Gold Member

Report via Rock Paper Shotgun:
Denuvo recently changed its strategy on how to deal with accusations that it damages performance. Instead of keeping quiet, the company will start responding to such comments in order to defend itself.
Andreas Ullmann, Denuvo's product manager, has in recent days responded to a lot of criticism the company has received. Regarding the impact on performance, the manager doesn't deny that it exists, but claims that only “a minority” of games are affected, claiming that it's always the same titles cited by users:
Secondly, I think it's super hard for a gamer. I'm a gamer myself, and therefore I know what I'm talking about. I think it's super hard to see, as a gamer, what is the immediate benefit for me that a certain game developer, game publisher, is using our anti-piracy services. For anti-cheat, for example. It’s super easy. You as a player have an immediate benefit if a game uses an anti-cheat solution, because it's a fair environment in the game, and you don't need to face cheaters. It's different, though. There was a recent study about the financial impact of our protection. That study said our solution saves our customers around 20% of - or an additional 20% of revenue - if they're using our solution.