Ragnarock has a lot of gameplay, not sure what the fuck people are talking about.
I have 100 hours on that game and most of them were gameplay.
Even the puzzle stuff is bullshit, they never tell you how to solve a puzzle, they just tell what is interactable and what you could do, but they never directly spill the solution like the order of what you have to shot or move, we can argue that it is still too much of an help, but puzzles were never the focus of gow, they are just there to add some variety and not only have walk and fight\walk and fight all the time, the last 2 zeldas have dogshit core combat because combat has never been a focus of zelda but they are still considered the saviour of gaming or some shit, even if they have more combat than gow has puzzles...
And having an easy mode is not a flaw, if you want a challenge there is give the god of war mode that is as nasty as every fromsoft game (and harder than half of them, at least for me if number of deaths are anything to go by), i take having multiple difficulty mode over being stuck with only one that could not be challenging enough.
My biggest problem with the game was the pace and the writing\plot being inferior, too ,uch time following little shit because they have this stupid fucking one camera shot bullshit so they always have to follow a character to show how the plot advance in another place, everything else was superior but people forget this when they trash the game:
Far Better enemy variety
Far better boss variety
Better weapon variety (and the new weapon is super cool, probably one of the best weapons i used in recent times)
Better location variety
Better sidequest
Better puzzle variety
Better build variety
More content in general (more armours, skills, talismans etc.)
More varied combat (not by much but definitely noticeable)
Not sure if little shit and angrboring section erase all of that but here we are.
And the wokeness is not as in your face as spidey or even horizon, a dude getting old and softer for his kid or thor having family problems is still nowhere near a white rich old dude stealing from a black music history museum, gow wokeness is more abstract and not heavily related to modern society, i never rolled my eyes as in horizon having 90% of the strongest warriors being females, in here the strong females are fucking gods or supernatural beings, it would be strange if they weren't strong, it is not mary jawline defeating a small army with a gun...(And they all lose against kratos in a direct fight so...)
Strange how people didn't called kratos old or soft when he was in such a terrible state after his very first fight against baldur, dude looked OLD when he try to heal himself, like a dude that's doesn't have much juice left (i'm very surprised that he lasted 2 games already), this is not spring chicken kratos anymore and has been "softer" for a hot minute now, but he still kick everyone's ass anyway, so soft my ass