Has there even been a proper sandbox game that's been over 30 fps on the consoles? I think all of them have been 30 fps with lots of drops. I don't see how this game would be any different in that regard.
It's still quite early but since I had nothing better to do today I worked a bit on the OT and realized that I would need some help with banners and images. So if anyone wants to help on that, please shoot me a PM.
Oh and we need a title for the OT.
Another banned low-brow troll. When will they learn?Another defensive WiiU thread. I like these.
Quickly scanned through this thread and didn't see this, but there is a new YouTube video up that shows actually off screen HD footage of the games opening stages and some of the open world features.
Game looks crazy good and fun. I can image my kids driving around for hours causing mayhem!
Quickly scanned through this thread and didn't see this, but there is a new YouTube video up that shows actually off screen HD footage of the games opening stages and some of the open world features.
Game looks crazy good and fun. I can image my kids driving around for hours causing mayhem!
Gamespot posted like 10 minutes of gameplay including some driving and gamepad usage - http://youtu.be/uYTA1T7nUM8
The damage on the vehicles sounds awesome.
Weren't those in Batman 2? Maybe not the Bat-vehicles but if you got in a regular car I could swear that bits would break off.Video confirms two things.
#1. You can run over PEOPLE! (however they don't die! they pop back up)
#2. As you wreck your vehicle parts of the Lego's will fall off until it's to damaged. You can drive with half the car missing.
Weren't those in Batman 2? Maybe not the Bat-vehicles but if you got in a regular car I could swear that bits would break off.
Also, were previous Lego games on consoles not 60fps?
They stopped being 60 fps with Clone Wars; they've been 30 fps ever since, barring the massive drops that occur in co-op.
Gamespot posted like 10 minutes of gameplay including some driving and gamepad usage - http://youtu.be/uYTA1T7nUM8
The damage on the vehicles sounds awesome.
If Nintendo is successful in marketing this to the younger audience, I can see this game being very successful.
I just don't see that happening given their recent track record, however.
All I know is that I'm stoked for it.
Huh, I always assumed they'd stayed at 60 since the last one I played on consoles was a SW game and PC Batman 2 is 60 and doesn't seem too demanding.
i dunno this whole thing is riding on hardware that's extinct
I'll be getting the 3DS version.
I was very happy when I found out that it appears to be open world just like the Wii U version. With any luck this might be a turning point where the handheld LEGO games don't have to be shitty ports of the DS version.
"The best way to brick your console"
i wonder if it would make people think that the thing actually breaks wiiUs....
I plan to pick it up because it'll be the first 3DS game that isn't a DS port, but so far it doesn't exactly look amazing. I'm hoping that's because the game just hasn't been the priority with the Wii U version coming out. Hoping that the footage shown was a little old and that most of the optimization and polishing is happening right now. We'll see I guess.
Wish the Wii U version had AA.
Yeah, that N64 fog isn't looking too hot lol.
"Unfortunately, Lego City: Undercover doesn't feel as if it'll be quite as entertaining for adults; which is a shame, since many of the previous Lego games lived and died by their individual charm. Easy as it was for TT Games to lean on established franchises, there was a certain appeal to seeing Luke Skywalker and Harry Potter mime their way through their respective adventures. It gave the grown-ups something to laugh at in-between watching their five-year-old co-op partner fall continuously into pits or run into things with Lego tractors."
"As expected, Lego City also makes good use of the Wii U controller, which functions as a tablet PC of sorts within the game world. Apart from the usual map functionality, it can receive communications from the home office, and a separate gameplay mode utilizing the gyroscope is used to spot suspects. The latter mode brings with it all sorts of horrifying implications. How can the scope separate a suspect from a regular civilian? Is the technology of Lego City akin to that of Minority Report, where it's clear who is a criminal even before they commit a crime? The only thing missing from Chase's Orwellian repertoire is the ability to call in drone strikes."
This and ZombieU are really making me want a WiiU but I also need to get a 3ds Xl before Animal Crossing comes out. I don't see myself getting both. Hmm.
Looks decent, but it ain't saving Wii U.
"The best way to brick your console"
LOLBased on this thread I almost think it should be
Lego City Undercover |OT| This City Has No Ports
Lego City Undercover |OT| Blocks. U's Game.
Ok the Gamespot video sold me. Looks lots of fun and seems to be running smooth on Wii U.
Based on this thread I almost think it should be
Lego City Undercover |OT| This City Has No Ports
Lego City Undercover |OT| Blocks. U's Game.
I'm more of a Crackdown fan than GTA fan myself, and whilst I understand the appeal of GTA, it doesn't appeal as much as a more absurd sense of humour does these days. To each their own.
It's also an incredibly funny game, with Graham's previous career as a stand-up comedian put to good use in a script that finds a gag in every scenario. Not for nothing has the game attracted vocal turns from cult funny men like Adam Buxton and Peter Serafinowicz
I'd think the tone of the game was easy to gauge from the preview trailers so far. I can understand it won't be to everyone's liking, but the shacknews people shouldn't consider they are writing for all adults here. I, along with a number of other people in this thread have expressed more interest in the tone of this than more gritty, crime based games of the genre.
I'm more of a Crackdown fan than GTA fan myself, and whilst I understand the appeal of GTA, it doesn't appeal as much as a more absurd sense of humour does these days. To each their own.
Thank you, its a weird fucking look and everything said can be applied to some level at the other sandbox games, you cant go into Saint's Rows 3 expecting a deep look at gang culture and drug enforcemennt policies co-written by David Simmons. It so weird to use this as a soap box and singling it out when some games like San Andreas and Just Cause 2 share arguably less realistic despictions of the law enforment and morality.
U say that like it's something bad.Their most successful recent commercial (Luigi's Mansion) feels like it came straight out of the 90s.
No thank you. I'll wait for the master of open world games: