Aloy is perfectly fine in-game
I tried man, many times.
It's pointless, a huge portion of GAF is apparently totally gay (nothing wrong with it

Or just enjoy too much to troll for warring reasons, but in this case karma truly is a bitch:
I still honestly don't get the hate for Aloy, she's sunburnt due to the environment (pretty impressive effects in the game have her actually sweating in the desert regions) and wearing no make up. And that screen shot is cherry picked using a close up camera.
Abby is rather meh, but again, lifestyle, environment etc. I can see why the Devs chose that direction as they have gone for a more realistic look in a post apocalyptic world. But I do kinda understand though when people say she isn't that attractive.
The other two no excuse however.
There was something unflattering in the reveal video to be honest, mainly due to some unfortunate focal lenght shots (absent from the game but still used to troll all the time).
But the devs actually took all that criticism personally and provided Aloy with make-up by default in the game (despite it making no sense in the games universe and tone), along with many others things to make her honestly super attractive. Just read the OT and see how many fell in love with her while playing.
they are all hideous. If you had me at gunpoint and i had to fuck any of these women to save my life, id fucking refuse.
Actual footage of
Joking man, love you.
But if you're seriously telling me your wife looks better than Aloy..
Nobody is arguing the success of the games. Of course they are, but they fuglified the women and the actresses they were even based on. Can't be too pretty in the CULTure rot west, unless you worship Swift or Kardashians, then that's okay.
Naughty Dog are 100% guilty as they actually took Cascina Caradonna huge boobs and made Dina almost flat chested.
And they obviously gave Jocelyn Mettler a perfect replica of Schwarzenegger body..
But Guerrilla are innocent, them uglyfying Hannah Hoekstra is complete disinformation.
First the actress is
entirely flat chested as you can clearly see in the movie
Hemel where she's naked all the time
, she has no breast whatsoever to the point she looks like a man. In the game she sports absolutely stunning and fully rendered big boobs.
There is a shocking comparison pic of this but posting it costed me a ban last time, so if you want to see it ask me via PM.
Her "fat face" is just Hannah face, if it looks a bit off is only due to the technology and that happened on every single game in history that used scans, including Capcom games where their game characters obviously look way worse the professional models they use as base.
They did a stunning job actually especially considering Ashly Burch performance capture had this structure:
But they uglified her compared to the first game
Not true again, only difference from Zero Dawn are more polygons and considerably higher resolution textures and next generation shaders, along with Hannah's peach fuzz.
People usually post pics from an interview from a decade ago to show how pretty Hannah can be but this is how she actually looks:
So no, sorry, at the end of the day these are the only facts on the matter:
they took a flat chested female and provided her with a perfect pair of jugs, mascara by default, tons of makeup options, many Photo Mode sexy poses, while making her a canon red hair who swims like a mermaid and is desired by every male (and even some female) in the game world. Way more feminine in her mannerims, poses and animations than RE3R Jill.
You know you fucked up when you make a fat face look unattractive to a guy who likes fat chicks. This is damn near a man.
But if you like fat yor're never going to be attracted to Aloy.