Microsoft Closes Redfall Developer Arkane Austin, HiFi Rush Developer Tango Gameworks, and More in Devastating Cuts at Bethesda


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
bukkake GIF

Damn. I thought I was the only who drank milk that way.
1.) The gaming industry collapse continues. I think we are far from done.

You got to wonder is MS regrets Activision purchase.

2.) Look at MS sneak in the info when all eyes are on Nintendo and Apple.

Are we all in agreement that Phil Spencer will be out at MS by the end of 2024?
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Bro, I fear for studios like Ninja Theory, Obsidian, Compulsion, Double Fine now.

Not gonna lie.

I don't blame you; I do too. Hellblade II already looks like it's going to be a marginal improvement at best. Compulsion's next game already has some kickback against it because of the SBI stuff (supposedly). We know Psychonauts 2 wasn't a massive seller and that was multiplatform (tho it took a while to get physical copies out there).

If worst comes to worst, hopefully studios like those can get a Toys for Bob deal where they just go independent again, and can get funding from various sources in exchange for some marketing rights to timed exclusivity, publishing rights etc. Would be better than them getting shut down.


aw come on....get lost with your "thoughts and prayers via twitter"-crap, as if that would mean something.
Mahler is one of the few studio chefs who has so far not sold out and is doing what he thinks is right which is seriously rare nowadays.

No need for thoughts and prayers, but those who want respect, give respect.

It's not even the first time he's talked about this in exactly the same way. I hope people will stop asking him now. :messenger_tears_of_joy:


Mibu no ookami

Demoted Member® Pro™
1.) The gaming industry collapse continues. I think we are far from done.

You got to wonder is MS regrets Activision purchase.

2.) Look at MS sneak in the info when all eyes are on Nintendo and Apple.

Are we all in agreement that Phil Spencer will be out at MS by the end of 2024?

Microsoft wants to be a software publisher now. Getting ABK positions them to do so.

There are still people out there thinking Xbox isn't dead or that Microsoft is really focused on Xbox as a brand.

Not sure what needs to happen for people to realize that won't be the case moving forward. Sure, they're happy to sell as many Xbox units as they can and as many GP subs as they can, but both of those things are diminishing fast.


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
Tell you what, it's not a great time to have your two major hobbies be video games and music festivals.

Maybe I fast track having a kid and let both industries crumble and rebuild while I raise the little bastard.


They clearly purchased Bethesda for TES and perhaps ID Software and MachineGames. They trim the fat. Tango doesn't make commercially succesful games, and Mikami already left.
Are any of you surprised? All the people who were all cheer leading the "acquisitions" , I hope you are happy.

I want Xbox to thrive, but I wanted them to make their own games, and buying bethesda and activision/blizzard wasn't just corporate greed and monopolistic.
Many of us saw this coming and warned you all, but no one listened, to worried about console warring for your "side".
You should of been more concerned with how them getting Bethesday/acti would of stifled competion instead of wanting points on your side.

Truth is there is no sides, these companies don't have you in mind.
  • Both Sony and MS delist digtial games, when they could pay the pocket change (to them) for licenses to old music or technology rights.
  • Both Close down studios to make more profit
  • Both inject woke culture to "sell to more people and attract the feministas, culties, and re-reseters on X.
  • Both shut down servers far too soon.
  • Both want golden goose gaas money.
  • Both don't cater to gamers who have been with them since the start.
  • Both Shut down game studios that actually made goog games.
Only Nintendo caters to its core audience, and pc is open platform, I guess you could say Valve and they don't cater to us either, as no half-life3, but steam is amazing.


To be honest I only recently realized Hi Fi Rush was already out for PS5. Its not being marketed at all.

Its 30% off! I bought it.
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Old joke about American management

An American Company and a Japanese Company decided to engage in a boat race. Both teams practiced hard and long to reach their peak performance levels. On the big day they felt ready. The Japanese won by a mile. The American team was discouraged by the loss. Morale sagged. Corporate management decided that the reason for the crushing defeat had to be found, so a consulting firm was hired to investigate the problem and recommend corrective action.

The consultant's finding: The Japanese team had eight people rowing and one person steering; the American team had one person rowing and eight people steering.

After a year of study and millions spent analyzing the problem, the consultant firm concluded that too many people were steering and not enough were rowing on the American team.

So as race day neared again the following year, the American team's management structure was completely reorganized.

The new structure: four steering managers, three area steering managers, and a new performance review system for the person rowing the boat to provide a work incentive.

The next year, the Japanese won by TWO miles!!! Humiliated, the American corporation laid off the rower for poor performance and gave the managers a bonus for discovering the problem.


Studio's that don't make money, don't produce games that make money will always be in danger, whomever owns them or if they're independent.

Microsoft are running a business and with that comes an expectation that everyone has to make good on the investment Microsoft made in them. Unfortunately these Studio's haven't delivered on their promise and Microsoft has acted. Microsoft aren't any different to any other company, they all require results.
Seems a bit bad to suggest this is OK, when the only reason these games don't make money is because the majority of people playing them have been using a workaround to get all MSs content for the last few years for a $1 a month.

It's a crock of shit, as is your rationale.

MS decided none of their studios was going to make money, so how is that a reason for them to close them down.

What they should do is ditch gamepass as a failed experiment.
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