They did it to themselves by allowing garbage like this:
Fuck G4
It's a funny thing because tv and movies have real life people dolled up and raking in big salaries, and viewers love it. Having Scarlett Johansson in make up, prefect hair and tight rubber suits in superhero action scenes is as unrealistic and sex driven as you can get. And so is every superhero stud who is good looking and often ripped. Yet people love them both. I'm sure writers and directors could dumb them down hiring worse looking actors/actresses and putting less make up and not bothering hiring hair stylists. But they dont.I have seen the first rant but this one is even more strange. In every part of our life we like watching beautiful things and people or people that are maybe not so beautiful but they have style. This hobo has nothing, she is dressed like homeless drug addict (i come from a region with many drug addicts and have regular experience how they look like) that want 50 cents to buy "food" or in corner to blow you for 5€. That is repulsive and disgusting. Sorry but you can't take time of your life to hear a junky talking or even taking him seriously. Now probably she is not junky but she looks like one and then she talks with this derogatory tone toward everything that she does not like ( even games).
Am I playing dumb, or are you actually dumb? Frosk said who she was talking about and what she was addressing. Again your response to Frosk talking about the people calling her ugly is "no one ever called her ugly."
Sorry man, I'm still going to believe her when she says who she's talking about and what she's addressing.
If someone cant take the heat of the net, they shouldnt try being a media personality. Thats life. And as you said you cant change everyone, but you can change yourself.![]()
Playing dumb is normally the sign of someone that can't argue the point being made and you're doing exactly that.
Read carefully please or disengage after this:
1- What sparked the heat on top of this person was previous shit takes culminating with the "Dead man walking". If you don't know what I'm talking about just say so instead of ignoring it.
2- Every public figure gets "mean" comments on the internet. It's nothing special about this particular individual, it's something that comes with putting yourself out there in a public forum, that will always atract trolls.
3- The rant you keep going on about non stop about her addressing the audience was the last straw in a pretty big haystack. Apparently you're blind to everything else before and all the legit criticism of this person's takes and hyperfocus on her looks and how some criticize those. THIS IS NOT THE POINT!!1!!one11!
So, in conclusion, stop muddying the waters, we already understand this person got extra amount of hate, so you're not making any brilliant point there. Maybe go beyond the superficial and check what that person did to get the heat in the first place.
There career path for this person clearly shouldn't be in a public facing setting, for whatever qualities that person has, this is not it as they can't take the pressure that comes with it. You're not going to change the internet, you can only change yourself and adapt.
Exactly.If someone cant take the heat of the net, they shouldnt try being a media personality. Thats life. And as you said you cant change everyone, but you can change yourself.
It's like people getting unnerved their YT videos are getting bombed or getting shitty comments. Hey, thats the nature of the net. You could have the coolest video, where 1000s of people say it's awesome. But guaranteed you'll get some trolls saying he video sucks and fuck off! Or perhaps some honest answers where they didn't like it. Not everyone is going to like a creation with 100% acceptance.
Most people probably dont give a shit if their YT video gets criticized, but some go into mental anxiety. It's one of those things. You can either keep it going and retry absorbing the hits, or cut the cord and do something else.
Look at pro athletes. A group of people getting attacked after every game by fans, by the media, by sports writers, by studio analysts, even sometimes publicly by their own coach or team owner. Overpaid bums, they suck, trade em, go retire, bench em you name it. POS player. It goes with the territory of the job.
On the other hand, if someone wants zero public criticism where nobody knows who you are and you got a 9-5 job, work in an office doing demand forecasting.
They did it to themselves by allowing garbage like this:
Fuck G4
Nobody is ignoring it, it's just hardly relevant. Nothing, and I mean nothing, justifies personal attacks or attacks on the way she looks. It doesn't matter if she made a comment about your favorite plastic box that you don't agree with.Playing dumb is normally the sign of someone that can't argue the point being made and you're doing exactly that.
Read carefully please or disengage after this:
1- What sparked the heat on top of this person was previous shit takes culminating with the "Dead man walking". If you don't know what I'm talking about just say so instead of ignoring it.
Sure, but there is absolutely a difference between the volumes of hatred and the kinds of hatred that is being spewed. It is very doubtful that the other hosts of G4 received similar amounts of hatred about the appearance or how fuckable they are.2- Every public figure gets "mean" comments on the internet. It's nothing special about this particular individual, it's something that comes with putting yourself out there in a public forum, that will always atract trolls.
The fact that is actually willing to speak about bullshit that you have accepted as common and normal is exactly the reason why she belongs just fine in a public facing setting.3- The rant you keep going on about non stop about her addressing the audience was the last straw in a pretty big haystack.
So, in conclusion, stop muddying the waters, we already understand this person got extra amount of hate, so you're not making any brilliant point there. Maybe go beyond the superficial and check what that person did to get the heat in the first place.
The career path for this person clearly shouldn't be in a public facing setting, for whatever qualities that person has, this is not it as they can't take the pressure that comes with it. You're not going to change the internet, you can only change yourself and adapt.
The fact she is willing to speak on G4 was for generating drama And rising numbers, not because she cared about her messegeThe fact that is actually willing to speak about bullshit that you have accepted as common and normal is exactly the reason why she belongs just fine in a public facing setting.
I think what you're trying to say is that there there's zero accountability - especially on major sites like Youtube and Twitter.If someone cant take the heat of the net, they shouldnt try being a media personality. Thats life. And as you said you cant change everyone, but you can change yourself.
It's like people getting unnerved their YT videos are getting bombed or getting shitty comments. Hey, thats the nature of the net. You could have the coolest video, where 1000s of people say it's awesome. But guaranteed you'll get some trolls saying he video sucks and fuck off! Or perhaps some honest answers where they didn't like it. Not everyone is going to like a creation with 100% acceptance.
Most people probably dont give a shit if their YT video gets criticized, but some go into mental anxiety. It's one of those things. You can either keep it going and retry absorbing the hits, or cut the cord and do something else.
Look at pro athletes. A group of people getting attacked after every game by fans, by the media, by sports writers, by studio analysts, even sometimes publicly by their own coach or team owner. Overpaid bums, they suck, trade em, go retire, bench em you name it. POS player. It goes with the territory of the job.
On the other hand, if someone wants zero public criticism where nobody knows who you are and you got a 9-5 job, work in an office doing demand forecasting.
He says the show floor was loud as hell, and he did interviews for too long. He was overly stressed. I remember those interviews. He was so ready for them to be over.
1- Who gives a shit if trolls on youtube comments are mean to this person? It's their job to ignore that shit. They start the troll bait and then can't handle the heat which clearly shows this person's vocation is something other than being a "controversial" public figure even if for a small subsection of the internet.Nobody is ignoring it, it's just hardly relevant. Nothing, and I mean nothing, justifies personal attacks or attacks on the way she looks. It doesn't matter if she made a comment about your favorite plastic box that you don't agree with.
Sure, but there is absolutely a difference between the volumes of hatred and the kinds of hatred that is being spewed. It is very doubtful that the other hosts of G4 received similar amounts of hatred about the appearance or how fuckable they are.
The fact that is actually willing to speak about bullshit that you have accepted as common and normal is exactly the reason why she belongs just fine in a public facing setting.
Exactly.Not a surprise. No-one watches a show like G4 to be reprimanded, maligned and talked down to by an activist pushing her own personal and political agenda. That applies in general regardless of your persuasion.
To all the do-gooders in here attempting to defend this form of activism. I'd bet you would have a similar reaction if some mens rights guy on G4 publicly went on a rant slamming women. At some point you will realise that antagonistic and divisive outbursts may not the best way to conduct yourself when you represent a brand. We all have to toe the line, regardless of how perceived injustices in the world hurt your little heart. Even if you are a spoiled, overly sensitive defender of the oppressed; that doesn't mean you play by a different set of rules.
In general, I'm tired of these people telling me that I am immoral and a bad person because I don't agree with whatever outraged, virtue signalling topic of contention is the news of the day. This, if you're not with us you're against us type of language has to end. It is manipulative, divisive and unnecessarily raises tensions. Just let G4 be about games, accept that people like different things and try to have a little more self awareness.
Sessler used to be one of my OG he's just a bitter old husk of his former self.G4 was a product of its time. It will never work the same way again. We all knew this was doomed when we saw who was involved.
Wasn’t G4 or Attack of the Show caught using viewer bots to try and raise their YouTube views?
The entire reason for productions like this is to present to the audience. If it's not for the audience then who is it for?apparently, the "audience" is too stupid to realize that not everything has to be about you or is directed at you
Morgan Webb was great!
The sexism slant is stupid to begin with because the crusaders are one-sided. You never see any add in super hunks to the mix saying it's sexist even though like 0.5% of guys are good looking ripped studs. There's 100x more average looking guys and beer gut slobs.The entire reason for productions like this is to present to the audience. If it's not for the audience then who is it for?
I guess the audience they got (and alienated) wasn't the one they wanted. But the one they wanted apparently wasn't interested enough to like, subscribe, and keep them employed. So maybe they should have done a better job of understanding their audience. "Yes, it also equally happens to these men but when it happens to me it's sexism" was a braindead take.
Again with the normalizing of shitty behavior. No it's not "Their job to ignore that shit". It's never been their job to "ignore that shit" and the fact that she actually spoke about it is in no way evidence that "She can't handle the heat".1- Who gives a shit if trolls on youtube comments are mean to this person? It's their job to ignore that shit. They start the troll bait and then can't handle the heat which clearly shows this person's vocation is something other than being a "controversial" public figure even if for a small subsection of the internet.
Oh get over yourself. It's pretty fucking obvious that women have a much larger target on their back and are also more prone to targeted harassment than men do when it comes to gaming. We've seen that shit in "Gamergate". You don't even need to look further than this thread: The vast majority of the posts here are about her and to be more exact: About the fact that she pushed back against harassment. People are literally upset with her because she asked not to be harassed. What the fuck does you having saying "Mean comments" have to do with it? You're out there justifying shitty behavior because she had a take about your favorite plastic box that you disagreed with.2- Can you show me the instrument you used to measure the volumes of hatred people receive? Would be great to see what tool you used to conclude how much more or less hatred they received compared to anyone else. Again, this person had especially shit takes compared to other hosts and used the type of arrogance that requires some backbone to defend. You can't go out acting like a tough guy and then come back crying because people are mean on comments.Still not sure why we're here discussing "mean comments" anyway, I didn't make those, so argue with someone who did, I have nothing to do with that shit.
Not feeding the trolls has never worked. Shit like this becomes more and more normalized if nobody speaks out against it.3- This person basically gave the trolls exactly what they wanted, a reaction, and like sharks, when they smelled the blood I'm sure it only intensified the trolling. That's why everyone knows you don't feed the trolls. One more proof this person wasn't ready to be a public figure.
I'm a professional Football player. I walk towards the field. 5 people from the audience are throwing plastic bottles at me. I turn towards the audience and tell them to stop throwing plastic bottles at me. Am I now accusing the entire audience of throwing plastic bottles? Am I telling everyone to stop throwing plastic bottles at me? Of course not.The entire reason for productions like this is to present to the audience. If it's not for the audience then who is it for?
The men most likely don't get constant comments about their appearance or how "fuckable" they are.I guess the audience they got (and alienated) wasn't the one they wanted. But the one they wanted apparently wasn't interested enough to like, subscribe, and keep them employed. So maybe they should have done a better job of understanding their audience. "Yes, it also equally happens to these men but when it happens to me it's sexism" was a braindead take.
not for longG4TV are still around?
Here's the thing, her main premise is not entirely wrong. Telling someone you like jerking off to them without having a pre-existing sexual relationship with them is gross and weird in real life and is clearly sexual harassment in school or the work place, as is telling someone they're too ugly to fuck or jerk off to. You would not or should not do this in real life and if you do, you're an asshole and if it's in school or the workplace, you should be sued for sexual harassment, lose your job, and be expelled and if it was my wife or our daughter that was the victim, I'd find the fucker that said it and punch him in the fucking mouth. So, if there are people making these kinds of comments in their videos or chats, she's in the right. That being said, this is the internet and not real life and there are at least three very easy solutions to this problem.
(1) You ignore them. Don't read the comments. Don't read the chat.
(2) You state up front you will not tolerate sexist or racist speech or other hate speech and then ban or block people who violate those rules.
(3) You disable comments and chat altogether.
What I find laughable is her revisionist G4 history. Morgan Webb, Olivia Munn, Sara Jean Underwood, Layla Kayleigh, Kristin Holt, and probably 95% of the rest of the female hosts were clearly hired because, number one, they're attractive and, number two, they can talk about tech/games/geek culture. Nearly all of them also either engaged in risque content on their respective shows or did risque photoshoots and modeling in men's magazines. They sexualized themselves. They understood that gaming and tech is a male-dominated hobby and had no issue being eye candy for their male audience.
So that brings us back to the present. The old G4, because of their often risque content and hot female hosts, developed a largely male audience who, upon hearing about the G4 revival, probably expected the new G4 to harken back to the days of Morgan and Layla bikini photoshoots, Olivia shoving hotdogs in her mouth, and Sara Jean going on a naked bike ride. As we now know, that's not what the new G4 is about and the largely male audience is negatively comparing the two G4 eras, which new G4 doesn't like. In that case, you shouldn't have called yourself G4. New G4 invited the comparison by using the name G4, so deal with it.
It's already normal behavior, what are you talking about normalizing? It IS normal!Again with the normalizing of shitty behavior. No it's not "Their job to ignore that shit". It's never been their job to "ignore that shit" and the fact that she actually spoke about it is in no way evidence that "She can't handle the heat".
Oh get over yourself. It's pretty fucking obvious that women have a much larger target on their back and are also more prone to targeted harassment than men do when it comes to gaming. We've seen that shit in "Gamergate". You don't even need to look further than this thread: The vast majority of the posts here are about her and to be more exact: About the fact that she pushed back against harassment. People are literally upset with her because she asked not to be harassed. What the fuck does you having saying "Mean comments" have to do with it? You're out there justifying shitty behavior because she had a take about your favorite plastic box that you disagreed with.
Not feeding the trolls has never worked. Shit like this becomes more and more normalized if nobody speaks out against it.
I'm a professional Football player. I walk towards the field. 5 people from the audience are throwing plastic bottles at me. I turn towards the audience and tell them to stop throwing plastic bottles at me. Am I now accusing the entire audience of throwing plastic bottles? Am I telling everyone to stop throwing plastic bottles at me? Of course not.
The men most likely don't get constant comments about their appearance or how "fuckable" they are.
They did it to themselves by allowing garbage like this:
Fuck G4
Good points.It's already normal behavior, what are you talking about normalizing? It IS normal!
In any online comment section for the last 25 years you will have an anonymous mob of people saying whatever trollish things they want. This person's stupid stand did nothing to fix it, if anything it just caused more of it. I think it's complete bullshit that some people decide to attack on "looks", because for me it distracts from the main issue. Having someone that shows a complete lack of knowledge on the subject matter, giving opinions like they are an expert and someone that should be taken seriously.
Not feeding the trolls does work, that's why there are block and ignore buttons on comment sections. That's why there are moderators, to kick out anyone that comes to the chat or comments section in bad faith. Basically what that person did was empower the trolls that were making stupid comments and ignore all the legitimate criticism that was thrown. Why did they do that? Well because it's easier to distract from the valid points calling into question their competence by only focusing on the ridiculous few making bad taste comments.
And using your own argument against you, as a football player you are paid VERY well not just because of your athletic skills but also to deal with the bad side of the fame. If a bunch of people are booing and insulting you, you are supposed to keep your focus and do what you're paid to do. If you turn around on the mob and start antagonizing them back, you'll not only be chewed up and spit out, but most regulatory sport commissions would penalize you for antagonizing/provoking the fans. This sort of exposure is not for everyone, some people are not made for it and in those cases they should pursue different careers. You don't have the right to only get positive attention when you put yourself in the public eye, expecting that treatment is childishly innocent at best.
I'm pretty sure the men get those comments and many others. I think she was complaining about the comments saying how "unfuckable" she was, not the other way around, otherwise she probably wouldn't be complaining about it. Also the "target" on the back of women is the same one that has thousands of lonely guys throwing money at girl game streamers for absolutely nothing. As I said before, you have to take the bad with the good. If you can't take it, change the career to a non public facing one.
Please stop making this about fucking troll comments, it's about something else entirely.
I believe it's the 4th "Golden area" in a ladies pleasure zone. I could be wrong tho.What’s a G4?
The contradiction in G4 finger wagging something they helped spearhead with hosts like Olivia Munn is why this rant is so off-base. You’re talking about a woman who helped lead the charge in models using video games and nerd culture at large to push their own career. It’s an entire genre on twitch damn near. Yet somehow the viewers are the ones at fault?I gave up halfway through....but Frosk.....I guarantee Olivia and Jessica played up their hotness for the crowd. Sex sells and they knew it...and have moved on to better things,,,,,,,,,,unlike you.
I had to google who Olivia and Jessica are since Frosk feels inferior to them (I dont watch G4). Hey ya, they are way better looking. I agree with any gamer posting that they are more bangable. I bet most guys do too unless someone has a fetish preferring weird and annoying women with bad teeth, nose rings and tattoos all over. I dont.I gave up halfway through....but Frosk.....I guarantee Olivia and Jessica played up their hotness for the crowd. Sex sells and they knew it...and have moved on to better things,,,,,,,,,,unlike you.
Stunts like this
were part of what made the old G4 great to watch. It wasn't all eye candy stuff too, the hosts were generally funny with good chemistry. Even awkward Sessler paired well with Morgan Webb.