Has there been any more subbed episodes since the fourth one?
Has there been any more subbed episodes since the fourth one?
The Japanese group Perfume is synced like crazy. I love it.Though Im curious, which girl groups are notable for their great in-sync dance performances on stage on average?
Oh well, Jiyeon can guide her though this experience.ICE COLD
The real shame is that this will draw attention away from the amazing, sexy, fierce, flawless performances that Dal Shabet is cranking out right now.
Yeah it was heaps worse/better than this one.Nam Gyuri had like a whole-boob slip.
Streaming ' Dangerous Boys' ... one of the boys done left! For good!
Seems like you guys are getting used. You can't even get the refund until they sell your copy on. So they are guaranteed to either have no loss, or make that extra $11.
Hipster glasses
I am a picky mother fucker
This performance seems perfect for educational purposes. A Pink has pretty easily recognisable faces, except for the one in the Bulls shirt, which seems as recognisable as a brick wall. But it should be easy to apply names to the faces now.
Bomi is the one in the A Pink shirt.
Chorong is the one in the Knicks shirt.
I am pretty certain that Naeun is the one in the Lakers shirt.
Help me out with the rest.
It's e.via, she's like 26 if my memory serves me right.Haha, I love Suzy, but she looks very...unaccustomed to "being sexy."
Who is this? And,how old is she?sorry VantyMy friend from out of town just asked me if she was 13.
Who was it, Hyoyeons kid?
ramyeon said:It's e.via, she's like 26 if my memory serves me right.
sones prepare an event for tiffany after the last show of her musical
Hmmm, AKP looks different. Lots of empty space though.
It's $11. That's like an hour and a half at even minimum wage. It's all good.
I didn't say it was expensive. It doesn't change the fact that everyone is getting ripped off. If amazon were to suddenly tell me to drop $11 more on something I had already paid for, and hadn't had been waiting for for weeks, I would have told them to fuck themselves.
Hmmm, AKP looks different. Lots of empty space though.
That avatar is sexy.
On an unrelated note, my iTunes play count for kpop is Roly Poly at 141, Hoot at 120 and then 37 for the next closest song (Epik High - One Minute One Second remix).
I recently reformatted so my plays got reset but top 5 played:
T-ara - Goodbye, OK
Dal★Shabet - Dal★Shabet (With. BIGTONE)
Dal★Shabet - Shakalaka
SNSD - you-aholic
SNSD - Bad Girl
broadwayrock said:Pit-a-pat Shake brings out the crazy fangirls....
Lizzy and Nana:
boss lizzy thanking the haters
Do people in this thread mostly just listen to kpop or something? Only kpop song in my top 5 is Nu ABO, rest are all Versailles and Hizaki Grace Project. But looking at my list I just noticed f(x) icecream down at #20, haven't listened to that in ages and it's so good ahah.Yep.
I recently reformatted so my plays got reset but top 5 played:
T-ara - Goodbye, OK
Dal★Shabet - Dal★Shabet (With. BIGTONE)
Dal★Shabet - Shakalaka
SNSD - you-aholic
SNSD - Bad Girl
Do people in this thread mostly just listen to kpop or something? Only kpop song in my top 5 is Nu ABO, rest are all Versailles and Hizaki Grace Project. But looking at my list I just noticed f(x) icecream down at #20, haven't listened to that in ages and it's so good ahah.
Do people in this thread mostly just listen to kpop or something? Only kpop song in my top 5 is Nu ABO, rest are all Versailles and Hizaki Grace Project. But looking at my list I just noticed f(x) icecream down at #20, haven't listened to that in ages and it's so good ahah.
Do people in this thread mostly just listen to kpop or something? Only kpop song in my top 5 is Nu ABO, rest are all Versailles and Hizaki Grace Project. But looking at my list I just noticed f(x) icecream down at #20, haven't listened to that in ages and it's so good ahah.