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Will we ever get a good Battlefield game?


I've been a huge BF fan since BF2,probably have 10k+ hours in all games. BF2042 is total shit, game feels like some chinese copy of Battlefield from wish.

Only game that is somehow comparable to Battlefield is Squad. Its a great game but maps are huge, without a good team its not very good experience and game is much slower more like sim type(although not too hardcore as Arma).

Sometimes i wish that BF1 was the last game they made for last-gen hardware.After that if they started to work on new Battlefield for next gen set to release in 2020/21 i bet they could have done an amazing job(if lot of devs didn't leave though).

Battlefield with 64 players made for Ryzen CPU, SSD, 16gb ram it could have been incredible,destruction,sound,graphics..

I really don't know whats my point,i guess everytime i try to play BF2042 i get disappointed and sad again..


Gold Member
Only Woke Company 3 can fix the franchise.


Next one will likely be good, as Vince Zampella is in charge of BF now, and they've brought back a few former devs from the older BF games. Sure, there is still the EA factor to consider, but I'm pretty confident this disaster will serve as a vital lesson for everyone involved moving forward. At the very least, the next game will be of higher quality than 2042, I think that is a safe bet.


Gold Member
BF1 is not good
BFV is bad
BF2042 was terrible and has been improved enough to almost tolerable status.
BF4 is great, lots of weapon and gadgets, good DLC maps, terrible default maps
BF1 setting is cool, gunplay terrible, overall good
BFV best gunplay in the entire series, great overall
BF2042 has bad design decisions, good gunplay, overall good

BF4 had the worst launch by far.
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I actually think Battlefield 2042 is in a decent place now. Still needs work but it is much better than launch The new maps, and redesigns of the launch maps are really solid. Still some issues with glitches and weird hit registration but it’s improving.

The addition of classic maps into the main rotations has been great as well.

I still get upset when one of the non redesigned launch maps comes up. Those were some of the worst maps ever designed for Battlefield utter garbage. Hopefully they will all be redone or removed for good in the next couple of seasons.

For the record my favorite battlefields have been BF2, BF4, BF BC2 Vietnam, BF 5.
Dice simply doesn't know how to balance an online multiplayer game. It's either Jedi Knights running around destroying everyone, or tanks and choppers doing the same thing. Everyone just waits for those things to spawn and they've always broken every game.


Gold Member
The franchise is a delayed corpse. Just walking like a zombie, stinking up everything it touches.

BF4 was the last great one (after patches) and after that, it has gone downhill constantly.
Seeing how bad BF2042, I fear of how Dice is going to mangle this saga even further.


They’ve been fine with the exception of BF 2042. But everyone and their mother knew that was a turd with the beta.


Reverse groomer.
why is everyone under this weird agreement that BFV is good?
and more importantly why ask a question like this, there are a ton of good previous battlefield games, just go play those

you don't need something new


Came into the thread to say Squad. When I played BF2, ARMA, and every other multiplayer shooter, it’s the game I dreamed of. The game where people actually communicate and play as a team (most of the time). Where supporting roles like driving trucks and engineers and transporting people actually matters. All while being much more fun than ARMA with its clunkiness.

So I’m gonna say Squad is the best Battlefield there is until something better comes along.

Also, it has a sweet Star Wars mod, so it’s the best Battlefront game too.


BF2042 is total shit, game feels like some chinese copy of Battlefield from wish.
It's better than ever. Performance has also increased. There are a lot of modes/maps to play, the number of weapons has increased, the railgun is great. I'm having a lot of fun with it lately, definitely better than BF 5.
Only game that is somehow comparable to Battlefield is Squad
Not even close, Squad is a slow paced tactical shooter that needs a lot of communication via voice chat. Among the games I've played, the ones closest to the BF experience are the domination and ground war modes in Cod(more arcadey), and the firefight mode in Insurgency sandstorm(more realistic). But these are only have infantry combat.


Not only saying bf is bad is an exaggeration (including 2042) but Squad has nothing to do with BF (and I play both).

EA will change the formula as soon as they stop making money.

My advice to you would be to just look for something else to play.

I wish I understood w


Wtf... BF1 is Amazing in EVERY WAY. I don't care as much as some of you trend eaters to play Modern Shooters. Between BF4 and BF3... BF3 was even better. At least pick the right game.


BF1 was the last Battlefield I truly loved. The visuals, the audio, the mechanics, just the game as a whole, was fucking solid. There's a reason people are still playing it. So many of the talented devs left at the end of its development. Even more with Battlefield V. 2042 showed us that a lot of the BF devs had moved on, it's why it was the most not-Battlefield Battlefield title. It was extremely sad. I understand that people say it's, "better" now, but I refuse to touch it again considering the horrible taste it left in my mouth. I thought V was pretty meh, but compared to 2042 it's almost a work of art, lol.

As someone that has adored the series since 1942, I remain hopeful that a good to great Battlefield title will come in the future. But after 2042, I truly don't know if we'll ever get that. 2042 was the first time I felt like a Battlefield title was truly lost, and it felt like they were just throwing spaghetti at a wall to see if anything would stick. Sure, you should want and expect some kind of new mechanics and change in a series that's been around for so long, but it still needs to FEEL like the series. 2042 should've just been a different game all together.
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I don't think so. DICE has lost thier touch with game design and thier audience. The last good BF game was BF1, but the time period didn't interest me. BFV has a lot of good design decisions, and it's a pretty decent game NOW, but it feels like a major disappointment for a WW2 game. They literally used the least interesting battles in the entire war except for the pacific theater DLC.
Battlefield 2042, after numerous patches and level redesigns, has turned into a decent game. I hate the “heroes” and other annoyances that make it feel like a non-battlefield game, but it has turned out decent after a few extra years of development. It was a disaster at launch. Some of the launch maps still suck, but the redesigned ones are better and the new maps are actually pretty good.

If anyone hasn’t played it in a while, it might be a good time to try it. Is it on gamepass now?

I still have hope that the next Battlefield will be a return to the more classic formula of Battlefield 3 and 4. Battlefield V is my least favorite one.

My main fear is that the new head, who used to run Call of Duty, will make it more like Call of Duty than classic Battlefield.
Sometimes apologists are worse than the devs themselves. Stop letting them slap us in the face and serving steaming piles of shit, and then say "oh but its somewhat better now" absolute doormat gamers. Let me guess, you want ANOTHER shitty battlefield game in the future? Keep having low standards and coping with excuses so they can continue to ruin the franchise and fail as developers. Maybe it's a fetish for you apologists. Battlefield needs to be old school fun and violent, without the hindrance of pseudo-politics and degradation of performance. How can you play something that is supposed to be aggressive and hardcore, yet have the opposite standards as the gamer. Dice/EA need a collective FUCKYOU from the entire playerbase.


Idk, I don't play them anymore these days because literally every match is plagued by some dipshit kids who aren't even pretending like they're not using hacks because who cares when they can just go buy another CD key for 2 dollars if their account gets banned, and EA/DICE clearly doesn't give a shit enough to do anything about it. I'd rather just play Call of Duty on a console with disabled cross play because at least on a console most people don't bother using hacks.
It's better than ever. Performance has also increased. There are a lot of modes/maps to play, the number of weapons has increased, the railgun is great. I'm having a lot of fun with it lately, definitely better than BF 5.

Not even close, Squad is a slow paced tactical shooter that needs a lot of communication via voice chat. Among the games I've played, the ones closest to the BF experience are the domination and ground war modes in Cod(more arcadey), and the firefight mode in Insurgency sandstorm(more realistic). But these are only have infantry combat.
Where exactly is this performance increase. I couldn't run it on a 2060 at launch. Now i have a 3070 and it's still garbage performance after all the so called fixes.


I don't know, but if BF2042 is an indication into which direction the franchise is heading, I'd say no. It's baffling how bad Dice became in terms of game design.
2042 feels horrible to actually play and I can't stand it for more then 30 minutes.
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BF4 was the last good Battlefield game. The destruction in BF1 and BFV was OK but they weren’t fun games to me.

BFBC2 was the last truly amazing Battlefield game and we won’t be getting anymore like it. EA don’t know how to get the best out of their studios and will sell any old shit to try and make a quick buck.


BF4 was the last good Battlefield game. The destruction in BF1 and BFV was OK but they weren’t fun games to me.

BFBC2 was the last truly amazing Battlefield game and we won’t be getting anymore like it. EA don’t know how to get the best out of their studios and will sell any old shit to try and make a quick buck.
Bad Company 2 was really cool on consoles. Smaller, well designed maps, tons of vehicles, fun. Everything modern battlefield is lacking.


are in a big trouble
I dont really know because the wokeness in bf has pretty much destroyed any interest I have in the series.

What I think might of happened with some decisions

No scoreboard: we don't want bad players being harassed or bullied because they are near the bottom of the scoreboard so no scoreboard.

Climate change: climate change is really important so it's best we make a war game around climate change.

Factions: to go along with climate change we're going to have fractions disagreeing and fighting over the right with deal with it the climate change.
they won't be able to top what they achieved with BF4 and thats facts. The people that made it and fixed it up got burnt out The studio doesn't have enough talent retained sadly. Their lead engine guy went off to start a new studio and a lot of folks left with him.


Don't think they have the ability to make a BF game that will satisfy hardcore fans, it's always about what they think will make the most money.
Best bet is if they decide to throw us a bone and remake BF3/BF4 after the next BF game is rejected by fans.
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