I am heartened to say that NeoGAF is in a great place right now. Discussions are lively and varied, with a mix of news, impressions, analysis, and drama. Users post thoughtfully, jokingly, and honestly, while keeping things tactful and within the rules. Quite a few people help keep our lights on directly by subscribing to Gold. No matter what your contributions to the community are, I appreciate you.
We're currently at over 3 million unique visitors this past month, so don't discount how many people read what you write on GAF.
Rome wasn't built in a day. We've put in the hard work to build a great community, and I foresee good times ahead.
We're currently at over 3 million unique visitors this past month, so don't discount how many people read what you write on GAF.

Rome wasn't built in a day. We've put in the hard work to build a great community, and I foresee good times ahead.