I’m more surprised it was allowed there before this episode aired.
The Chinese government has reportedly deleted all clips, episodes and discussions of the Comedy Central series “South Park” following the show’s most recent episode “Band in China”
One of the episode’s storylines sees Randy getting caught attempting to sell weed in China and getting sent to a work camp where he runs into an imprisoned Winnie the Pooh (the Chinese government has been known to aggressively censor Winnie the Pooh).
A second storyline follows Stan, Jimmy, Kenny and Butters forming a metal band. A manager wants to make a film about them, but the script keeps changing so that the film can safely be distributed in China. The episode also takes shots at Disney.
"South Park" Scrubbed From Chinese Internet
The Chinese government has reportedly deleted all clips, episodes and discussions of the Comedy Central series “South Park” following the show’s most recent episode “Band in China”. The episode in question featured a pair of storylines that critiqued and mocked Hollywood’s habit of shaping its...