Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
PII = Personally Identifiable Information, eg social securities and shit.

AT&T says hacker stole some data from 'nearly all' wireless customers
AT&T has announced that a hacker stole records of calls and texts of nearly all of AT&T’s wireless customers, according to a statement from the company.
AT&T has announced that the company believes a hacker stole records of calls and texts from nearly all of AT&T’s wireless customers, according to a financial filing from the company.
“The data does not contain the content of calls or texts, personal information such as Social Security numbers, dates of birth, or other personally identifiable information,” AT&T said in their statement released early Friday morning. “These records identify the telephone numbers with which an AT&T or MVNO wireless number interacted during these periods, including telephone numbers of AT&T wireline customers and customers of other carriers, counts of those interactions, and aggregate call duration for a day or month.”
AT&T says it has taken “additional cybersecurity measures” in response to this incident including closing off the point of unlawful access.
AT&T confirmed that it will provide notice to its current and former impacted customers.
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