The person that took that was hot, rich and had a big dick so it was okay.
you forgot he was circumcised and tips a lot
The person that took that was hot, rich and had a big dick so it was okay.
No, I mentioned yoga pants, and that's what I'm going off of. Like I said, creeps will be creeps. Women will ALWAYS be targeted, I was just referring to yoga pants and leggings which people like to wear as normal pants.
Let's talk about "creepshots"
I'm going to say this as nice as I can: this reeks of the classic victim-blaming mindset/scenarios.
perhaps a nice burqa
Oooo, bolding and all! I included the pics because I expected (which was true) that many people didn't know what 'creepshots' were before now. I sure as hell didn't know it was a thing or what it was, and neither did a lot of people.
But sure, try to turn the tides away from your generalizations as being opinions that can be disagreed with rather than just plain wrong. You've had multiple women in this thread say the exact opposite of what you had lied out to be your preconceptions of how all women think..
Dude, you're accusing anyone who is wearing yoga pants to have had it coming to them. That's pretty much the same exact argument used for rape victim blaming. I don't think you realize how ridiculous you sound that woman can't be allowed to wear any type of yoga pants, and if they do, they should expect to be barraged with creepers. smh
Those 5 qualities describe me to a forgot he was circumcised and tips a lot
Look, rapers will rape, thieves will steal, murderers will kill. I don't expect them to wear a burkah, I don't expect a woman to wear one of those vagina dick traps, I don't expect you to have your wallet or purse chained to you, it's impractical. What I do expect is basic personal care. If you don't want people looking at your butt, don't flaunt it. If you don't want people seeing how rich you are, don't flaunt it, if you don't people want to kill you, don't where crip colors in blood territory. What is wrong with taking care of yourself? I'm not putting the blame on the victim. I'm not GOING to put blame on the victim, but making yourself vulnerable creates an opening for someone to take advantage of it.
What's so hard to understand?
Damm, no ninja creeper mode in Japan. I bet they hack it!This has been a pretty big epidemic in Japan for years. Surprised it took this long to get much attention in the US. That's why phones and cameras in Japan have a loud snapshot sound that can't be turned off. A pretty good deterrent I think. Even DSi and 3DS systems in the US retain that function.
Do you tell your wife not to wear foreign-looking clothes or a hijab since she's been harassed?
I make my wife wear a moo moo.Do you tell your wife not to wear foreign-looking clothes or a hijab since she's been harassed?
Can you post a picture of your wife so I can objectify her? You don't need her permission.In fact? Yes. I have. But racists will be racists. I don't even look Arab and I still get racist comments all the time.
But you know what? She's not embarrassed of people taking picture of her, and she's proud of who she is, so it doesn't bother her. If it does, I'm sure she'd change something.
ahhh this fucking site man, Im at work in tears lmao!!The first time I ever really touched a butt was the day after 9/11. I had a Persian girlfriend. (We were 13 so that meant we talked on the phone lots) anyway on 9/11 her mom wouldn't let her go out after school because she was afraid someone would like do a hate crime all up on her. So I talked to her on the phone wile I had people over to watch CNN (via MTV of coruse) the. The next day I walked her home and her two girlfriends were walking like two paces behind us and they said "grab her butt!" I got a palm full of that booty. A palm full. She was flexing. Nothing but booty.
I think that girl is like a diplomat or someone with a blackberry now.
We actually still are pretty good friends. Just retread that post and felt like a monster.
How about you edit the pictures out of your OP. If it is wrong why contribute to it?
I haven't posted any images taken of womens butts against their will or knowledge - in fact I have stated that I think it is creepy. You, on the other hand, have posted such exact pictures.
Can you post a picture of your wife so I can objectify her? You don't need her permission.
Can you post a picture of your wife so I can objectify her? You don't need her permission.
What's the harm? She doesn't wear anything she'd be ashamed to be seen in.
They wear them because its a fashion trend.I love how so many men think girls wear yoga pants for their attention. Nice to see how they think everything revolves around them.
I love how so many men think girls wear yoga pants for their attention. Nice to see how they think everything revolves around them.
In fact? Yes. I have. But racists will be racists. I don't even look Arab and I still get racist comments all the time.
But you know what? She's not embarrassed of people taking picture of her, and she's proud of who she is, so it doesn't bother her. If it does, I'm sure she'd change something.
What's creepy about it? Isn't he arguing about what women should and shouldn't wear based on external reactions? His wife wears things she wouldn't be ashamed to be seen in, so if I objectified her despite her modesty he has to tell her to change clothes despite her comfort. Right?Maybe because he doesn't consider himself a creep.
I'm not talking about taking pictures. I'm talking about whether your wife takes personal care to ensure she won't be harassed for being Muslim. Sounds like the answer is no.
They wear them because its a fashion trend.
How so? "if she was embarrassed of people taking pictures of her i'm sure she'd change something" implies there's nothing wrong with having pics taken of her and thus no issue having them online/being objectified. Not irrelevant in the slightest.Completely irrelevant to the argument at hand.
women like wearing sexy clothes, i.e. clothes that accentuates their fertility signals, but don't like voyeurs because they are probably losers with low quality genes and thus probably dangerous because they might be driven out of desperation to rape. in other words, voyeurs are creepy. a voyeur might be handsome, but the fact that he's a voyeur is a more reliable signal of gene quality than his facial features. this is a fundamental tension women face. they want to signal their fertility, but if they signal it to the wrong guy, they might get raped. in modern times, we want to live in a world in which women can be free to signal their fertility without worrying about rape. in such a world, creepshots are at the very least discouraged.
What's the harm? She doesn't wear anything she'd be ashamed to be seen in.
women like wearing sexy clothes, i.e. clothes that accentuates their fertility signals, but don't like voyeurs because they are probably losers with low quality genes and thus probably dangerous because they might be driven out of desperation to rape. in other words, voyeurs are creepy. a voyeur might be handsome, but the fact that he's a voyeur is a more reliable signal of gene quality than his facial features. this is a fundamental tension women face. they want to signal their fertility, but if they signal it to the wrong guy, they might get raped. in modern times, we want to live in a world in which women can be free to signal their fertility without worrying about rape. in such a world, creepshots are at the very least discouraged.
Hmmmmmmm.but they became a fashion trend because they accentuated fashionable women's butts.
In my mind this post was narrated by Sir David Attenborough.
Yes.They wear them because its a fashion trend.
I wish I could say yes.They wear them because they have nice butts.
What's creepy about it? Isn't he arguing about what women should and shouldn't wear based on external reactions? His wife wears things she wouldn't be ashamed to be seen in, so if I objectified her despite her modesty he has to tell her to change clothes despite her comfort. Right?
I disagree.
All you need to do to take down a picture of yourself is to just contact the website hosting said picture (this applies to both facebook as well as amateur porn websites). That's how things are today, if this law was implemented it'd be more with a deterrent purpose to make the big websites stop these photos rather than involve some sort of removal process.
How so? "if she was embarrassed of people taking pictures of her i'm sure she'd change something" implies there's nothing wrong with having pics taken of her and thus no issue having them online/being objectified. Not irrelevant in the slightest.
Is byakuya pushing it a bit? Probably. Still, to say 'completely irrelevant' makes it seem like you've been asleep at the wheel or something.![]()
This is depressingly naive.
So if I break up with some girl, and she demands that every PG photo we have together is taken down from the internet, I would be legally obligated to comply? A teammate on my basketball team has a falling out with the coach, he demands that all team photos with him in it are removed? Think about what you're saying here for a second.
The volume of media is such that no governing body could police all photos before they are uploaded. The criteria for removal is laughably broad.
I'm of the opinion that what is private is private (and you do have the right to protect your image for commercial gain), but once you're out in the public, assumptions of privacy are out the window.
I was never talking about him taking pictures of her ass or anything else. I meant a general picture of her in modest clothes she's comfortable in.
Illustrating that anything can be objectified and receive perverse/adverse reactions. I wanted to see how far he would take his "personal care" creed.
I'm not talking about taking pictures. I'm talking about whether your wife takes personal care to ensure she won't be harassed for being Muslim. Sounds like the answer is no.
Damm, no ninja creeper mode in Japan. I bet they hack it!
Sometimes its not even creeps shooting the pictures. Girls innocently post pictures up on facebook, and end up elsewhere.
I don't approve of whats happening in the OP, but White-Knight Gaf really needs to chill the fuck out. This has been happening forever. Men used to wear mirrors on their shoes to sneak a peek in public. It's never gonna change, it'll just evolve with the times and the tech.
The girls aren't "asking for it" or anything like that, but things like this have been happening forever and women need to be aware and be safe. No amount of criticism or shaming people on a gaming forum is going to change the human nature of some creepy folks.
Sometimes its not even creeps shooting the pictures. Girls innocently post pictures up on facebook, and end up elsewhere.
Look, rapers will rape, thieves will steal, murderers will kill. I don't expect them to wear a burkah, I don't expect a woman to wear one of those vagina dick traps, I don't expect you to have your wallet or purse chained to you, it's impractical. What I do expect is basic personal care. If you don't want people looking at your butt, don't flaunt it. If you don't want people seeing how rich you are, don't flaunt it, if you don't people want to kill you, don't where crip colors in blood territory. What is wrong with taking care of yourself? I'm not putting the blame on the victim. I'm not GOING to put blame on the victim, but making yourself vulnerable creates an opening for someone to take advantage of it.
What's so hard to understand?
Look, there are dangers in going out at certain times or being in certain situations, particularly for women. That doesn't mean we should berate them for not doing those things, because they shouldn't have to. You see the amount of people who have been shot in this country - which one of you wants to be the jackass who says "they should have been wearing a bulletproof vest" or "oh well, they shouldn't have gone out at that time"?
That not only places the blame on the victim, but directly removes freedoms. Women should be able to go out whenever and not take a bunch of ridiculous precautions, as we should be able to go out sans a bulletproof vest. Because now if we restrict women and we restrict people in urban areas because they "should have done" something different, we'll never have any real form of equality. We have to blame the criminals and actively cut down on the crime.
Now to assume the logic is "they can do, this now, then when we fix it, they can go back out." Say it works, and now every woman stays completely safe because they don't trust strangers, wear heavy clothing and stay indoors at all times. Now that they're "safe," how much effort will actually go towards stopping the problem? Now we've made women a second class, and if they ever do get back their freedom, they'd be far behind, again.
There is no solution that is acceptable beyond addressing the rape and the rapist as the issue, period. Blaming women for what they could have/should have done doesn't do anything positive for anyone.
Ah gotcha. So your point is everyone has different thresholds of personal responsibility?
After all, we're talking about a sub-reddit that probably wouldn't exist if it weren't for the sexualized clothing that some women like to wear these days. Yoga pants/leggings led into dudes getting boners and wanting to share the boner good times with the internet. The pictures of modest clothing comes from a place of voyeurism and will sometimes pop up on the internet outside of a group of fetishists.
Basically, that sub-reddit wouldn't exist if it weren't for that type of clothing and women's privacy is going to be violated considering the technological times we live and there's no discernible way to properly handle it. And considering the harm done, nobody's in a rush to try to fix it.