In Rise you look and act more like a ninja/power ranger than a monster hunter. The stages are smaller, the interactions fewer, the graphics weaker, and the wirebug moves over-the-top. It was designed for a weaker system with shorter hunts to be "portable". It does howerver have more monsters, and some might preffer the over-the-top acrobatics. Also they regressed to the old mission structure of seperating Multiplayer and Single player missions (and stories), which suck, because it's very hard to find players for earlier Multiplayer missions without Modding the machmaker to increase it's range.
World was designed to be "the first" for new people, like Yakuza Zero was, though MH doesn't have any continuing story (or any story beyond some basic setting most of the time). In the Expansion they added plenty of new things, though they ballanced all the monsters for the new mechanics, and if you don't use them the hunts take ages.
My advice:
- Start with World.
- If you like it move to Iceborne.
- If it's out, try Wilds.
- If you run out of MH, got to rise.
My newcomer advice (for World):
- DON'T GET THE DEFENDER GEAR AT THE START. It was a lazy attemt to by capcom to push new players to the end-game and is available to everyone (the armour from character creation even) regardles of owning the expansion. It's designed to be extreamly powerfull and extreamly cheap to upgrade. Everyone who uses it stands out on how badly they play, and how little they know the game and is looked down upon. Do your self and us a favor and play the normal way. The early game is an experience on it's own where things are simpler, so don't rush it.
- Do the linian Sidequests. Go on solo exloration on areas when the "linian researcher" is available in each map and he'll tell you what you need to do. The rewards are gamechanging. You'll often need to progress some of the story to unlock the map areas where he'll appear.
- Don't rush to the expansion. As I mentioned, they added some mechanics that are near mandatory to use and for many they lower the quality of the hunt. Once you go beyond the Vanila game, it's hard to get back that experience.
- Easy weapons for begginers are the Sword & Shield, Dual Blades, Lance, the Hunting Horn and perhaps the Switch Axe, though that doesn't mean they don't have their tricks to master.
- Don't try without youtube tuttorials the Charge Blade, Insect Glave and Gun Lance. They are very tectical weapons and you wouldn't be able to take advantage of them.
- The rest are hard but not impossible to understand and learn, though all weapons have incredible deapth and a good tuttorial will leave you speachless.
- You mount the monster by doing areal damage like Jumping from clifs and slopes ect. With enough areal damage you trigger a mount minigame, where you stab the monster, brace when it tries to shake you off, and change location when it's about to hit that part on a wall. I'm writing it hire, because new players get overwelmed mid gameplay.
Hope I helped.