I don’t know why they still haven’t remastered Returns. I got that game for Christmas when it came out and it genuinely rekindled my passion for gaming. Tropical Freeze may be better, but the simplicity and style of Returns was refreshing. I just hope that when they probably remaster it, they won’t add unnecessary stuff like the other Kongs.
DK64 was all kinds of wrong. There’s a good game in there and the level design is mind-boggling for its time (and it’s on a cart!), but it really does all it can to make you hate it. It has the size of Banjo-Tooie without the ingenuity, and Tooie is already way too much of a good thing as it is.
i agree, been saying this but DKC Returns has some advantages that make it a game worthy of a playthrough even after Tropical Freeze.its a great game,with fun , interesting levels and bosses.there is a ton of stuff that doesn't appear in the sequel
Tropical Freeze has better music and enemies(not necessarily better bosses but in their design),but imo it felt a little shorter
I was hoping to see a remaster but i think Nintendo will only count the 3DS version , and not bother since Tropical Freeze is already on the Switch and considered by fans the 'better' game.
Unless they come with some Virtual Console/Online service