Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch

Ubisoft's Assassin's Creed VR Title is Called 'Nexus'
The title brings back not only fan-favorite Assassins, including Ezio Auditore da Firenze but also Assassins from previous AC titles.

Sources have confirmed details on the new Assassin’s Creed VR game, which is titled Assassin’s Creed Nexus. The title brings back not only fan-favorite Assassins, including Ezio Auditore da Firenze but also Aassassins from previous AC titles. Ezio, Kassandra, Connor, and Haytham all make playable appearances on a variety of different levels.
total of 16 individual missions with a tutorial
using the controller analog sticks to move or teleport
teleportation comes with a soundbar that lets you know if you’re alerting nearby enemies. Basically, the further away you teleport towards the enemy, the less sound is made.
For example, teleporting 10 feet away from behind an enemy will create less sound than teleporting 3 feet away from them. So it’s usually ideal to teleport some distance away to avoid detection by sound
Your hidden blades are extracted by holding down a button and flicking your wrist, which you can then use to stab your enemies. Guards seem to die in just one hit when they are assassinated in this way but will require several hits if they are alerted.
Sword combat is also included but is fairly standard for a VR game
some missions having several different opportunities to picklock chests and doors throughout the mission
Standing in a T pose and falling off a building into a stack of hay is apparently a really cool experience
Sources suggest that Assassin’s Creed Nexus should be expected to release in the next 12 months.