Cecil the lion is dead, killed illegally in Zimbabwe, authorities allege, by a foreign hunter or hunters who paid about $55,000 for the privilege.
Cecil was part of an Oxford University research project and wore a GPS collar.
He was lured out of a national park with food, shot with a crossbow, tracked for 40 more hours, then finished off with a gun, said Johnny Rodrigues, head of the Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force.
The 13-year-old lion's head was reportedly cut off as a trophy, and his skin was taken as well. Rodrigues told CNN that the head and skin had been found and confiscated, and were being processed as evidence.
This was a well known. Well loved creature. What's worse is that Cecil's cubs will probably all also die because that's how Lions roll.
Cecil the lion's killer said to be an American dentist who paid $55,000
Cecil now leaves behind a pride of lions, including females with whom he mated and 24 of his cubs. Those cubs, preservationists say, will now likely be killed by other lions.
The guy has a history of killing beautiful creatures.

Seriously, fuck this guy and his macho ego. I hope we ship him off to Africa for prosecution.
Edit: And here comes the internet revenge. His Yelp page.
Edit edit: Don't call for the killing of fellow humans. The guy is scum and he deserves justice, not death.
And in case you weren't sad enough a video of beautiful Cecil. His rapid eye blinking is a sign of trust and non-aggression.