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While asked on an Instagram Q&A about the bullying on set and one of the cast members leaving the show, they further elaborated that someone from the costume crew had told them that Antony Starr bullied Dominique McElligott to the point that she left the industry and because of him, she would even fly back home instead of being with the cast, calling him a bully and a sexist.
Their contact in the costumes is not the only person that backs up this story, according to Vought HQ, a former actor from the show has also "regularly told them" that Starr bullied Dominique relentlessly and would be very inappropriate towards the female guest stars.
The allegations of Antony Starr’s toxic behavior on set comes two years after the The Boys actor assaulted a young chef while intoxicated at a pub in Alicante. The 21-year-old chef was reportedly punched twice by Starr and was taken to a hospital where they received four stitches above their eyes. Starr publicly spoke up about what happened a few months later in 2022, describing the incident as a ‘personal issue’, he said: ‘You mess up. You own it. You learn from it. You move forward.’