Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch

【ミニレビュー】 PS VR2をPCに繋ぐ「PlayStation VR2 PCアダプター」を試す
ソニー・インタラクティブエンタテインメント(SIE)は、8月7日から、PlayStation VR2(PS VR2)をWindows PCで使うための「PlayStation VR2 PCアダプター」を発売する。価格は8,480円。
Google translated
SIE stated, "We have made the PS VR2 compatible with PCs in order to provide PlayStation VR2 users who also have a gaming PC with an environment in which they can enjoy a wide range of VR content on their PCs, and to broaden the scope of the VR experience with PS VR2."
It was also said that PS VR2 was "designed with PC connection in mind from the beginning."
"The importance of PC connection was recognized even within the PS VR2 development team, and PC connection was also taken into consideration when the design of PS VR2 began. On the release date of PS VR2, we first worked on optimizing the VR experience when connected to a PS5, and then accelerated development of PC compatibility after the release."