(The "correct" to hold the iPhone 4 :lol )
Figured this deserved a seperate topic (probably would get lost in the iPhone 4 OT) to keep all of the information about the press conference. So, various tech blog sites are reporting that apple will be hosting a press conference this Friday to talk about the iPhone 4 problems. (Oh & those thinking that I'm a secret windows fanboy, just look at my avatar :lol Apple royally screwed up & should come clean)
Apple to hold iPhone 4 press conference this Friday (Engadget)
Headline says it all folks. Obviously the company is going to be getting out in front of this antenna drama (finally). We've been invited and we'll be there, presumably reporting live! It all happens at 10AM PT, Friday the 16th.
Apple to hold special iPhone 4 press conference on Friday (The Loop)
Apple on Wednesday invited select press to a special press conference to be held this Friday in California.
Apple would only say that the press conference would be regarding the iPhone 4. No other information was available when I spoke with them tonight.
Of course, the iPhone 4 has been accused of having poor reception by many users that got the device in the last couple of weeks.
Apple to Hold iPhone 4 Press Conference Friday (All Things D)
Looks like Apple (AAPL) has finally decided to get out in front of the iPhone 4 antenna controversy.
Late Wednesday afternoon, the company said it will hold a press conference this Friday (July 16) at its Cupertino headquarters. Its topic: the iPhone 4.
Apple offered no further details beyond that, but given the events of the past few weeks, its likely well be hearing quite a bit more about the iPhones reported reception problems and Apples plans to address them.
Ill be there live to cover the event at 10 a.m. PT on Friday, July 16.
Apple Calls A Special Press Conference For Friday, Antenna Issue Likely The Subject (TechCrunch)

Word is breaking that Apple is calling a special press conference on this coming Friday to talk about the iPhone 4. Yes, you can probably guess what this is about.
Apple blog The Loop has the (basically non-existent) details right now that it will be in California on Friday morning and about iPhone 4. A small group of press are reportedly getting the invites right now. Update: We just got the call, well be there at 10 AM PT on Friday to cover it live.
The big question that everyone must be wondering is if Apple will announce a recall of the iPhone 4 based on the antenna problems which are very real. We still believe thats pretty unlikely. That said, its very, very, very rare (in fact, I dont think it has ever happened) that Apple would call a special press conference at the last second. If they didnt have something very major to say, theyd much more likely issue a release.
But with all the talk and speculation flying around out there, perhaps Apple (and CEO Steve Jobs in particular) just wants to sit people down to talk about the issue. Apple has been widely criticized for saying basically nothing about the issue beyond Jobs quotes that users should buy a case or hold the phone different.
Apple released the first beta of the iOS 4.1 software today. As our sister site MobileCrunch noted, it does not fix the antenna issue. Instead, it simply does what Apple said it was going to do: make the signal strength indicator more accurate.
Apple to hold iPhone 4 press conference Friday (Macworld)
On Wednesday afternoon Apple invited several journalists, including one from Macworld, to its Cupertino campus on Friday for a "press conference about iPhone 4." Presumably the company will use the event to publicly address all the controversy swirling around this product, most notably reports of antenna interference issues.
Discussion of iPhone 4 reception issues kicked into a higher gear this week with Consumer Reports withdrawing its endorsement of the product, despite otherwise higher ratings. On July 2, Apple released a statement on its web site blaming a faulty algorithm for misleading users about signal strength and promising a software fix. However, that statement didn't directly address issues of serious signal loss occurring when some users held the phone along its lower left corner, an effect we noted in our review of the iPhone 4. Our colleagues at PCWorld saw similar results, while also noting the iPhone 4's improved upload and download speeds. And some experts have characterized the issue as more of a molehill than a mountain.
The antenna issue aside, other users have complained about a malfunctioning proximity sensor that terminates calls when a cheek makes contact with the End Call button as they hold the phone to their face.
We'll be there to cover the event at 10 a.m. Pacific time on Friday, July 16.
Liveblog: Apple iPhone 4 Press Conference (Ars Technica)

Apple has decided to hold a short-notice press conference to discuss the iPhone 4, which most people believe will address the uproar over iPhone 4 antenna issues. Whether that will actually be the case remains to be seen, but we will be there to find out. The event begins at 10am PDT/1pm EDT (see it in your own timezone).
Will Steve Jobs issue a recall, or merely teach the press how to hold the phone properly? Sign up below to receive an e-mail alert when we go live or simply bookmark this page and come back on Friday morning when the conference begins.
The other shoe drops. TWiT will cover it live. (Leo Laport Google Buzz)

Join us tomorrow: Apple's iPhone 4 Press Conference (TUAW)
Please join us tomorrow at 10AM Pacific (1PM Eastern) for a live TUAW blogging event as Apple addresses the press over its controversial iPhone 4 device. CEO Steve Jobs is expected to lead the event.
The question on everyone's mind is, of course, will Apple be holding the event in the right place? Your guess is as good as ours. As the reception from the press might turn out to be a little cheeky in the proximity of such a big announcement, expect a bumper crop of interest from Apple enthusiasts. You can signal your interest by signing up for an e-mail reminder of the event from CoverItLive.
What: Apple iPhone 4 Press Event
Where: Here on TUAW! Except in the bottom-left-hand corner of the site.
When: 10AM Pacific, 1PM Eastern
Other Liveblogs:
Mashable has a great article on what Apple needs to do.
- Acknowledge That the Antenna Problem Is Real
- Go into the Technical Details
- Roll Out the Software Update
- Make the Bumpers Free
- No Matter What, Dont Issue an iPhone 4 Recall
Lets play out the scenario. Apple performs a recall of its devices. Millions of people are annoyed as they either have to give up their device or keep a clearly defective one. Apple, already at peak production capacity, would take weeks if not months to replace the phones. Estimates place the cost of a recall in the billions.
Heres the truth: The iPhone 4 antenna issue isnt a hazardous one. It isnt exploding in peoples hands, it isnt cutting anyones palms randomly, and it isnt suddenly bursting into flames. Those are critical issues that would require a recall.
The antenna issue, while important and a problem that Apple should have found and addressed before the products launch last month, doesnt rise to that level. Recalls are meant only as a last resort.

Microsoft COO Knows a Lemon When He Sees One (Gizmodo)

The Woz Experienced Reception Woes With His iPhone 4, Too (TechCrunch)

Apple Engineer Told Jobs IPhone Antenna Might Cut Calls (Bloomberg)

Oh, this is going to be GOOD! (Macenstein)

Jobs and Gates on iPhone 4? (9 to 5 Mac)