
-progression to ultimately play Barbie dress up
-content quantity which is a temporary issue as maps/modes will be added
-playlist choices which also will be added

Challenge system needs reworked to stop all the ridiculous quitting and gameplay issues - but theyve already said they are working on changing it.
But yeah, the some of the hardline Halo crowd are some crazy fucks.
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So I was never a huge halo fan but with infinite it just seemed to click.me and a few of my friends play alot and often for rought 3 hours a day since launch....after becoming in love with the game I decide to join r/halo which to my shock it is non....stop...whining. Like I've seen communities dislike a game, but to the extent I see on the halo reddit was shocking. Halo infinite seems to be a super solid game that needs some improvement but I then had to double check if I was bugging for loving it. Is the halo community this whiny or is it just a weird circumstance? I was a big in the Modern Warfare 2019 community and even they werent as whiny about cold war as halo fans seem to be about the best FPS multiplayer game out there. So if any long time halo fan can catch me up...what going on?
The reason infinite clicked for you and no other halo is the reason why we (old fans) cry about it.
Halo Infinite is great fun, but you have to understand the amount of bullshit 343 has put the Halo community through over the years. Halo Infinite is the most featureless Halo to date and that does burn considering Bungie has done better in the past. Infinite is a great foundation to build on, but that house is still a skeleton far from completion.
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let's only look at objective facts, and that should be enough to tell you why people are trashing 343i:

Halo Reach launched with more than 10 playlists and dozens of modes, one of which was a completely new one called Invasion, Firefight returned from ODST and was fleshed out like crazy

Halo Reach launched with hundreds of armor customization pieces, all of which could be unlocked by simply playing the game

Halo Reach launched WITH COOP and with a functioning Forge mode

Halo Reach launched with more maps

Halo Reach launched with a fully fledged custom game editor

Halo Reach launched with a detailed career stats tracker that had all your statistics available to see

now lets look at Infinite:

3 playlists with 8 game modes total

no coop at launch (need to wait 6 months)

no forge at launch (need to wait 9 months)

less maps than any Halo launch

customization extremely limited by design and highly monetized while still selling the campaign for 60€

custom game editor is EXTREMELY limited (we are talking worse than Halo 2) and broken

no career stats tracker or anything of the sort

all the people defending Infinite only have 3 arguments:
1: "bUT it'S FReE!!!"
2: "tHEy WiLL eVeNTUALly patCH it!!!"
3: "BuT THe gAMepLAY is GOOd!!!"

and the answers are simple:
1: no it is not! it is 60€/$ with a cut out and bastardised + unfinished MP
2: great! let's develop for 6 years, then delay for 12 months and still release an unfinished product!
3: the gameplay OF EVERY HALO IS GOOD... that is not an excuse for anything they are doing...
and which Halo has the best gameplay is a purely subjective thing. Some say Halo 3 is still king,
some love Reach, some even like the shitty Call of Halo 4 ways... and others liked the Power Rangers in Space Halo 5 gameplay
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The gears community is pretty pathetic too & that game has the most generous unlock system ever. (Especially after the store update a couple years back)

Back on topic, halo infinite gameplay is incredible (the thing that actually matters)

I have faith, they will address issues like playlists/progression or mtx prices, as the battle pass progression is very easy to progress now, especially if you use your double exp boost during weekly resets etc.

Don't get me wrong, I have seen some valid complaints/criticism for the game, but the main issue is, is how how people react in an awful toxic/embarrassing manner or harrass devs or spam twitter/Reddit or other social pages with hate/abuse.

343 has nailed the most important thing, the gameplay and have an excellent foundation, I'm looking forward to seeing infinite grow myself :)
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let's only look at objective facts, and that should be enough to tell you why people are trashing 343i:

Halo Reach launched with more than 10 playlists and dozens of modes, one of which was a completely new one called Invasion, Firefight returned from ODST and was fleshed out like crazy

Halo Reach launched with hundreds of armor customization pieces, all of which could be unlocked by simply playing the game

Halo Reach launched WITH COOP and with a functioning Forge mode

Halo Reach launched with more maps

Halo Reach launched with a fully fledged custom game editor

Halo Reach launched with a detailed career stats tracker that had all your statistics available to see

now lets look at Infinite:

3 playlists with 8 game modes total

no coop at launch (need to wait 6 months)

no forge at launch (need to wait 9 months)

less maps than any Halo launch

customization extremely limited by design and highly monetized while still selling the campaign for 60€

custom game editor is EXTREMELY limited (we are talking worse than Halo 2) and broken

no career stats tracker or anything of the sort

all the people defending Infinite only have 3 arguments:
1: "bUT it'S FReE!!!"
2: "tHEy WiLL eVeNTUALly patCH it!!!"
3: "BuT THe gAMepLAY is GOOd!!!"

and the answers are simple:
1: no it is not! it is 60€/$ with a cut out and bastardised + unfinished MP
2: great! let's develop for 6 years, then delay for 12 months and still release an unfinished product!
3: the gameplay OF EVERY HALO IS GOOD... that is not an excuse for anything they are doing...
and which Halo has the best gameplay is a purely subjective thing. Some say Halo 3 is still king,
some love Reach, some even like the shitty Call of Halo 4 ways... and others liked the Power Rangers in Space Halo 5 gameplay
One and done.


The gears community is pretty pathetic too & that game has the most generous unlock system ever. (Especially after the store update a couple years back)

Back on topic, halo infinite gameplay is incredible (the thing that actually matters)

I have faith, they will address issues like playlists/progression or mtx prices, as the battle pass progression is very easy to progress now, especially if you use your double exp boost during weekly resets etc.

Don't get me wrong, I have seen some valid complaints/criticism for the game, but the main issue is, is how how people react in an awful toxic/embarrassing manner or harrass devs or spam twitter/Reddit or other social pages with hate/abuse.

343 has nailed the most important thing, the gameplay and have an excellent foundation, I'm looking forward to seeing infinite grow myself :)

that right here is the issue, we are just accepting mediocrity... this launch is a disaster, but people like this right here are just like "yeah, whatever... they will patch it"
no... just stop. this launch is a joke compared to any Halo game ever. and every Halo game has good gameplay, that is not something special.

people not bending over and getting fucked by the AAA publishers is now pathetic to people like you... and hence we have the modern AAA landscape of unfinished games and "they will patch it later" mentality that lead to shitshows like Cyberpunk, GTA Trilogy and Battlefield 2042... and "but you don't have to buy the MTX stuff" that lead to shit like Battlefront 2

let's just ignore that every Halo since 3 had better features at launch, let's ignore objective facts! nah! all pathetic whiners! those pathetic whiners that want finished products that reach at least the level of polish and feature richness of their predecessors! NAH FUCK EM ALL!
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Gold Member
it feels like infinite matched all expectations gameplay wise...but people are making it seem like the core game is affected because cosmetics are expensive.

Except it didn't... and I still don't know why people stating otherwise, and before people say " just a beta" 343 already said themselves it'd an early release, we won't get anything new in 2 days other than new shop items on the weekly store rotation.

Weapon sandbox, we have one of the most limited selection of weapons in a Halo title since CE, and even though 343 have made it clear the reason for this they still fail with the reason provided. No overlapping weapon utility, yet we have the Plamsa Pistol, disruptor, ravenger and plasma carbine all seemingly designed for the exact same purpose, to drop sheilds and yet the disruptor is vastly superior making all 3 other options pointless. The shock rifle is a vastly superior stalker rifle etc...

Vehicle sandbox is the worst its ever been, vehicles "ramp" up in BTB aka you don't get "good vehicles" until the game has deemed it sufficient enough that you should get them, sometimes you never see them. Maps are no longer open and force vehicles into limited corridors mixed with the addition of rapple and taking the plasma pistols EMP charge shot ability and just giving it to the disruptor, shock rifle and shock grenades means hard vehicle counters are super abudent with no room for escape

Lack of playlists, apparently the challange based progression system is tied directly to current playlists and they can't just "turn them on" as it would break the UI or something, yes six years to be restricted day one by a UI, what fantastic development.

The shooting feels crisp but that's because of the relatively high TTK and the sheild drop switch to single headshot system that most Halo's and also Destiny thrived on. I feel alot of its current success can be attributed to how badly its rivals failed in the same period.

There are plenty of issues with Halo infinite multiplayer and its already being changed, however if you like what's there right now great... just seems like most people where expecting more and based on prior titles that's not really unfair.
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let's only look at objective facts, and that should be enough to tell you why people are trashing 343i:

Halo Reach launched with more than 10 playlists and dozens of modes, one of which was a completely new one called Invasion, Firefight returned from ODST and was fleshed out like crazy

Halo Reach launched with hundreds of armor customization pieces, all of which could be unlocked by simply playing the game

Halo Reach launched WITH COOP and with a functioning Forge mode

Halo Reach launched with more maps

Halo Reach launched with a fully fledged custom game editor

Halo Reach launched with a detailed career stats tracker that had all your statistics available to see

now lets look at Infinite:

3 playlists with 8 game modes total

no coop at launch (need to wait 6 months)

no forge at launch (need to wait 9 months)

less maps than any Halo launch

customization extremely limited by design and highly monetized while still selling the campaign for 60€

custom game editor is EXTREMELY limited (we are talking worse than Halo 2) and broken

no career stats tracker or anything of the sort

all the people defending Infinite only have 3 arguments:
1: "bUT it'S FReE!!!"
2: "tHEy WiLL eVeNTUALly patCH it!!!"
3: "BuT THe gAMepLAY is GOOd!!!"

and the answers are simple:
1: no it is not! it is 60€/$ with a cut out and bastardised + unfinished MP
2: great! let's develop for 6 years, then delay for 12 months and still release an unfinished product!
3: the gameplay OF EVERY HALO IS GOOD... that is not an excuse for anything they are doing...
and which Halo has the best gameplay is a purely subjective thing. Some say Halo 3 is still king,
some love Reach, some even like the shitty Call of Halo 4 ways... and others liked the Power Rangers in Space Halo 5 gameplay
Different games, different engines, different era.

Halo reach used the same engine as Halo 3. It shared all the same back end technologies. Halo infinite is essentially a reboot for the franchise in terms of technology.

It's also hilarious because at launch people hated reach multiplayer.

You seriously just need to stop playing the game. You clearly hate everything about it, and it's not for you. Go back to MCC, that's what it's there for - people that want to play "classic" halo.
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I believe the criticism of Halo Infinite is mostly legit, but the frustration expressed seems way too excessive. It's a free to play game, it will improve with time. Many of the complaints are being addressed by 343. We will all look back and forget about the feature-lacking pre-release of online. If the campaign is great, I think most of the insanity will cease.

The game is really fun and 343 nailed the core gameplay, and that is the hardest part.
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Different games, different engines, different era.

Halo reach used the same engine as Halo 3. It shared all the same back end technologies. Halo infinite is essentially a reboot for the franchise in terms of technology.

It's also hilarious because at launch people hated reach multiplayer.

You seriously just need to stop playing the game. You clearly hate everything about it, and it's not for you. Go back to MCC, that's what it's there for - people that want to play "classic" halo.

1: WHO THE FUCK CARES? the game lacks basic features and will so for at least 9 months if not longer!

2: the Slipspace engine is not a new engine, it uses the Halo 5 engine as a base, that has been confirmed officially even I think

3: people hated Reach because of mostly subjective things like the game balance and the new abilities that changes the formula. NOT COMPARABLE

4: will you shut the fuck up with that shit already? You already said this same shit to me, it is not about "playing classic Halo" it is about AAA developers released barebone shitshows of games and people like you just bend over and lick their fucking boots like you are part of the damn company and have somethign to lose.
if you want to suck their dicks, go for it, but know that it is people like you that are responsible for releases like these in the first place. releases that lack common features, that lack content and that have micro-transactions so fucked up that mobile games would blush looking at them.

"just play the old games" what a fucking stupid thing to say when faced with OBJECTIVE facts that clearly show how barebones of a game Infinite is. this argument is just as stupid as nationalists that bring braindead arguments like "just leave the country if you don't like it"... HOW ABOUT NO... HOW ABOUT I WANT THIS ONE TO BE GOOD?

I really wonder when exactly the moment in time was when the majority of gamers as a collective just decided to eat every last piece of dogshit AAA developers serve you on a golden platter of micro-transactions (those always work fine btw... and there's plenty too! wonder why?)

"nah they will patch it"
"they will improve it"
"more is coming"
"don't buy the MTX if you don't like them!"
"just play the older games then!"

yeah, why expect newer games to exceed their predecessors? such a foolish thought of me... I'm so sorry...
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I just saw that today. I think gameplay loop was nailed. I saw hit registration complaints which I can't say I've experienced or noticed at least.

But the complaints about cosmetics I agree with. Charging for something like a simple red or blue skin and making it only unlockable by purchasing is beyond predatory imo.


Also there's an official 343i employee talking to people and his statements on stuff isn't really instilling optimism.

See here.

I will echo what others have said here. The core gameplay is great I think it's phenomonal, but everything outside of that is abysmal or incomplete. My theory is that Halo Infinite at one time in the not-so distant past was conceived as a $60-70 title that would ship with multiplayer, Co-Op, Forge, and all the other staples players have come to expect. For a variety of reasons the game was nowhere close to complete and so Microsoft had to try and salvage their golden goose.

Multiplayer would be spun off as a Free-to-play/GaaS while all the other features of the game would be broken down into separate deliverables to be completed at a future point (e.g. campaign hits Dec, co-op months later, forge months later). So instead of a single product with multiple features you get a staggered release of stuff.

I personally know people saying to me 'well I mean this is easily fixed', 'this is just the beta', 'they can patch this'. This may be true, again read the 343i employee's statements to put a pin in that particular balloon, but the wider point is its not acceptable. 343i didn't just shit the bed a year ago and 'finally' we are getting a good game. Look at the state of Infinite and tell me with a straight face that it is releasing in the same manner the mainstream Halos before it.

And for as fun as the core gameplay is, there are still plenty of problems. Technical issues/glitches aside, melee is borked at the moment and then there's the whole list of criticisms mentioned by others with respect to the playlists.

I don't understand how the bar became so low. So because the game wasn't a shitfiesta like Battlefront II it is therefore great? Because the core gameplay is solid/they released the MP for free its alright that everything else is in tatters and the battlepass is hilariously stupid?

I don't understand the argument.
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1: WHO THE FUCK CARES? the game lacks basic features and will so for at least 9 months if not longer!

2: the Slipspace engine is not a new engine, it uses the Halo 5 engine as a base, that has been confirmed officially even I think

3: people hated Reach because of mostly subjective things like the game balance and the new abilities that changes the formula. NOT COMPARABLE

4: will you shut the fuck up with that shit already? You already said this same shit to me, it is not about "playing classic Halo" it is about AAA developers released barebone shitshows of games and people like you just bend over and lick their fucking boots like you are part of the damn company and have somethign to lose.
if you want to suck their dicks, go for it, but know that it is people like you that are responsible for releases like these in the first place. releases that lack common features, that lack content and that have micro-transactions so fucked up that mobile games would blush looking at them.

"just play the old games" what a fucking stupid thing to say when faced with OBJECTIVE facts that clearly show how barebones of a game Infinite is. this argument is just as stupid as nationalists that bring braindead arguments like "just leave the country if you don't like it"... HOW ABOUT NO... HOW ABOUT I WANT THIS ONE TO BE GOOD?

I really wonder when exactly the moment in time was when the majority of gamers as a collective just decided to eat every last piece of dogshit AAA developers serve you on a golden platter of micro-transactions (those always work fine btw... and there's plenty too! wonder why?)

"nah they will patch it"
"they will improve it"
"more is coming"
"don't buy the MTX if you don't like them!"
"just play the older games then!"

yeah, why expect newer games to exceed their predecessors? such a foolish thought of me... I'm so sorry...
1. You don't get to be the decider of what is and isn't a "basic feature" of a game lol.

2. Yes it is a new engine, no it is not the halo 5 engine lol.

3. Why isn't that comparable?

4. Halo Infinite MP is a live service F2P game. It is not made to be released with everything there on day 1 the way previous games were. Look at fortnite now compared to where it was on day 1.

Quit the bootlicker shit and being so abusive. You're clearly a bit unhinged over a goddamn video game lol. Last time I respond to or see your posts.

I just saw that today. I think gameplay loop was nailed. I saw hit registration complaints which I can't say I've experienced or noticed at least.

But the complaints about cosmetics I agree with. Charging for something like a simple red or blue skin and making it only unlockable by purchasing is beyond predatory imo.
I see people are still misusing the term "predatory" lol.
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Halo Infinite has been in development for over 5 years now and if fans didn’t whine they would have rushed the game out in a bad condition last year.

The MP is great but the significant lack of content that is available at launch and the scammy battle pass system is what is at the root of the problem.

Not to mention the 6 month delay of classic modes such as Co-op and forge. Fans haven’t really changed their request over years but for some strange reason 343 refuses to listen which has caused some frustration.

At the end of the day Halo will never be what it once was to a lot of people and I think that’s also apart of the blowback. But at least 343 did deliver on a solid MP that hopefully with time they will keep improving on.
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Because 343 decided that since Halo Infinite is F2P, that was a license to have a scummy monetization setup that would disgust a company that makes mobile games.

Just let me buy the campaign and MP for 70 bucks, and give me a full game.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I've learned that most gaming subreddits fall into one of three camps:

1. Cheerleaders. Have a valid criticism? Too bad. Either acknowledge the emperor's new clothes or GTFO
2. Whiners - as you OP discovered. Nothing is ever the player's fault. Anyone who kills them is a cheater. Dye my hair blue and shave just the right side of my head, please
3. Gave up and now just make fun of the shit the subreddit was created to enjoy. See /r/battlefield2042/ (though I don't blame them)

I took a peek around the Halo subreddit and noped out after about ten minutes. It really is the whiniest
People are most critical of what they love. Halo fans are no different; add to that we've had shit like MCC and other recent titles launch with poor content before and you'll see it's not whining but criticising.

Also people provide more detail more often from a negative perspective than they do a positive one. Like a new coke flavour? 2-3 in 10 tell someone. Hate a new flavour? 6-7 out of 10 tell someone. Standard marketing 101.


Halo Infinite has been in development for over 5 years now and if fans didn’t whine they would have rushed the game out in a bad condition last year.

The MP is great but the significant lack of content that is available at launch and the scammy battle pass system is what is at the root of the problem.

Not to mention the 6 month delay of classic modes such as Co-op and forge. Fans haven’t really changed their request over years but for some strange reason 343 refuses to listen which has caused some frustration.

At the end of the day Halo will never be what it once was to a lot of people and I think that’s also apart of the blowback. But at least 343 did deliver on a solid MP that hopefully with time they will keep improving on.
Another valid point. If not for the intensely negative feedback they would have shipped it a year ago. This was good for consumers.


ANY 'gaming' community

charlie murphy GIF

Magic Carpet

Gold Member
I'm trying to think of all the Halo posts I've made on Neogaf, and I'll be damned. I think I've 'Whined' in every one.
Different games, different engines, different era.

Halo reach used the same engine as Halo 3. It shared all the same back end technologies. Halo infinite is essentially a reboot for the franchise in terms of technology.

It's also hilarious because at launch people hated reach multiplayer.

You seriously just need to stop playing the game. You clearly hate everything about it, and it's not for you. Go back to MCC, that's what it's there for - people that want to play "classic" halo.

I bet he's not even going to pay the $60 for the game anyway. So yes, doing a lot of whining while enjoying the Dev's sweat and tears for free. I have criticisms of the game that amount to more than 'teh dress up stuff is too much munneeyz'. You don't see me bitching. Content is light in ALL modern popular shooters. Look at Destiny 2. Hasn't had a non-remade crucible map in like 3 years and they're literally removing content left and right that people paid for. Stop complaining for complaining's sake. If you want to offer criticism, do so directly and constructively to 343. Or this guy will just keep doing him: his own soap opera where he's the star.

Edit: for clarification, I was responding to the guy you were responding to (obviously)
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Do we know for certain the MP was always meant to be free? Like last December for the original release of Infinite?
Reddit is whining about something?


That's all they do there about any subject. Like cars? Go there to find out why every car ever made is shit. Like building models? Go there so you can read about how every new kit is shit. Reddit is a collection of sadness and angst. It should be avoided like the plague.



1: WHO THE FUCK CARES? the game lacks basic features and will so for at least 9 months if not longer!

2: the Slipspace engine is not a new engine, it uses the Halo 5 engine as a base, that has been confirmed officially even I think

3: people hated Reach because of mostly subjective things like the game balance and the new abilities that changes the formula. NOT COMPARABLE

4: will you shut the fuck up with that shit already? You already said this same shit to me, it is not about "playing classic Halo" it is about AAA developers released barebone shitshows of games and people like you just bend over and lick their fucking boots like you are part of the damn company and have somethign to lose.
if you want to suck their dicks, go for it, but know that it is people like you that are responsible for releases like these in the first place. releases that lack common features, that lack content and that have micro-transactions so fucked up that mobile games would blush looking at them.

"just play the old games" what a fucking stupid thing to say when faced with OBJECTIVE facts that clearly show how barebones of a game Infinite is. this argument is just as stupid as nationalists that bring braindead arguments like "just leave the country if you don't like it"... HOW ABOUT NO... HOW ABOUT I WANT THIS ONE TO BE GOOD?

I really wonder when exactly the moment in time was when the majority of gamers as a collective just decided to eat every last piece of dogshit AAA developers serve you on a golden platter of micro-transactions (those always work fine btw... and there's plenty too! wonder why?)

"nah they will patch it"
"they will improve it"
"more is coming"
"don't buy the MTX if you don't like them!"
"just play the older games then!"

yeah, why expect newer games to exceed their predecessors? such a foolish thought of me... I'm so sorry...

As a real Halo fan, I think it’s great!


The thing is, Halo Infinite isn't what I wanted from a Halo. I wanted them to build on Halo 5s MP with breakout, ADS-lite, and advanced movement. I liked the "pay to win" mode with the packs that you bought using in game currency where you got all these single use cool weapons and skins etc. I felt that Halo 5s combat and movement was the best feeling out of all games in general, not just the Halo series.

But you know what? I'm not a whiney little bitch child and I accepted that this is what Halo Infinite is, and the choice is mine to play it or not. It's now F2P, which means that you don't judge it and it's content the same way you would if I paid AUD$100 for it. If I'm not having fun, I'll just not play it and be $0 out of pocket. What I won't do, however, is go on the internet and bitch and moan and call people bootlickers and dick suckers and make hundreds of posts just complaining about the same thing over and over and over and over and over again as if I was being forced to play this free game.

Some people need to take a good hard look at their behaviour, and put on their big boy pants and grow up.

Another valid point. If not for the intensely negative feedback they would have shipped it a year ago. This was good for consumers.
From all accounts the MP was completely finished last year and they debated releasing it even after delaying the single player.

Also we have no idea how the game would have turned out had it shipped a year ago. From what we've seen and heard they've mostly just spent a year working on upgrading the graphics. I personally would have preferred to play the game a year ago.

That's all they do there about any subject. Like cars? Go there to find out why every car ever made is shit. Like building models? Go there so you can read about how every new kit is shit. Reddit is a collection of sadness and angst. It should be avoided like the plague.
Nah, reddit can be amazing, it's what you make of it. Is a sub too full of themselves or too whiney etc? Unsubscribe and find or make a new one. I recently unsubscribed from the Google Pixel sub because of how fanboy it has become, so I just get my pixel news from any of the other half a dozen easily found subs to do with phones and tech.
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Yes they are super whiney, rightfully so in some cases

the customization system has been gimped, the progression system is way too grindy, the prices for skins is way too high, and there’s way too few game modes at launch

but on the other hand, a lot of these issues are quite superficial, the games foundation and basics are strong, and I really enjoy playing the game


As most of others online gaming communities. Toxicity is all over the place. Its a combination of factors, mostly teenagers and annonimous that tend to see everything as black or white situations: If the insignificant detail is not exactly as they imagined, thats enough to make a world class drama.
Just avoid them.
By the way, Infinite is fucking glorious. I loved Halo 5 MP, but this is 10 steps in the right direction in any imaginable dimension.
They think it’s their game. No you bought the game they offered. Monetizing the mp is seen as evil, they want everything free. Some players get really jealous when someone has a cosmetic they wouldn’t spend on. If someone can put more money into the game and get more out of it than others, it’s predatory.


They think it’s their game. No you bought the game they offered. Monetizing the mp is seen as evil, they want everything free. Some players get really jealous when someone has a cosmetic they wouldn’t spend on. If someone can put more money into the game and get more out of it than others, it’s predatory.
I got called a "lame f*gg*t" for "buying" the yoroi armor in voice chat. Guess he didn't know it was free :messenger_grinning_sweat:
I think it is most hardcore gaming communities for big nostalgic franchises.

The thing is that yes, it sucks that it is shipping without Co-Op, PVE multiplayer, etc but at the same time the core game-play is great and the campaign looks to have all the great sandbox elements that I want from a Halo campaign, and I have no doubt that over time and seasons of content the total package will be unrecognizably packed (just look at the MCC collection).

The fact that even from just watching online campaign content on YouTube, the campaign appeals to me considerably more and better captures the spirit of the Bungie games than anything else 343i has done with the franchise, and honestly that is enough for me.

Having said that I do really want a PVE mode that carries all of your multiplayer customization.
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