"A good look for humanity" Jesus you love the smell of those farts you makingHa !
I have a track record for standing up for the creative process on this forum. Creating something is HARD.
I have no problem with criticism or opinion based on taste or preference.
I have a problem with people dismissing or shitting on the creative process as if it has no intrinsic value and requires no effort.
Usually it's people used to instant gratification and consumption. People who've not created and put their work out there. Ingrates basically.
Not a crime but not a good look for humanity.
Ps Indies means independent studios. It's not Nintendo so God knows what you're on about with me being a triggered Nintendo fan.
Pps If you're going to shit on something for shits and giggles, don't get all worked up when you're called out on it. If you dish it out, then be prepared to take it too..

You forget that I was calling you out for getting upset with someone who still has a total valid opinion.
You can say what you want but it's easy to see the connections. Nintendo profile, someone says Nintendo indie showcase was nothing, all of a sudden you now want to nullify their opinion all under the guise of "art is hard, I'm so altruistic".
It'd be easier if you just admitted that made you upset rather than playing this gaming art messiah act and pretending like you are some sort of superior human being

The fact is that user did absolutely nothing wrong in saying that showcase had nothing, and you felt the need to "stand up" for all game developers. Please, thinly veiled agenda remains thin