Absolutely Cozy
I'm drunk many hours before Amerigaf - so here's a song that's nice to wind down the drunken friday night to:
Those are not Finlanders. There's no beer cans around them. I've never seen a Finnish sauna in that paltry condition.
Gaf cares!
You might even say gaf gives a fuck!
Are we fucking Icelanders now? Are we fucking Finlanders now? Waarom?
Those are not Finlanders. There's no beer cans around them. I've never seen a Finnish sauna in that paltry condition.
When my parents die within the next 5 years or so.
I'm going to commit suicide
Literally, the only two people that have given a shit about me and cared for me, to this day. There is no other reason to exist but for them.
Gaf cares!
You might even say gaf gives a fuck!
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