‘Tomb Raider’: Sophie Turner Poised To Play Lara Croft In Phoebe Waller-Bridge’s Amazon Series



Sophie Turner is in negotiations to star as Lara Croft in Tomb Raider, Prime Video’s high-profile series adaptation of the video game franchise from Emmy-winning Fleabag creator Phoebe Waller-Bridge, sources tell Deadline. A rep for Amazon MGM Studios declined comment.

One of those titles that gets worse as it goes on. Who is this even being made for?


Gold Member
compared to sophie turner , lucy boynton would have been a better pick

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Gold Member
Lara Croft runs, jumps, climbs, pulls, pushes, carries, fights, wrestles, and sprints. She also never eats, exercises, or fills out a tank top.


May be a little unfair to this actress as she can certainly go on a diet, hit the gym, and tone up. But I think seeing anything like the dynamic tough Lara is out the window with this casting choice or at least any action scenes are gonna be skeeeeeetchy.


I mean... yeah. That's not surprising to me in the least. She's famous, but not too expensive, and fits into the 'British and tall' categories.

We were never getting actual Lara Croft in this. You all knew that, didn't you? Big tits, muscular, strong Lara Croft? That was never happening.

This will be Lara Croft the apologist for imperial crimes, and righter of historical injustices. It'll have Sophie Turner doing things impossible for a woman of her size, in dreadful CGI action sequences. Her skinny little arms will be able to clothesline six foot tall men with no issues whatsoever.
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Gold Member
I mean... yeah. That's not surprising to me in the least. She's famous, but not too expensive, and fits into the 'British and tall' categories.

We were never getting actual Lara Croft in this. You all knew that, didn't you? Big tits, muscular, strong Lara Croft? That was never happening.

This will be Lara Croft the apologist for imperial crimes, and righter of historical injustices. It'll have Sophie Turner doing things impossible for a woman of her size, in dreadful CGI action sequences. Her skinny little arms will be able to clothesline six foot tall men with no issues whatsoever.
Eh, I was gonna say that was ok so long as the show was funny or the action was decent, then you snuck in that edit about how PREPOSTEROUS the action was likely to be with her spindly little girl arms and yeah, I agree.

We were on a good run for action women as well. Obliterated had 2-3 nicely shaped ladies that all had good muscle tone. FUBAR did as well. Lioness of course is a 'roided out glorious display of bodies.

But maybe Turner hits the HGH, downs 5000kcal of protein a day, and takes up squats and olympic presses for 6 months. Male actors do it all the time.

But I expect the PR spin to be "a more cerebral, intellectual Lara that defeats her enemies with her brain and razor sharp wit instead of guns and fists in this exciting reimagining of the classic video game now for modern audiences!"


Gold Member
Horrible and comical choice. She is not an action type actor. I'll be astonished if she can put on any kind of mass like Lara has. Her build is way too thin


But I expect the PR spin to be "a more cerebral, intellectual Lara that defeats her enemies with her brain and razor sharp wit instead of guns and fists in this exciting reimagining of the classic video game now for modern audiences!"

Oh, they won't do that. That would make sense. They'll just have her doing all the gun and fighting stuff anyway. Because showing flaws in a female protagonist is not allowable in this kind of context. And Turner will probably add a bit of body mass during training.

And then she'll stand on the red carpet with Waller Bridge and tell us how proud she is of playing such a positive female role model for young girls. And how it's great that Lara has been made a more appropriate character for the modern audience.

Nobody will watch it, and then Amazon will quietly bury the viewing figures, and cancel the show after one season.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
This is another example of DOA slop... and they continue to shit on Croft's grave.


Absolutely Cozy

They could have given us Phoebe Waller Bridge or Millie Bobbie Brownie so I don't mind her. With brown hair and some weightlifting I think she can fit the role. I've only seen her in GoT and I wasn't exactly impressed, but then again the character was written in a very boring way.

If she actually tries to have fun in the role, instead of just staring bored into the horizon, and learns to express charisma and an adventurous spirit then this casting can be okay.



Not the YouTuber
So many British actors this could of been…

But hell could also be worse, at least she’s the right skin colour even if looks like a bit of a pill diet body.


I can't comprehend how she got any acting jobs beyond Game of Thrones let alone the fact she continues to get them. For that matter I couldn't comprehend how they didn't just say fuck it and recast her midway in that. And GOT made her look good compared to X-Men. How could anybody watch those X-Men trainwrecks and think Sophie Turner needs more action roles!

Even if they continue to be scared of the original Lara design that can't be a "real woman" is it really that hard to find the slightest bit of acting ability or somebody believeable physically in an action film? Or at least roll the dice and take a chance on somebody like a Dua Lipa that could be just as bad but at least hasn't already established how horrendously awful they are like Turner. You might as well just cast a D'Amelio at this point. At least they have the right hair color and with how low Sophie Turner sets the acting ability bar I am not convinced they couldn't out act her. I mean she got outacted by a little kid playing the young Jean Grey in the X-Men disaster of casting her.

In summary I blame Taylor Swift for this. Get more talented friends!

Kanye West GIF


That’s a very weird choice. I wouldn’t bother if you can’t get the right actress. I guess they see it as some disposable TV show.


Weeb Underling
Phoebe Waller Bridge is an anti-selling point, but even then, I don’t see the interest for this. By the time this comes out, Crystal Dynamics would’ve have driven Tomb Raider even further into the ground with their upcoming reboot.
Team whichever Jonas brother she dumped.
Wave Hello GIF by Nick Jonas

I don't think that's the right one. Maybe it is. I also don't know how many Jonas brothers there are in the first place and I will not be looking that information up.


Man, British men have it tough if this is what goes as attractive over the pond…
Her mate would be my choice of the two. Turner looks like she’s become hyper obsessed with her weight since GoT and it’s fucked her up. Either that or lots of partying.


Lara Croft runs, jumps, climbs, pulls, pushes, carries, fights, wrestles, and sprints. She also never eats, exercises, or fills out a tank top.


May be a little unfair to this actress as she can certainly go on a diet, hit the gym, and tone up. But I think seeing anything like the dynamic tough Lara is out the window with this casting choice or at least any action scenes are gonna be skeeeeeetchy.
I remember Alicia Vikander worked out a lot for the last Tomb Raider film and she's got super petite physique. Some scenes still looked silly, but not completely unbelievable. We'll see if Sophia gets the same preparations or if they'll just rely on "movie magic".

A much bigger problem is having Phoebe Waller-Bridge involved - it immediately takes away my interest in watching this.
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