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A Plague Tale: Requiem looks WORSE with Ray Tracing, comparison screenshots
Asobo has just released a new update for A Plague Tale: Requiem that adds support for Ray Tracing. However, the game looks worse with them.

Asobo has just released a new update for A Plague Tale: Requiem that adds support for Ray Tracing. Now while Asobo claims that it has used Ray Tracing in order to enhance both ambient occlusion and shadows, the game only offers an option for ray-traced shadows. Not only that but these ray-traced shadows completely break the in-game ambient occlusion, making the game look worse.
Below you can find some comparison screenshots. The ray-traced version is on the left, whereas the rasterized version is on the right. As you can see, we do get more realistic shadows (some are sharper and others are softer) with RT shadows. However, the overall image now looks flat as there aren’t any AO effects.
Many more images comparing RT on vs Off on the article.
But considering it's around 20-30% heavier and looks worse, it's probably better to just keep it off.