Mavis Beacon?! Curse that computer program lol. I don't know how he made that slip up as piracy is bannable on just about any gaming site even gamefaqs. This couldn't have been the first site he's ever been to.
This. I don't really think there is ever a problem with simply looking at an attractive member of the opposite sex. It's when that look becomes a gawp that the problem arises.I don't think there's anything wrong with looking (glancing) at a hot girl at the gym , just don't stare or act like a dirty perv.
What's the difference between creep shots and People of Wal-Mart?
...why is this graveyard open again
oh and sentry's banned now too, this is weird
Yeah, both are kinda fucked up anyway.One is pictures to masturbate to and the other is to laugh at people. Not sure why it's more acceptable (especially since most of the walmart shots are also of fat people in really tight clothes and stuff) but there's a clear difference.![]()
Is that from the Sly porno?
DON'T JUDGE MEI'm sure there's someone, somehwere, masturbating to people of walmart, though.
It is indeed Rocky.Is that from the Sly porno?
One is pictures to masturbate to and the other is to laugh at people. Not sure why it's more acceptable (especially since most of the walmart shots are also of fat people in really tight clothes and stuff) but there's a clear difference.![]()
What's the difference between creep shots and People of Wal-Mart?
Yeah, I wouldn't consider either okay, both invasions of privacy. Creepshots kind of objectify women though, so I'd say they're a bit less acceptable.
I was on the beach yesterday and asked a topless hot chick to take a picture for me because I was alone.
After taking a few pictures of me she mentioned she didn't had any of herself during her vacation, but she didn't bring her camera to the beach.
I offered to take some photos of her and send them to her later.
She didn't want that.
So much for that consent option, this is not how I'll get pictures of topless women!
(taking photos for me was supposed to be an ice-breaker but I was very nervous and her vacation was almost over and she didn't seem interested)
I was at the beach yesterday and asked a topless hot chick to take a picture for me because I was alone.
After taking a few pictures of me she mentioned she didn't had any of herself during her vacation, but she didn't bring her camera to the beach.
I offered to take some photos of her and send them to her later.
She didn't want that.
So much for that consent option, this is NOT how I'll get pictures of topless women!
(taking photos for me was supposed to be an ice-breaker but I was very nervous and her vacation was almost over and she didn't seem too interested anyway)
LOL nice try buddy.
It's not only in pictures, apparently casual voyeurism has spread into video form. I was playing the youtube game ( starting with one vid and clicking on a "related video" after each video ) and eventually stumbled on this video. It's a stationary video camera watching a young male and female kissing in a public park. There is really no entertainment value in the video other than the sole purpose of creepily watching an unsuspecting couple spend some time together. I was truly weirded out by it.
It's not only in pictures, apparently casual voyeurism has spread into video form. I was playing the youtube game ( starting with one vid and clicking on a "related video" after each video ) and eventually stumbled on this video. It's a stationary video camera watching a young male and female kissing in a public park. There is really no entertainment value in the video other than the sole purpose of creepily watching an unsuspecting couple spend some time together. I was truly weirded out by it.
It's not only in pictures, apparently casual voyeurism has spread into video form. I was playing the youtube game ( starting with one vid and clicking on a "related video" after each video ) and eventually stumbled on this video. It's a stationary video camera watching a young male and female kissing in a public park. There is really no entertainment value in the video other than the sole purpose of creepily watching an unsuspecting couple spend some time together. I was truly weirded out by it.
What creepy sick bastards. What's next, we'll have TV shows where the entire premise is just watching people in normal lives? What is this world coming to.
A 25-year-old female Redditor has finally come up with a way to beat Reddit's r/CreepShots posters at their own game: compile their personal information and report them to their bosses and local authorities. So far, it's working.
Excellent! Very nice to see more fighting back on this kind of thing. Hadn't even really hoped that the creepers would face any real repercussions.
free speech ftw
Excellent! Very nice to see more fighting back on this kind of thing. Hadn't even really hoped that the creepers would face any real repercussions.
Shit just got real.
Anyway Reddit users post their personal infos or are they linked to their facebook pages, or what? (sorry, barely know Reddit, don't really know how it works).
Nice. Now I get to post in this thread and have the same sensible opinion of everyone not banned.
Opinion is as follows: Admire, don't acquire.
They deserve this if they can't even cover their own tracks, lol