Vision Pro was likely just a giant telemetry collection to smooth out the tech.
It was actually a giant R&D effort. They aren't using third party off the shelf sensors in this thing. The whole lot is bespoke, hence the price. Mind you they are big enough they could have chosen to eat the costs, but they haven't and here we are.
I don't believe its possible to overstate the engineering that went into the product. It is easy to overlook it however which as per usual is the default for Apple products. Anyone with an engineering background though knows just how special Apple is in the industry. Constantly driving things forward in a way very few others do. Not always to the benefit of consumers, just talking pure engineering.
But its obviously a product brought to market to allow devs to come to terms with the OS and allow them time to iterate their own products to suit. ie: future products will be consumer focused and cheaper (albeit Apple levels of cheaper).