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What do you hope to be doing when you're 93-years-old? Having a nap? Living your best life on a yacht in the Caribbean? Achieving internet stardom by blitzing tracks in Forza Motorsport 7?
If you answered Forza Motorsport 7, there's a good chance your name is Ryuji Urabe, and you're an ex-taxi driver living in Tokyo, Japan who's taken the internet by storm filming your digital exploits in high-powered supercars. Oh you're not Ryuji Urabe? Well this is awkward. This article was meant exclusively for him, but, I guess I can make an exception, since you're already here and all.
In the video, Urabe-san is racing in a Mazda Savanna RX-7, which is a real car he's owned since 1990, according to the description. After a slightly shaky start (a very small accident where the car acquaints itself with the wall) Ryuji is off, and honestly? Handling the car better than I probably could.
"He was a cab driver, a dump truck driver, and so on. He had lived his whole life with cars, but now he can't drive anymore. So I wanted to let him drive again," his grandson, Koutarou Yamamoto, explained.
It's clear that the nonagenarian enjoys playing the game, and judging by the success he's had online, it's doubtful he has any plans to stop soon. With Forza Horizon 5 coming out in November, surely Microsoft would be missing a trick not to use this internet sensation in their marketing for the game. I'd personally love to see him included as an in-game avatar. Can we get a petition going?

93-Year-Old Grandpa Has Become Online Sensation Playing Video Games
Ex-taxi driver Ryuji Urabe from Tokyo, Japan loves racing cars in Forza