Hermen, given the outpouring of enthusiasm around the title and the character, are you considering putting more resources behind the development of more family-friendly titles?
There's more stuff in this piece if anyone wants to check it out.HH: I think it’s massively important that PlayStation Studios develops games in various genres and the family market is really important for us to focus on.
At the beginning of the project we talked a little bit about platformers. So many great ones have come out of Japan. [Team ASOBI’s] delivering a massive game that plays like some of the best in that genre. And again, it is so accessible that the audience for that will range from new players to young players, but also, players of my age that keep enjoying challenges.

PlayStation Podcast Celebrates the Launch of ASTRO BOT
To celebrate the launch of ASTRO BOT, we recently had the chance to chat with Team ASOBI Studio Director, Nicolas “Nico” Doucet, and Sony Interactive Entertainment’s CEO of the Studio Business Group, Hermen Hulst, to talk all things Astro and what it takes to create and deliver an instant...