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Like a Dragon: The Man Who Erased his Name | Review Thread


This game is too good.

The ones who said this was a glorified DLC, must have not played the previous games.

To me this was a perfect sendoff for Kiryu's story and a great tie in between Yakuza and Like a Dragon series.

That quadruple shirt pull almost made me weep of joy. Fucking legendary!


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
This game is too good.

The ones who said this was a glorified DLC, must have not played the previous games.

To me this was a perfect sendoff for Kiryu's story and a great tie in between Yakuza and Like a Dragon series.

That quadruple shirt pull almost made me weep of joy. Fucking legendary!
Not really a send off though, Kiryu deserves to retire tbh, instead from just a cameo level appearance in 7 with Gaiden we see he actually had huge involvement and might as well be back.

I hope 8 is his last game (and they don't actually kill him for another crying moment or something, don't you dare Sega!), he deserves the rest and Ichiban deserves to not be in his shadow.
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Not really a send off though, Kiryu deserves to retire tbh, instead from just a cameo level appearance in 7 with Gaiden we see he actually had huge involvement and might as well be back.

I hope 8 is his last game (and they don't actually kill him for another crying moment or something, don't you dare Sega!), he deserves the rest and Ichiban deserves to not be in his shadow.

Well, certainly a sendoff to anything yakuza related.
I don't care if they'd make him some kind of agent 007 in future games, Kiryu is really dead.

I am curious how they are going to build up future adversaries for Ichiban and his gang.
Yakuza clans are dissolved, who are they gonna fight? International mafia? Secret government forces? I worry that it might not feel as personal anymore. We'll see soon enough.

If anything, they can always go back and start a new yakuza series back in 70s or 80s.


I beat the entire Coliseum. If you want an easy time on the Hell Rumble fights, and in particular Justice (this fight seems to be broken otherwise? health bars barely deplete here while the other 3 fights are stupid easy), pick Chicken Man as your PC. There is nothing to it, just press R2 whenever the gauge is filled, preferably in the direction of a large group. He insta kills everything. Perhaps the other guy with the uzi (from the final street gang) does the same. You will S rank all. Tetsu Amon will also fall before you realize it.

I bought the 50 million undies as well. You can rack up this amount in minutes. Abuse chicken man on the final rumble fight for 6m, and enable the gambling match whenever it pops up for another 10m within half a minute.

Gai Amon is very easy too. Use Agent and just use your booster when he summons drones until they disappear, constantly sidestep him and do a short combo after he whiffs his melee attacks. Change to Red style after he does the same, go into extreme heat and use your heat attack. I one shot him with it and only used one or 2 heal items.
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advanced basic bitch
I've only played up to Yakuza 3 and I haven't finished that one. Do I need prior knowledge before going in? is this a direct sequel to 6?


I've only played up to Yakuza 3 and I haven't finished that one. Do I need prior knowledge before going in? is this a direct sequel to 6?
Probably best to watch some story recaps on YouTube for the previous games so you’re up to speed as a lot has happened since Y3. Then you’ll understand why Kiryu has been in hiding and changed his name.


Gaiden is indeed a direct sequel to 6. And it ties in with Y7. 6 is kind of the entry point of the modern Yakuza games and the stories of Gaiden, LaD 7 and Infinite Wealth are built on it.

Personally I can't get into the old pre-Dragon Engine games anymore. They were more stiff, less immersive, load screens for every building etc. Y6 is a good start, and the best classic game, Yakuza 2, has a good remake as well. i skipped 4 and 5, I couldn't really get into 4 and never bothered much with 5 despite hearing many good things about it.

Now I have Advanced course wrapped too:

Expert is going to be something.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
I think old Yakuzas did some things better than the modern games for their era that they could have tried to advance but instead seem to go back on. Ie, more crowds on the streets (but more pop in back then) to have the feel of a bustling city, now we're back to less and/or wider areas that don't feel as populated most of the time with some exceptions, maybe it's a gameplay driven decision to avoid annoyances of constantly bumping into them but I don't think it would negatively affect the games to have some more than they do atm, maybe it'd even be nice to not be able to run away from enemies at some point because you dumped in too many npcs or even run away because they bumped in the crowd and you managed to avoid more. One of them had all kinds of rooftop paths around Kamurocho, they could have expanded on that too when we're confined in these limited areas to give them more surface area to explore and do stuff in. Another one starts you off in a nice rainy weather but outside cut scenes and set pieces I don't think they have used weather so extensively or at least it wasn't so striking/reused much to remember it. They could have expanded on weather, perhaps make it random (if not realtime a la Shenmue) to again have more visual variety while going back and forth the same area. I don't remember which is which because I started them all up the other day to see how they run and what settings they all have (and also discovered I was wrong and have finished both Kiwami 1 and 2 and Yakuza 3 - which I totally forgot also has the dual protag thing going - as well as 0 so after 7 and Gaiden now I just need to do 4, 5 and 6). Combat feels good in most of them (and I think not so good in 0 which is Dragon Engine too) even if outside the combat the controls can for sure feel more floaty and mechanical and a bit weird (especially in those that have more restricted camera angles that shift at specific places) but whatever, outside combat it's always been a JRPG, basic controls as you go back and forth pressing A to interact are ok. And there are things they could reduce too now the games are more immersing and expansive, like, starting the Infinite Wealth demo it looked brilliant with the all new areas but all the glowy things you have to loot are a bit overdone. Glowing items, suitcases, big ass circles, trash cans and all kinds of other stuff now. A bit too much if you ask me, especially if they also keep respawning to give you something to pick up again as you wander back and forth, I think in some games they do and in some they don't so far, I'm not sure about IW yet but yeah, there could be less but bigger loot around.
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Loves his juicy stink trail scent
Random question about the franchise. I’m on chapter 12 of Like a Dragon and had to farm 3 million yen in the marketing game. Took me hours to do so so I can progress again.

Do other games have abrupt walls you can’t progress without being forced to do a chore like activity ?


Random question about the franchise. I’m on chapter 12 of Like a Dragon and had to farm 3 million yen in the marketing game. Took me hours to do so so I can progress again.

Do other games have abrupt walls you can’t progress without being forced to do a chore like activity ?

Some of them have, I think Y0 has it too. And Y6 I think. Its never bad to have a ton of money on hand, also for sidequests.

But I always tend to rinse the side activity when its available. I completed the management game in LaD as soon as it became available, you can do it easily even with the basic recruits. And I liked it. So I was loaded when I finished that chapter.


Random question about the franchise. I’m on chapter 12 of Like a Dragon and had to farm 3 million yen in the marketing game. Took me hours to do so so I can progress again.

Do other games have abrupt walls you can’t progress without being forced to do a chore like activity ?
I think that management minigame in LAD is the only kind of obligatory one, unless Im remembering wrong. There are the cabaret club and property management minigames in Y0 but not mandatory like that.

I loved it though, didnt mind going through it to progress.


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
I think that management minigame in LAD is the only kind of obligatory one, unless Im remembering wrong. There are the cabaret club and property management minigames in Y0 but not mandatory like that.

I loved it though, didnt mind going through it to progress.

Just as long as I don’t HAVE to do it. Sure I could’ve tried to farm 3 million yen another way but it would’ve taken 10x longer unfortunately.

I ran the mini game to get to rank 1, because by the time I had 3 million from it I think I was like 19? So I just said fuck it let’s get it done to max out and get all achievements.

Don’t get me wrong it isn’t AWFUL by any means but I was trying to stick to story only and power through it before my game pass sub lapses here in 3 days. So it bugged me because it turned a fun side thing into a chore for me.

Glad to hear the rest of the franchise doesn’t do something like this. I like to mess with side stuff plenty but never want to feel obligated — which happened here and soured it a bit.

With infinite wealth I plan to go balls deep 80-150 hours insaneo mode.


Random question about the franchise. I’m on chapter 12 of Like a Dragon and had to farm 3 million yen in the marketing game. Took me hours to do so so I can progress again.

Do other games have abrupt walls you can’t progress without being forced to do a chore like activity ?
IIRC it's not a mandatory one, except if you want to farm money.

In Gaiden, you have to increase the Akame Network level and the Colosseum Rank to progress the story. But if you do all the substory/helping people on the street before progressing the story, it's not really a wall.

Also found this, spoiler for Yakuza 7 and Gaiden


Holy crap, they finally added HDR to the dragon engine! Still only 8-bit color however, but the brightness is there.


I've only played up to Yakuza 3 and I haven't finished that one. Do I need prior knowledge before going in? is this a direct sequel to 6?

Sounds like you do. This was the only thing I found regarding a recap that covers 0-6 in one sitting.

Since these games are quite long to go through, maybe watching those would get you up to speed. Not the same, but I'd imagine that cut your time in playing each one by a tremendous amount.

I jumped all over the place with this series. Started the series a few years ago with 4. Then I played 0. Played Kiwami 1, but didn't finish. Finished LoD, so was wondering if I should play erased his name.


Finished LoD, so was wondering if I should play erased his name.
I just finished this game. This game takes place the same time as LaD, but from Kiryu point of view. If you just want to know the main story, I think a YouTube video is much better option. All the middle part of the game is just filler.


I just finished this game. This game takes place the same time as LaD, but from Kiryu point of view. If you just want to know the main story, I think a YouTube video is much better option. All the middle part of the game is just filler.

Thanks for that. I definitely want to play it for sure. Just trying to finish up Spider-Man 2. Way too many games at the moment haha (good thing).


Can we all agree that it's really nice in 2023, with all the woke bullshit, that we have a game that gives you the opportunity in one gaming session to :

- Obliterate bad guys with over the top violence
- Go meet some hookers
- Gamble like a moron
- Drink some booze and smoke cigarettes to buff your characters

Never change, Yakuza, please.


Can we all agree that it's really nice in 2023, with all the woke bullshit, that we have a game that gives you the opportunity in one gaming session to :

- Obliterate bad guys with over the top violence
- Go meet some hookers
- Gamble like a moron
- Drink some booze and smoke cigarettes to buff your characters

Never change, Yakuza, please.

Yeah I was thinking the same, and its kind of bad that I do but this is how the world works right now.

Ok, you never seem to fight against females. Watch snowflakes complain about this one day.


Yeah I was thinking the same, and its kind of bad that I do but this is how the world works right now.

Ok, you never seem to fight against females. Watch snowflakes complain about this one day.
Litteraly shaking rn, so angry about your biggotery that reminds me of the darkest period of humanity!!!!
How do you know the guys we fight in the game don't identify as females ?????
Do better, SkylineRKR SkylineRKR "

Am I doing this right? :d


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Anybody have all Yakuza games, I started them all up to check out what I've finished, how they all run etc., they're all fine, some I have to lock to 30fps most to 60 with some settings reductions (or not for the oldies). But wow Kiwami 2 I thought something was wrong with my PC it stutters so bad, like Kiryu running through the city will stall and jump metres ahead when it is responsive again, is that just me? I don't remember it being bad when I played through it. Edit: weird, stuttering gone without changing anything on my end (and now I have all the games in 60 fps with minor dips in some).
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Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Just finished playing the demo(s) of Infinite Wealth. It's so good. Also it started raining at some point in the second demo so yay, weather outside cut scenes/set pieces. I explored everything I could in the first demo then in the second beat the boss (ignore the warning, he's not at all tough you don't need to level at all) and also did the Sicko Snap which is like Pokemon Snap. I don't think I'll explore more of the second demo (it's probably the same surface area as the first, just a different slice of the game with your party members and different boss section and such). I saw the second jobs for all and unlocked a third for the guys too. Other than the constant loot OCD it causes with things being EVERYWHERE to pick up it's so good. And it looks so beautiful. Combat has a few more fun systems to it compared to 7. It's gonna be super fun and wow the new girl party member looks good/cool!
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Just finished playing the demo(s) of Infinite Wealth. It's so good. Also it started raining at some point in the second demo so yay, weather outside cut scenes/set pieces. I explored everything I could in the first demo then in the second beat the boss (ignore the warning, he's not at all tough you don't need to level at all) and also did the Sicko Snap which is like Pokemon Snap. I don't think I'll explore more of the second demo (it's probably the same surface area as the first, just a different slice of the game with your party members and different boss section and such). I saw the second jobs for all and unlocked a third for the guys too. Other than the constant loot OCD it causes with things being EVERYWHERE to pick up it's so good. And it looks so beautiful. Combat has a few more fun systems to it compared to 7. It's gonna be super fun and wow the new girl party member looks good/cool!
I just realized that this game will have Pokemon Snap and Animal Crossing lol


Writes a lot, says very little
Sounds like you do. This was the only thing I found regarding a recap that covers 0-6 in one sitting.

Since these games are quite long to go through, maybe watching those would get you up to speed. Not the same, but I'd imagine that cut your time in playing each one by a tremendous amount.

I jumped all over the place with this series. Started the series a few years ago with 4. Then I played 0. Played Kiwami 1, but didn't finish. Finished LoD, so was wondering if I should play erased his name.

Oh wow, yea this is one of those IP you need to play from the start to get everything as each game has different characters that return or direct references form the past etc. Its not saying you can't enjoy each one individually as they are fun games, merely that you might enjoy the story more when you get the connections from past titles.

I've only played up to Yakuza 3 and I haven't finished that one. Do I need prior knowledge before going in? is this a direct sequel to 6?
You could watch the videos online, but I'd recommend playing them in order. saintjules saintjules isn't wrong though, they can be long games. 25 to 40 hours etc. (Depends on how deep you wish to go with those side quest tbh)


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
Is the ps5 version 60fps 4k?

Wasn’t sure if I really needed to play this on PC to get all the visual bells and whistles or not.


Just finished playing the demo(s) of Infinite Wealth. It's so good. Also it started raining at some point in the second demo so yay, weather outside cut scenes/set pieces. I explored everything I could in the first demo then in the second beat the boss (ignore the warning, he's not at all tough you don't need to level at all) and also did the Sicko Snap which is like Pokemon Snap. I don't think I'll explore more of the second demo (it's probably the same surface area as the first, just a different slice of the game with your party members and different boss section and such). I saw the second jobs for all and unlocked a third for the guys too. Other than the constant loot OCD it causes with things being EVERYWHERE to pick up it's so good. And it looks so beautiful. Combat has a few more fun systems to it compared to 7. It's gonna be super fun and wow the new girl party member looks good/cool!
Oh man, those Sega blue skies


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
I cannot find anywhere online discussing the ps5 version resolution or fps anywhere.

On PC I can on my 3080 at 4k max this out and be over 60fps always. If the game is 1440p upscale to 4k on ps5 id prefer to play ps5 if it has haptic feedback.

Did anyone buy ps5 version ? Anyone have a link to confirmation of performance and resolution of ps5 version ?


I cannot find anywhere online discussing the ps5 version resolution or fps anywhere.

On PC I can on my 3080 at 4k max this out and be over 60fps always. If the game is 1440p upscale to 4k on ps5 id prefer to play ps5 if it has haptic feedback.

Did anyone buy ps5 version ? Anyone have a link to confirmation of performance and resolution of ps5 version ?
I found this on Reddit, I'm not sure if it's real though



I don't even have to combat in this game, maxed out serpent shoes and now I just spam back and forth against a group of enemies with the occasional cigarette flick/calling in drones lol.
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I don't even have to combat in this game, maxed out serpent shoes and now I just spam back and forth against a group of enemies with the occasional cigarette flick/calling in drones lol.
cigarette flick in extreme heat is fun lol
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Loves his juicy stink trail scent
I am like 8 hours in and still on chapter 2. Mind you I wasn’t trying to do side content but it seems Akane wanted level 21 in her network and me be platinum in the colosseum to advance?

Got it to 21. Now to go from gold to plat.

Really enjoying my time with this. The music is soooooo good, and the visuals are top notch. Facial models and lighting in particular.


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
Beat the game. My only history with the franchise is beating Ishin and Like a Dragon.

Ending still made me choke and tear up.

Gonna dive into Yakuza 0 then 6 before infinite wealth. The rest I’ll fill in as I can.

I’m a firm believer this is the most slept on franchise in gaming now. Bleeds quality top to bottom.


Beat the game. My only history with the franchise is beating Ishin and Like a Dragon.

Ending still made me choke and tear up.

Gonna dive into Yakuza 0 then 6 before infinite wealth. The rest I’ll fill in as I can.

I’m a firm believer this is the most slept on franchise in gaming now. Bleeds quality top to bottom.
Play the 1st Kiwami between Zero and 6. Just stick to the main story, it's bare bones compared to other games, but the story is important for both Zero and 6.


Gold Member
Just finished. So much fun and a nice dip back into Yakuza before Infinite Wealth comes out.


Finished the game today and enjoyed it overall like the rest of the series. Completed everything except for Pocket Circuit racing as it feels like it's tacked on and an afterthought. I'm disappointed you can't just throw money at the parts shop like in the other games so you have to grind a lot (screw that). There are no substories attached to it either. Also, I already did this shit in 0 and Kiwami 2 with the exact same courses.

I'm curious to see how YongYea will butcher the emotional scene in the english dub at the very end of the game.

Tried a little bit of the Infinite Wealth demo and it feels like a weird fever dream. Looking forward to it in 2 months though.
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Finished the game today and enjoyed it overall like the rest of the series. Completed everything except for Pocket Circuit racing as it feels like it's tacked on and an afterthought. I'm disappointed you can't just throw money at the parts shop like in the other games so you have to grind a lot (screw that). There are no substories attached to it either. Also, I already did this shit in 0 and Kiwami 2 with the exact same courses.

I'm curious to see how YongYea will butcher the emotional scene in the english dub at the very end of the game.

Tried a little bit of the Infinite Wealth demo and it feels like a weird fever dream. Looking forward to it in 2 months though.
There's a little bit of story at the end of the Pocket Circuit mini-game. I don't know if it's he is the same as the Pocket Fighter from 0 and 6. At the end of that story, the game highlights the photo of Pocket Fighter and Kiryu with the first Pocket Circuit Car you get in 0
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Finished the game today and enjoyed it overall like the rest of the series. Completed everything except for Pocket Circuit racing as it feels like it's tacked on and an afterthought. I'm disappointed you can't just throw money at the parts shop like in the other games so you have to grind a lot (screw that). There are no substories attached to it either. Also, I already did this shit in 0 and Kiwami 2 with the exact same courses.

I'm curious to see how YongYea will butcher the emotional scene in the english dub at the very end of the game.

Tried a little bit of the Infinite Wealth demo and it feels like a weird fever dream. Looking forward to it in 2 months though.
There's an english dub of this game?
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