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Game Information
Game Title: Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy
- PC (Jan 25, 2024)
- Nintendo Switch (Jan 25, 2024)
- PlayStation 4 (Jan 25, 2024)
- Xbox One (Jan 25, 2024)
Developer: Capcom
Review Aggregator:
OpenCritic - 83 average - 93% recommended

Metacritic - 84 average - Based on 17 Critic Reviews

Written Reviews
CGMagazine - Ridge Harripersad - 7.5 / 10
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy returns in improved resolution, with smoother animations and a consistent 16:9 aspect ratio across the collection.
COGconnected - Stephan Adamus - 82 / 100
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy is a fantastic set of 3 Nintendo DS classics. This package contains all of the modernizations and features one could hope for in a collection of older games. But it goes above and beyond with an extensive Museum of archival extras, and an Animation Studio feature. My only complaint is that this second trilogy of Ace Attorney games follows the formula of the original trilogy exactly. If you’re already a fan of the Ace Attorney games this collection is a must-own. - Tyler Treese - 9 / 10
These are some of the best adventure games released in the past 20 years and made even better thanks to the new features included in this lovingly crafted package.
Cultured Vultures - Jimmy Donnellan - 8 / 10
While the games themselves may vary in quality, Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy still presents a pretty solid case for purchase. - Nikitas Kavouklis - Greek - 8 / 10
Apollo Justice, Phoenic Wright and Athena Cykes invite you to a dramatic courtroom trilogy like no other. Accept or not?
Entertainium - Eduardo Rebouças - Loved
If you are a fan of excellent writing and don’t mind having to read more than your usual share of text in a game, as there is a whole bunch of it in these games, you’ll find them to be extremely clever and bursting with personality. It’s a shame that the series is on hold, but hopefully with the success in sales of this and other similar collections, maybe Capcom will finally bring gaming’s top lawyer back to where he belongs, and not just as a criminally underused character in one of their Vs fighters. Yes, I’m looking at you, Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3!
GGRecon - Jack Roberts - 4.5 / 5
Alongside the games themselves, the assortment of bonuses including music, concept art and cinematics enhance the experience by allowing players to completely immerse themselves not only in the game world but also in the development and impact of the titles, making it a definitive title for veterans of the franchise and even newer players starting their Ace Attorney journey for the first time.
GameXplain - Tris Valbuena - 9 / 10
Video Review - Quote not available
GamingTrend - David Flynn - 80 / 100
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy only makes minor improvements to the three games it compiles, but the extras are well worth it for any fan to see. Some textures are still low resolution and the game is still capped at 30 fps across the board, but these are three fantastic games full of humor, drama, and heart.
Generación Xbox - Nelson Flores - Spanish - 85 / 100
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy is a worthwhile collection in many ways, length, quality animations, outstanding story and all the bonus content it includes. Rarely do you see collections like this, which include a proper treatment of their titles, an excellent graphical improvement and extra content that never hurts to preserve the legacy that these titles represent their followers.
God is a Geek - Lyle Carr - 8.5 / 10
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy brings the last three mainline Ace Attorney games to modern consoles, and they're just as good as ever.
Hobby Consolas - Javier Escribano - Spanish - 85 / 100
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy is a very good compilation of Ace Attorney games 4, 5, and 6 (also featuring Phoenix Wright), with improvements that weren't in the previous remastered trilogy. That said, all the games in the series are almost identical: to find out if you like them, try the first ones first and then finish the story with this one.
Multiplayer First - Dean James - 8 / 10
There is no objection needed here, as Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy is just what we wanted to see with the re-release of these three classic games in the series. You may not have the convenience of the second screen from the originals, but pretty much everything else is better here than in the past. The visual upgrades for all three are impressive and are very much in line with other modern games and releases, while the gameplay for the trio still holds up very well today. While the Ace Attorney series is definitely not for everyone as a visual novel game, Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy is yet another winning re-release for this franchise that will have fans itching even more for a new entry in the franchise to be announced.
Nintendo Life - Kate Gray - 9 / 10
We genuinely can't believe how lucky we are that these games exist, let alone that they've been lovingly polished up for the Switch. This is some of the best writing you'll find on the console, and it's a steal for all three games plus extras. A couple of bumps here and there are to be expected with such a wealth of content (three games, DLC, and extras), but they barely leave a dent on the brilliance of this well-written and beautifully illustrated trilogy.
PSX Brasil - Luis Guilherme Machado Camargo - Portuguese - 85 / 100
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy brings three great games to modern platforms that, as a whole, set up an incredible story that any player should enjoy. The current trilogy, mainly, is a testament to the evolution of the series between different platforms and technologies and also how the main pillars of its formation, story, characters and incredible cases remain strong to the present moment.
PlayStation LifeStyle - Shaan Joshi - 8 / 10
Series diehards and more casual fans will undoubtedly find a lot to like here, and I certainly hope it's a sign that we'll be seeing much more of the Ace Attorney franchise in the coming years. For those who weren't sold on the original trio of Phoenix Wright games, this second collection won't do much to sway your opinion.
Press Start - James Mitchell - 8.5 / 10
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy completes the goal of bringing all Ace Attorney games to modern platforms with great ardour. While the three games included are more contentious favourites amongst fans, there's no doubt that Capcom has put in some great effort in bringing these games up to scratch for modern audiences. So, while the writing is still witty and the narrative mostly enthralling, this collection is also easily the best the series has ever looked and a collection many fans will appreciate.
Prima Games - Daphne Fama - 7 / 10
The Apollo Justice Trilogy is perfect for those who’ve never played the game but enjoy lighthearted puzzle games.
Push Square - Stephen Tailby - 8 / 10
It's very hard not to love Ace Attorney, and that trend happily continues with the Apollo Justice trilogy. The games themselves are steeped in charm thanks to well-written, melodramatic stories and a great ensemble cast. They've been treated with respect, too, with lovely visual improvements and an enjoyable array of extras. While some weak spots here and there are inevitable, and some of the series' flaws are still present, overall there's little to object to.
Rock, Paper, Shotgun - Katharine Castle - Unscored
Definitely the lesser trilogy in Capcom's long-standing lawyer 'em up series, but among the gimmicks and gadgetry there are still plenty of highlights to be found here, and Spirit Of Justice is up there with Ace Attorney's best.
Siliconera - Stephanie Liu - 8 / 10
The Apollo Justice trilogy comprises of three excellent ports, but the compilation highlights existing issues with the games in a way that make it difficult to forget about.
The Games Machine - Stefano Calzati - Italian - 8.5 / 10
An adorable cast that is impossible not to love, a lot of extras (including DLC) and a super-improved quality of life are further points in favor for this second Trilogy, dedicated above all to those who are discovering the series in recent years, but also recommended to those who want to relive these events after a long time. No objection, Your Honor!
The Switch Effect - Elly Oak - 5 / 5
I still have issues with Dual Destinies’ handling of returning characters, but in my old age, I find myself caring less and less. These games look good, they play good, and having all three together in HD with all the amenities, it’s perfect.
VGC - Chris Scullion - 4 / 5
A solid collection of three brilliant visual novels, this Apollo Justice collection may not offer a lot more than HD-friendly versions of the handheld originals, but the quality of the source material means that's enough to entertain regardless.
Video Chums - Mary Billington - 9.1 / 10
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy contains an awesome collection of some of the most varied and bizarre cases in the whole franchise complete with bonuses for diehard fans and plenty of quality-of-life improvements. This is a collection that mystery fans cannot miss!
WayTooManyGames - Leonardo Faria - 8.5 / 10
Those games, just like other Ace Attorney titles, are more than simply excellent visual novels. They are absolutely ridiculous stories, almost always engaging, and often times thought-provoking. They are still the best examples of what the genre can achieve, and how easily accessible and entertaining they can be, even for people who aren’t exactly into static, story-based games with little in terms of interactivity.
Wccftech - Ule Lopez - 8 / 10
The Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy brings some of the most divisive entries in the series with some needed improvements to the aesthetics. While it doesn't do much to improve on their flaws, it is still the definitive way to experience each of these games and relive the next chapters in the story of the original Ace Attorney trilogy.
XboxEra - Genghis Husameddin - 8.2 / 10
Barring a middling ‘middle’ entry, The Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy brings a set of great games from a series I love to the big screen. There’s no beating the bush around this one: this collection does Apollo Justice.
eXputer - Moiz Banoori - 4 / 5
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney trilogy is a fantastic collection that bundles together 3 very good titles in one package.
Video Reviews
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