The problem is you have 27 fucking contractors working on 1 damn space suit. Completely inefficient. No, 1 company might not produce the best design possible, but they'll have enough organizational efficiencies to create it in less time than this is taking, and for less than $1B. They've been developing new spacesuits for 14 fucking years...14! This is being handled as poorly as the SLS project.
Holy shit, NASA is a dumpster fire. A bunch of smart people, but they're burdened by a mountain of bureaucracy and arcane processes. Seriously, this is a case where SpaceX would definitely design something better and faster. There is no excuse for not being able to come up with a working design in17 years. None at all. This project has failed, plain and simple. Cut your losses, and commission SpaceX to complete it. They're the most competent company in the space business. NASA has really become a major disappointment with the Artemis program. The whole reason the project keeps getting adjusted by new administrations is because NASA can't make enough progress to justify sticking with one goal.
NASA needs to be restructured. I don't agree with cutting their funding, but they need a major restructuring. The way they currently do things is plainly flawed. SpaceX has exposed their inefficiencies. We're going to get a science fiction film space ship into orbit from SpaceX years before NASA can finish a goddamn space suit. Fuck me, that's depressing.