Parents showing kids Lightyear:That still is not woke virtue signaling. It's blink and you miss it. It was not a focal point of a large section of the movie

Parents showing kids Lightyear:That still is not woke virtue signaling. It's blink and you miss it. It was not a focal point of a large section of the movie
I literally blinked and missed it, and I was pretty much waiting in anticipation of it too see what all the uproar was about. I swear some on the "ant-woke" folks are some of the loudest fuckers in the room.That still is not woke virtue signaling. It's blink and you miss it. It was not a focal point of a large section of the movie
Here’s how Chapek was killing the parks. $25 for a single ride.
What are you talking about? In what reality? Chapek raised the ticket prices so high and coupled with the Park Pass reservation system (which Iger is changing in January), the parks aren’t crowded at all; especially compared to pre-COVID. I went to the Magic Kingdom a few weeks ago and the place was almost empty compared to Universal (which doesn’t limit attendance with reservations).The parks are far too crowded these days, mostly because the ticket price is too low to keep folks away.
I find it amazing that during covid the stock reached an all time high. Leisure and travel kinds of companies tanked hard. Maybe it was due to Disney+.Stock is back to what it was in 2015.
Don't know if its really because of leadership tho. The business is changing Disney made tons of money due to cable packages and movie tickets. Now the streaming business is forcing them to cannibalize two of their most profitable aspects of their business.
It makes no sense for Apple to buy Disney or for Iger to sell Disney because it's NOT up to him... HE answers to the board and THEY decide sale or not.
Also, it was manufactured backlash because idiots who hate gay people felt attacked by not having straight people be the only characters in the movie. I swear people need to chill and step back ... I blame Kotter for coming back!
Iger has said that if Steve Jobs had lived longer they likely would’ve merged companies. It’s something that’s been on his mind since he started running Disney.
One thing they were discussing on Daring Fireball was that part of the Disney Resorts experience if you were going to Disney World was being shuttled (as part of the price, with Disney vehicles with cartoons playing for kids in TV’s) to the park from the hotel and for your luggage to the carried to your room while you had a bit of time to relax and enjoy the experience and heading back to the hotel would have everything there sorted.What are you talking about? In what reality? Chapek raised the ticket prices so high and coupled with the Park Pass reservation system (which Iger is changing in January), the parks aren’t crowded at all; especially compared to pre-COVID. I went to the Magic Kingdom a few weeks ago and the place was almost empty compared to Universal (which doesn’t limit attendance with reservations).
As expected Strange World is bombing big time.
After Lightyear and this Iger is probably going to tell the Skittles hairs to leave their woke virtue signaling out of their family cartoons.
It makes sense for shareholders of both AAPL and DIS. It's not just up to the board shareholders from both companies would have to vote Yes after board approval so ultimately it's up to shareholders. Also
So Iger and Jobs never spoke about a merger but Iger says "they would have gotten there"
All that is speculation. Not based in fact. The shareholders AND the board would have had to sign off on that (first the board, then them bringing it to the shareholders). I can see it making sense but that is still a hurdle... Disney values it's freedom and not having to answer to anyone... Same with Apple. I don't see it working out because of that.
posting this part because he pointed the big issue out. Said its important to respect the audience and not have disdain for them. The condescending tone of most of Disney productions has been loud.
Blink and miss unless you count the countless meetings and man hours spent on that decision and its inclusion.I literally blinked and missed it, and I was pretty much waiting in anticipation of it too see what all the uproar was about. I swear some on the "ant-woke" folks are some of the loudest fuckers in the room.
Iger never got political. Everyone knows his politics and how he almost ran for President as a Democrat before the Fox merger started and he was required to stay for it, but he's smart enough to know that the second a company the size of Disney takes any sort of political stance it'll immediately alienate 50% of their audience. That's exactly what Chapek did and why he should've been fired the day Florida dissolved Ready Creek.He is just throwing their own language back at them. "We have heard the audience, we want to be respectful, understanding of your lived experience, be inclusive of all values and opinions, not engage in hate speech directed against any group, be mindful of our place within the community. We will listen, we will be better."
See, the same nonsensical babble can go both ways.
Agreed. But if he uses their language then they can't really refute it. It's a wise way to walk back the craziness.Iger never got political. Everyone knows his politics and how he almost ran for President as a Democrat before the Fox merger started and he was required to stay for it, but he's smart enough to know that the second a company the size of Disney takes any sort of political stance it'll immediately alienate 50% of their audience. That's exactly what Chapek did and why he should've been fired the day Florida dissolved Ready Creek.
Disney should respect their audience. But the rot has spread too far and I doubt Disney can be saved. He can give a feel good speech, but the current employees despise half the country and will not suddenly change to make the boss happy. They will fight it. So unless he is willing to fire all of the activists, nothing will change.
I literally blinked and missed it, and I was pretty much waiting in anticipation of it too see what all the uproar was about. I swear some on the "ant-woke" folks are some of the loudest fuckers in the room.
It isn’t. but I don’t want to take my kids to a film and have to have characters sexuality played for points in a film aimed at kids. Disney has an agenda as do many other companies. Some don’t like it. Doesn’t make you a sexist or racist to not want to have cartoons sexuality a focal point.So much "criticism" of Disney today, is just virtue signaling by racists and sexists. Always with the blaming a movie's failure on LGBT inclusion.
He knows they messed up in Florida. Disney is going to have higher cost due to losing special status. And I am sure he will work with Desantis to repair the relationship. But Disney isn't getting their status back anytime soon in Florida.Well, watched the whole Town Hall earlier, and in general, I think he walked very fine balance as usual and was diplomatic. Looked great for 72 year old guy. (But I'm sure he had a lot of makeup as usual..)
He was basically trying to rally the moral - reinstating the company values and some of the priorities and what to expect, and 100 year history of Disney - and challenging times are ahead.
(Cost cutting measures, smarter spending of company assets, and seemed reserved about expansion at this time of looming recession)
Apple question came up, and also buying another company - and basically denied in more humorous way.
The twitter posts above, is 2 of 3 politics related questions - that final one was about Disney became too political - and on that one, he also was pretty diplomatic.
It was his agenda in the first place.They were talking about this on Gutfeld tonight.
From what I understand too, Iger with Disney still had a lot of garbage like the Star Wars sequel trilogy and that he isn't really not much better than Chapek at least when it comes to all this "woke" stuff.
This feels like some Keyser Soze shit. Iger sets up this disastrous move, bails out and hands it to a fall guy when the consequences roll on, then comes back to (slightly?) course correct to great aclaim.It was his agenda in the first place.
It was his agenda in the first place.
Disney CEO Promises To Make Child Grooming Slightly Less Obvious
LOS ANGELES, CA — Amid plunging stock price, unprofitable streaming, and a business model intensely focused on sexualizing children as young as possible, Bob Chapek has been ousted from Disney and replaced with former CEO Bob
Bob Iger Vows To Cut Back To Only 7 LGBT Characters In Every Kid’s Movie
BURBANK, CA — As part of a new pledge to "quiet down" the company's aggressive push for progressive themes in its content, returning Disney CEO Bob Iger has revealed the entertainment giant will cut back to including only seven LGTB characters in each children's
Yes, satire. Or is it in current year?Satire site as proof? Or am I reading this post wrong?
Disney is going to have higher cost due to losing special status.
Taxes cover the roads now. And Disney have to work through the government to make any change. We all know government reduces cost.Just a correction on that: the costs of maintaining the Reedy Creek district will actually be the burden of the taxpayers in that county after the change takes effect. Projections are their property taxes will increase 15% - 20%. Disney will just now have to go through bureaucratic red tape they didn't have to prior when they want to do things like build new structures.
We all know government reduces cost.
That is not definitive and was said initially by Randolph, the OC tax collector. He does not write legislation or tax policy. This was said on that end of the matter.Just a correction on that: the costs of maintaining the Reedy Creek district will actually be the burden of the taxpayers in that county after the change takes effect. Projections are their property taxes will increase 15% - 20%. Disney will just now have to go through bureaucratic red tape they didn't have to prior when they want to do things like build new structures.
Fine says that's why the service taxing units are municipal, and therefore not something handled by the state. "Scott Randolph's job is to open envelopes and to take out checks," the lawmaker told FOX Business. "He probably should stick to that. He doesn't set tax policy."
After signing the legislation into law, DeSantis' office issued a statement clarifying that "it is not the understanding or expectation for SB 4-C, abolishing independent special districts, to cause any tax increases for the residents of any area of Florida."
The statement continued, "In the near future, we will propose additional legislation to authorize additional special districts in a manner that ensure transparency and an even playing field under the law."
This feels like the inevitable conclusion of backdoor negotiations between Desantis and Disney. Stripping the tax status would be a loooooong legal struggle either way, so a little PR face saving song and dance gets everyone coming out smelling like roses.
Clearly Disney has been talking with Desantis behind the scenes
Iger said it wasn’t Disney’s place to be involved in state politics like that, which is what angered Desantis in the first place. So Iger saying that is probably enough to reverse it.This feels like the inevitable conclusion of backdoor negotiations between Desantis and Disney. Stripping the tax status would be a loooooong legal struggle either way, so a little PR face saving song and dance gets everyone coming out smelling like roses.
I am sure Iger made this his absolute #1 AAAAAAA priority and in fact was probably working on it behind the scenes for weeks if not months before he got the job. Chapek should have been fired the moment this happened, just an unbelievable own goal.
True that.I still don’t believe that bullshit (cited in the article) about how disastrous it would be for the state of Florida were it to happen. That’s just propaganda Disney is putting out there, and it is in their interest to keep this arrangement.