Source of Supplementary Info:
- PS5 Units: 7.1m so 82% growth (LTD: 32.1m) so 5.2 required for Q4 so the FY target.
(Last year was 3.9m)
- Hardware: 440,715m yen
(Last year was 201,534m yen)
- First-party software sales: 20.8m (maybe a record???)
- PS+ numbers / revenue ratio: 46.4m subs but 122,201m yen so roughly 877 yen per month per user
(Last year was 48.0m and 102,501m yen so ARPU roughly ~ 711yen per month per user)
- OI margin: ~9.3% margin
(Last year was 11.4%)
- YoY growth was 433.3bln yen and fx impact was +174.9bln yen (CC growth would be 31.3%)
- FY rev forecast is the same but OI is going up due to the FX changes (USD has weakened in comparison to the JPY)
- Last year 12% of full games sold was first party, this last Q it was 24%
- Gaming under the music segment did decline about 15% (its peanuts obviously)
Call is in a hour at
Source of Supplementary Info:

- PS5 Units: 7.1m so 82% growth (LTD: 32.1m) so 5.2 required for Q4 so the FY target.
(Last year was 3.9m)
- Hardware: 440,715m yen
(Last year was 201,534m yen)
- First-party software sales: 20.8m (maybe a record???)
- PS+ numbers / revenue ratio: 46.4m subs but 122,201m yen so roughly 877 yen per month per user
(Last year was 48.0m and 102,501m yen so ARPU roughly ~ 711yen per month per user)
- OI margin: ~9.3% margin
(Last year was 11.4%)
- YoY growth was 433.3bln yen and fx impact was +174.9bln yen (CC growth would be 31.3%)
- FY rev forecast is the same but OI is going up due to the FX changes (USD has weakened in comparison to the JPY)
- Last year 12% of full games sold was first party, this last Q it was 24%
- Gaming under the music segment did decline about 15% (its peanuts obviously)
Call is in a hour at
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