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Is Cyberpunk much better than Starfield?

Is Cyberpunk better than Starfield?

  • Graphically yes, but only that.

  • Graphically and gameplay wise yes, but the story falls short.

  • Yes, Cyberpunk is definitely a better game in all aspects.

  • No way, Starfield is better than Cyberpunk.

Results are only viewable after voting.


first post /thread

not really needed all this pages
maybe, maybe just a second reply with

Their girl

My girl



are in a big trouble
I'll make my judgment after stairfield has the same length of time to fix itself and the same amount of patches to fix itself like cyberpunk has.

I'm not defending starfield but how many more threads yes I know you pointed it out but how many more threads are we going to see about games that launched absolutely in shit and compare to a game that just came out. Sure why don't we compare it to battlefield 2042 next.


I'll make my judgment after stairfield has the same length of time to fix itself and the same amount of patches to fix itself like cyberpunk has.

I'm not defending starfield but how many more threads yes I know you pointed it out but how many more threads are we going to see about games that launched absolutely in shit and compare to a game that just came out. Sure why don't we compare it to battlefield 2042 next.

Because the version of cyberpunk you play today is not the version that was released.
When you buy cyberpunk today, or if you bought it at release - its the same version 2.0 now.

You can make a thread about comparing how cyberpunk was vs how starfield is (should make for some lols I guess, but nothing else). You can also compare to bf2042.


I'll make my judgment after stairfield has the same length of time to fix itself and the same amount of patches to fix itself like cyberpunk has.

I'm not defending starfield but how many more threads yes I know you pointed it out but how many more threads are we going to see about games that launched absolutely in shit and compare to a game that just came out. Sure why don't we compare it to battlefield 2042 next.
Cyberpunk at launch was still better.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
It can. It is extremely inconsistent though. It can look borderline nextgen one moment and 15 years old the next.
lol yes. But then again, those ps3 era moments are exclusive to outdoor levels which I honestly havent played much. For whatever reason, all faction quests have either been set in space ships or indoor bases.

I would say in my experience, especially in the last 20 hours or so, its been extremely consistent.

Of course once i dwelve into side content and outpost building, things might change. But im 35 hours in and i rarely visit ugly planets.


are in a big trouble
Is one pic supposed to mean anything? Game had crashes on ps5 but I stand by what I said. Cyberpunk at launch was still better.
Did Starfield have playstation allow players to refund games?? Again Starfield isn't amazing but cyberpunk was trash in comparison but cyberpunk now is a thousand times better


Writes a lot, says very little
Not defending character graphics in general or for a console, they said everything about Starfield is a down grade from other Bethesda games and that's just not true in the slightest. The character models look better. The facial animations are better. Very obvious stuff if you actually play the game.

You add nothing to this thread and I'm glad others are also seeing it. :)

I have to agree.

Playing it myself, it looks far better then Fallout 4 and its something you need to see while playing it as a random screen shot here or there isn't really going to show all those differences you see in real time. So even I was critical at first regarding how it looked, but spending time on the game and installing the mod to remove the filter, it looks amazing. I'm sure they'll update the main city lol I'm also sure a shit ton of mods will be made that make the city look different, but visually, I can't really say Starfield is a downgrade from Fallout 4.


Is it just me, or does Starfield ‘up’ the graphics/character model when it zooms in for a conversation? They often look decent, but then significantly worse when it cuts back to gameplay.

There is no denying it though, Starfield NPCs are definitely last gen material.


I'm way more engaged in Starfield than I ever was in CP. I do plan to get back into it, eventually. But Starfield was able to grab my interest and keep it. For the time being.

You can see the Bethesda engine when you deal with NPCs. It's clearly limiting what they could do with this game.

When you analyze the video comparison in the OP. You have a glorified cinematic QTE in CP2077 vs a clearly in engine mess of NPC pathing problems. I have personally gone through that quest in Starfield and every time I return to the city and load into the ship area, all the NPCs are running away from that guy still. Even though he's long gone.
My overall thought on it is it should've been released in 2013 because almost everything in it feels like a 2013 game.
Starfield could release in 2013 and still be outdated. That was the year of GTA5, Last Of Us, Bioshock Infinite, BF4 and AC Black flag.
Hell, Starfield could release in 2014, THE year of videogame mediocrity, and still lose GOTY to Shadow Of Mordor.
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Writes a lot, says very little
Starfield could release in 2013 and still be outdated. That was the year of GTA5, Last Of Us, Bioshock Infinite, BF4 and AC Black flag.
Hell, Starfield could release in 2014, THE year of videogame mediocrity, and still lose GOTY to Shadow Of Mordor.

I would never go that far.

Starfield releases in 2013, let me remind you...at this time Star Citizen wasn't a playable thing for the public, No Man Sky has not released and Elite Dangerous has not released.

Who the fuck would we compare it in 2013 if it indeed released then? For actual single player RPGs, they would be in a class of their own and even looking at all those games, they still technically are as I don't know another single player RPG like this that exist right now, the other titles are either action focused or don't have a story and its a play on your own type thing or MP based etc.


Today I bought the expansion and fired up CP2077 for the first time since getting my new PC. I was absolutely blown away by the lighting, the detail, the sounds and music. The game really is impressive and starts you off with interesting content immediately.

Starfield does feel bland and stiff in comparison in pretty much every way. THAT SAID, I still love Starfield and depending on the mod scene will probably put dozens of hours into it. The vibe and that kind of sci-fi is totally my jam. I want to live in that world. CP2077 is awesome but I’ll probably put in one complete run, do everything I can, and be done with it.
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CP2077 with expansion are definitely way better. I just wish the cd projekt red would hurry up and fix that damn bug where you can’t call your car (saving and reloading temporarily fixes it, but it keeps happening). Starfield has bugs too (Akila city save bug, and generally bugginess with outposts), but it hasn’t been out for 3+ years.
How is Starfield more of a RPG than Cyberpunk?
You have more freedom i.e roleplay better. CP is much more linear i.e there's less sandbox to do your own thing and be who you wanna be. Both games are good but CDPR focused on a cinematic first person experience with crazy setpieces while BGS focused on the same thing they always do: sim features and systems. Watch any Todd interview about Starfield and you'll hear it over and over again (there was a recent one with one of Insomniacs leaders).


Identifies as young
You have more freedom i.e roleplay better. CP is much more linear i.e there's less sandbox to do your own thing and be who you wanna be. Both games are good but CDPR focused on a cinematic first person experience with crazy setpieces while BGS focused on the same thing they always do: sim features and systems. Watch any Todd interview about Starfield and you'll hear it over and over again (there was a recent one with one of Insomniacs leaders).

Don't need to watch Howard talk. I've finished Starfield and currently playing Cyberpunk. What I see more of in Starfield is things to do like building an outpost or scanning planets, things like that. That doesn't make it more of an RPG. Neither is being more/less a sandbox. Cinematic has nothing to do with it, neither does first person or set pieces. So nah, still don't see Starfield being any more of a RPG than Cyberpunk.


I'll make my judgment after stairfield has the same length of time to fix itself and the same amount of patches to fix itself like cyberpunk has.

I'm not defending starfield but how many more threads yes I know you pointed it out but how many more threads are we going to see about games that launched absolutely in shit and compare to a game that just came out. Sure why don't we compare it to battlefield 2042 next.

What are you talking about 🤨 Did you play CP77 on PC when it released? Clearly not…

Game was solid and it didn’t look like it was made during the PS3 era.


The next logical step is for it to win Neogaf GOTY thanks to the army of alts and dormant accounts.
honestly it wouldn’t shock me if it somehow did, I mean look at all of these accounts that have been popping up to praise it? 🤷🏼‍♂️

though I don’t expect they can pull it off this year with TOTK and Baldur’s Gate 3


Having now finished Starfield and realising the NG+ concept kills the main draw of Bethesda games entirely, I feel better qualified to give my verdict. I am nearly through Phantom Liberty now as well.

They have very different aims, but overall Cyberpunk is the better game for me. It has so much depth to it, so much customisation options and builds. It makes Starfield look like Pacman in that regard. Starfield they didnt even bother with weapon descriptions or anything like that.

Starfield has the base and ship building sure, and the shipbuilding is incredible, until you realise NG+ means you lose that beauty you put 10 hours into. Base building is pointless, and shallow as fuck anyway.

Starfield has amazing exploration, they nailed it, but Cyberpunk beats it there too because they made such a detailed city with a perfect atmosphere wherever you go.

Starfield has copy/paste locations in way too many places, which takes the point out of exploring, whereas Cyberpunk gives you cool shit for poking around.

The choices in Starfield are stupid. One has you either making half the enemies in the game friendly, or losing access to the best hub in the game. Whoever came up with that idea?

Cyberpunks choices dont seem to matter either, so its a draw there.

I think in 2/3 years time Starfield could be the better game if they work on it, but for now CP2077 is king for me.


Identifies as young
Honest question what wrpg has GOOD inventory ui anyway. Its either DestIny like or crapton of junk you have to do busy work to keep tidy.

Fair point. UI is rarely a strength in WRPGs. I look at the StarfieldUI inventory mod and I see what should have been done there. I think perhaps these studios believe their game artists are the ones who are best suited for this stuff, but UI design should really done by usability experts and those folks are not necessarily artists. Of course, I'm making some assumptions there, but that's really the only reasons I can come up with for the lack of good UI implementation in games.

Reminds me, I was watching the Cyberpunk devs talk on 2.0 launch day about how they removed the damage per second metric from the weapons as if that was a good thing. Hopefully some modder will come in and put that back in. Useful information isn't bad.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
They are two different games, aiming for very different things. Starfield is going for an old school optimistic humanity reaching out to the stars and realizing its noble utopian promise.
Cyberpunk is a gritty look at a dystopian future where technology has intertwined with humanity and amplified its baser instincts to create a world where the power hungry rule with violence.
One is inherently more resonant with today's society and is also a much better fit for a video game. I think the fundamental idea behind Starfield was flawed - it's both a not very exciting world and also has been done to death in various media over literal centuries.

Boss Mog

How long it took for cyberpunk before the mass enjoy. Let’s give starfield the same, it gonna get more content and changes. Also mods it self. If you want a game you can get lost in for hours. They both great at that.
Cyberpunk was great on day 1 on PC, It's on consoles that there was an issue because it only launched on PS4 and XB1, which couldn't really handle the game, especially the base consoles. The PS5 and XSX versions that launched last year were great from day 1 as well. The notion that Cyberpunk was ever a bad game is a myth that simply isn't true.


Identifies as young
Cyberpunk was great on day 1 on PC, It's on consoles that there was an issue because it only launched on PS4 and XB1, which couldn't really handle the game, especially the base consoles. The PS5 and XSX versions that launched last year were great from day 1 as well. The notion that Cyberpunk was ever a bad game is a myth that simply isn't true.

The game wasn't "bad" on PC, but it certainly wasn't great either. It had a lot of problems and they were not isolated to base consoles. These issues are a big reason why version 2.0 exists today.

Boss Mog

The game wasn't "bad" on PC, but it certainly wasn't great either. It had a lot of problems and they were not isolated to base consoles. These issues are a big reason why version 2.0 exists today.
People complaining about the police was always nonsense to me because you never really interact with police if you play the game normally. You have to go out of your way to kill civilians to get them to bother you which doesn't fit V's character at all. Cyberpunk wasn't supposed to be GTA.

Personally I'm not happy with a lot of the changes in version 2.0 which gutted and oversimplified many of the RPG aspects of the game. If I could go back to 1.63 to play Phantom Liberty, I would.


People complaining about the police was always nonsense to me because you never really interact with police if you play the game normally. You have to go out of your way to kill civilians to get them to bother you which doesn't fit V's character at all. Cyberpunk wasn't supposed to be GTA.

Personally I'm not happy with a lot of the changes in version 2.0 which gutted and oversimplified many of the RPG aspects of the game. If I could go back to 1.63 to play Phantom Liberty, I would.
I think the police complaints could be more immersion than anything else. And now that 2.0, and i'd guess other patches previously I skipped, have made the world much more lively with both regular people and police everywhere on ps5, it def adds a nice touch to the 'feel' of Night City.


Identifies as young
People complaining about the police was always nonsense to me because you never really interact with police if you play the game normally. You have to go out of your way to kill civilians to get them to bother you which doesn't fit V's character at all. Cyberpunk wasn't supposed to be GTA.

Personally I'm not happy with a lot of the changes in version 2.0 which gutted and oversimplified many of the RPG aspects of the game. If I could go back to 1.63 to play Phantom Liberty, I would.

Well, if you were already happy with how the game was then I can definitely get that. I do think you are in the minority, however, considering how well the changes have been received. But that doesn't invalidate your take on it at all, mind you. For me, I couldn't get into CP at launch and it was my most anticipated game for some time as a big CDPR fan. The update has breathed new life into the game for me and feels like a brand new release.

I do think they should let you revert back to the previous version if you want to.
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