Baldur’s Gate 3’s Patch 7 is live, huge patch notes!


Gold Member

In-game MOD manager:



New evil path.


The full patch notes are too long it exceeds the max characters allowed for the thread, lmao.​

IGN's article has a nice formatted summary you can check.


  • Introducing 'Evil Endings': Brand new cinematic endings for the truly villainous playthroughs.
  • Added our very own Mod Manager, which lets you browse, install, and use mods created by the community.
  • Revamped split screen gameplay: When playing on split screen, the two halves of the screen will now dynamically merge together when player characters come close to each other in-game, and dynamically split back up when the characters move apart. This revamp comes alongside many other improvements and polishes to improve the overall split screen experience.

Honour Mode Combat​

  • If Dror Ragzlin finds himself inside the spider pit, he'll try his best to befriend the spiders residing there with a new spell called Arachnid Compulsion so they can band together to fight the real enemy - you.
  • The Bulette has a new condition called Diamond Scales and a new Legendary Action called Shredding Scales.
  • Malus Thorm has a new Legendary Action called Grasping Appendage.
  • Added a new aura and spell for Spectators: Panicked Sentinel and Ocular Nightmare, respectively.
  • Ch'r'ai Tska'an, the leader of the githyanki ambush in Act II, has a new Legendary Action called Soul Sacrifice.
  • Ch'r'ai Har'rak, the githyanki leader at the Knights of the Shield Hideout, has a new Legendary Action called Tu'narath's Embrace.
  • Ptaris has a new Legendary Action called Ptarian Dogma.


  • Revised and reorganised the in-game video options to be more logical and robust. You now have an Upscaling Type drop-down, an Upscaling Mode drop-down, and an Upscaling Sharpness slider, followed immediately by the options that are affected by them.
  • Updated the Reactions UI so that you only have to toggle the Reactions you want to use and then confirm them. (This saves you from having to select 'Do not react' multiple times!)
  • Added a new Equipment Options menu to the Character Sheet on controller.
  • The panel that opens to 'Donate' magic items to Gale will now also show items in your Traveller's Chest. It also now indicates which items are currently equipped.
  • We noticed some of you hiccoughing bubbles, so the action for washing yourself with soap and sponges is now called 'Use' instead of 'Consume'.
  • Fixed your player character's name getting reverted to 'Custom' during Character Creation if you moved on to create your Dream Guardian and then went back to edit the player character again.
  • Fixed the wrong spell Ability showing up when selecting a Feat during Level Up.


  • Added a new loading screen in Act III, showing the busy streets of Baldur's Gate.
  • Fixed the skirt part of the Adamantine Splint Armour missing for female dwarves.
  • Fixed the Adamantine Scale Mail clipping on large male characters.


  • You can now start Custom Mode games using Honour Mode mechanics when starting a new playthrough. You'll be able to do this via the 'Ruleset' dropdown.
  • The kuo-toa that promised to build you an army will now support you in the final battle. Unless they all died in Act I.
  • The help that the Gondians promised for the final battle will now arrive in the form of a friendly Steel Watcher. Apologies from Zanner Toobin for the delay.
  • The hair colour options in Character Creation will now remain accessible after you choose the bald hairstyle, so that you can continue fiddling around with eyebrow colours.
  • Overhead dialogues that support multiple player characters can now involve characters assigned to different players. (They were limited to characters controlled by a single player until now.) This means that there will be more banter among player characters in multiplayer games.
  • Group Hide will no longer affect summons that aren't linked to the group in the Party Line.
  • Changed the behaviour for selecting camp supplies for a Long Rest. When selecting camp supplies that are stacked, the game now only takes what it needs from the stack.
  • You can no longer cheese the Leap of Faith trial at the Gauntlet of Shar by just clicking the final platform and letting your character pathfind their way there. Shar threatened to smite us if we didn't fix this one.
  • Fixed a bug where resurrecting Lae'zel on the beach in Act I would cause her to appear in the Party Line but not in the world, preventing you from leaving Act I.
  • Patched up some savegames where Gale still had his Necrotic Aura when he shouldn't on load.
  • Fixed Minthara's body sometimes turning invisible on the Level Up screen. (We sorta liked the floating-head-and-hands look, but hey.)


  • Astarion now has idle animations at camp that aren't just him reading a book.
  • Added a new idle animation for Minsc at camp - Boo may or may not have taught him some tai chi.
  • Karlach will no longer brush the shaved side of her head.
  • Polished the appearance of neck kisses in lovey-dovey scenes with Shadowheart on the Sharran path for characters with large body types and dragonborn characters.

Writing and Flow​

  • Dotted some dialogue options and voiced lines into a handful of dialogues across the game, particularly to account for edge-case flows. These changes are described in more detail in the main patch notes below.
  • Added three new Narrator lines for Dark Urge characters to add a bit more reactivity across the game. These additions are described in more detail in the main patch notes below.
  • Resolved an issue that had been rendering some romance party banters inaccessible while adventuring.
  • Fixed a flow issue where Avatar Lae'zel did not have the option to leave and ascend or stay on Faerûn after the Netherbrain is defeated.
  • Added a dialogue option asking for a kiss in more paths of Wyll's epilogue dialogue.
  • If you're in holographic form in the epilogue, Wyll won't automatically assume he's talking to Lae'zel.
  • A bug that had been preventing Wyll’s romance greeting from triggering has now been fixed, so players in Act III who have a stable, loving, and committed relationship with Wyll will now see his romance greeting triggering correctly.
  • Fixed priorities on Wyll’s greetings so that low approval greetings will now trigger accordingly for players with low approval.
  • Companions should now be more sympathetic to Astarion fleeing from the sun.
  • Added a new dialogue in which Karlach will react to Dammon if she finds him dead after he told her that he can help her.
  • In Act II, Minthara will now react to you having knocked her out in Act I.


  • Fixed several issues (related to resurrecting characters via Withers, restructuring the party at night, and automatic camp night scenes) that would trap you in an eternal slumber, unable to end a Long Rest.
  • Fixed a bug causing Shadowheart to keep repeating one line when you talk to her after she's resurrected by Withers from the Shadowfell.
  • Fixed a small flow issue preventing you from commenting on Gale's last name.
  • Fixed several occurrences of Wyll still having an exclamation mark above his head when he already told you everything he had to say.
  • When playing as the Dark Urge, Minthara will no longer act as though you accepted Bhaal when you've been stripped of his influence.
  • Fixed a broken kissing scene after you gave Shadowheart the Idol of Shar.
  • Fixed an issue where Jaheira would stop following the party after spending a night outside of the party.
  • Fixed the rune tablets on the nautiloid sometimes not triggering the Narrator's lines.
  • Clerics of Lathander should now recognise his symbol on a Lathanderian amulet.
  • Ensured the avatar is prioritised as the main speaker in dialogues related to the hag's Act I surrender.
  • Minthara does, in fact, now have something to say about Orin after you kill her.
  • Made the romance scene at night with Wyll in Act III unskippable if it triggers to avoid accidentally skipping it and not being able to finish the romance arc.
  • If Avatar Karlach and Wyll are partners and go to the Hells together, he'll now act accordingly during the epilogue.
  • Fixed Karlach's scene in Avernus not playing if you decided to go with her when playing as Wyll.
  • A bug has been fixed so that Wyll will now talk to his father if Ansur is defeated after the pact with Mizora is broken but Ravengard is saved from the Iron Throne despite this, to decide on his title.
  • Lae'zel will now wait a little longer for you at the site of her recruitment if you tell her you'll be back.
  • Improved Lae'zel's idle camp behaviours to align a bit better with the other companions'.
  • Fixed the fade-to-black after Karlach's scene in Avernus at the end of the game, which would give you a very brief glimpse of Game Developer Land.
  • Breaking up with Karlach by speaking with another companion you're dating the morning after her romance scene won't block her dialogue anymore.
  • Reinstated Gale's last line in his detailed explanation of ceremorphosis and tweaked a dialogue option to react to it.
  • Now that you can give Gale magic items from the Traveller's Chest, he will leave again if you refuse to do so.
  • Patched up some savegames that had a bug that would prevent the dialogue between Gale and Mystra at the end of the game from triggering.
  • Fixed a bug that let you kiss Gale even if he was in a disguised form before confronting the Netherbrain.. Also fixed this dialogue with him cutting off before you could give him a smooch.
  • Reworked the script that determines whether a character is too busy to talk. This will prevent bugs like Minthara's dialogue not triggering at Moonrise Towers after you rescue her, and knock-on effects as a result of this, like not being able to rest or fast travel.


  • Continued to make performance and stability optimisations across the game and implemented many under-the-hood code fixes.
  • Optimised performance. This will have a more noticeable impact in areas with large numbers of NPCs (like the Lower City) and will reduce peak memory usage when loading levels for the first time. It will also be noticeable when managing lots of loot (e.g. when transferring everything from a camp chest to a character's inventory).


  • Reworked and revamped the cutscene that plays when you interact with Ansur's bones in the Wyrmway.
  • Polished facial expressions and emotions across companion dialogues, including to the facial animations of your character during some kissing cinematics, including with the Vampire Lord Astarion.


  • Fixed a crash when loading the Act I region.
  • Fixed a crash when mousing over characters in combat.
  • Fixed some issues with Long Rest: Loading a save made during a Long Rest could cause a crash and you could sometimes get stuck in a Long Rest forever and ever, amen.
  • Fixed a potential crash when saving at the end of Act II.
  • Fixed a potential crash on load.
  • Fixed a potential crash on Level Up.
  • Fixed a potential crash when approaching the Abandoned Refuge on a fresh save.
  • Fixed a blocker related to Orin's dagger, which will now respawn near the altar if you hurled her into a chasm and a cultist picked it up before you did. (Because it's bound to her, it would zip back to her corpse in the chasm, lost forevermore.)
  • Fixed a potential crash when trying to load into the Lower City.
  • Fixed a crash when quickly pressing 'Connect' and 'Create' in the lobby browser on GOG.
  • Fixed a potential crash when the game runs a check for whether you have the Deluxe Edition DLC.
  • Fixed a potential crash when Player 2 leaves a split screen dialogue.
  • Fixed some camera activation issues on split screen potentially causing a crash when Player 2 rejoins a game mid-cinematic.
  • Fixed a potential crash caused by the Reeling condition getting stacked too high.
  • Fixed a crash when dragging the portrait of a dismissed Minor Illusion summon over another party member's portrait.
  • Fixed a bug where using the Mould Chamber in Grymforge while in combat would prevent you from moving.
  • Fixed a potential crash in Felogyr's Fireworks on Avery's turn in combat.
  • Fixed a potential crash due to the game script requesting combat from a character that isn't loaded into the region.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur during the cutscene that triggers when you reach the Netherbrain.
  • Fixed a potential crash when switching between keyboard and mouse and controller during a dice roll.
  • Fixed a crash when attempting to reload a savegame or return to the main menu.
  • Fixed a crash when choosing to 'Take All' from the Chest of the Mundane.
  • Fixed a crash when the dialogue with Baelen Bonecloak was forcibly cut short while mousing over a dialogue option.
  • Fixed an edge-case blocker preventing you from Long Resting.
  • Added a savegame error to prevent a potential crash.
  • Fixed a bug where you could get locked in combat if your character was Downed but not dead when Isobel was killed.
  • Fixed a bug where you could get locked in combat with Cazador if Astarion was alive and incapacitated in his ritual position, one of the other spawn was dead, and the rest of the party was defeated by Cazador. Now combat ends correctly with a Game Over screen.
  • Fixed a potential crash when leaving the Iron Throne combat.
  • Fixed a bug where you could get stuck under the elevator in the Colony, blocking progress.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when using fast travel in Rivington and Wyrm's Crossing.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when fighting mimics.
  • Fixed a crash when dropping certain objects.


Across Acts​

  • Fixed a potential soft-lock where if you have multiple summons that are Surprised and you switch to a character whose turn it is on controller, the combat would get stuck passing turns between the summons.
  • Fixed Form of Dread triggering a Saving Throw for Frightened if the character was already Frightened.
  • Upcasts of Witch Bolt can no longer be used with Metamagic: Twinned Spell.
  • Fixed a bug with the Goaded condition where if a summoned companion applied Goaded to an enemy, that enemy would attack the owner of the summon instead of the summon itself.
  • Fixed some goblins missing the Fury of the Small passive in Tactician Mode.
  • Dampen Elements will no longer require a Channel Divinity point.
  • Improved monks' Deflect Missiles by helping the projectiles avoid obstacles on their way back to the target.
  • Monks' Clench of the North Wind spell now targets up to 2 characters at Level 9. They just have to clench a little harder.
  • Enemy NPCs can no longer use Dash again while the effect of a first Dash is active.
  • The Saving Throw for the Dire Raven Companion's Bad Omen action is now a Wisdom Saving Throw and scales with the raven's level.
  • Fungal Infestation can now be used as a Reaction when killing a target.
  • The Spectator's Charm condition should now be broken through damage or by killing the Spectator.
  • The druidic spells that Halsin gains for free can now be upcasted.
  • Fixed Cloudkill not affecting characters at the edge of its range.
  • Fixed Infernal Spears joining combat when dropped.
  • Patched up some savegames that were stuck in combat where the game's script was not intentionally pausing them.
  • Reduced the duration of the Shar's Darkness spell and the frequency with which NPCs choose to cast it.
  • Swapping weapons between characters in combat now properly consumes an Action for both.
  • Fixed the Meenlock Fear condition triggering a Constitution Saving Throw instead of a Wisdom Saving Throw.
  • Fixed Auntie Ethel's Weird Magic Surge not triggering with Counterspell.
  • Combat will now end correctly if you find that you're still in combat after speaking to the Emperor in the Astral Plane.

Act I​

  • Fixed Nere's Coerced condition sometimes getting removed from characters despite them being temporarily allied to him due to his Wicked Coercion.
  • Priestess Gut will no longer hit herself with her own conditions. Silly gob-gob.
  • Fixed Mayrina and Auntie Ethel disguised as Mayrina having different HP values in Tactician Mode.

Act II​

  • Fixed a bug where the combat at the Last Light lakeside would end and no further waves would spawn.
  • Made the combat at the Last Light lakeside trigger more consistently even if you're standing in odd positions.
  • Balthazar should no longer occasionally stand idle, causing combat to halt within the Colony.
  • Balthazar's reanimated skeletons in the Shadowfell now have Shove only in Tactician Mode.
  • Increased the HP that the Undead Nurses resurrect at from 25% to 45% during the combat with Malus Thorm in Tactician and Honour Mode.
  • We've suggested to Yurgir that when he's invisible he should take advantage of it and actually try to move around a little so that he's harder to find.
  • Improved the Thisobald Thorm combat in Honour Mode:
    • Fixed his Legendary Action explosion hitting itself.
    • Increased the damage and radius of his Legendary Action explosion.
    • His Legendary Action explosion now applies a debuff based on the explosion type.
    • Increased the damage of the buff given to his blighted allies.
    • Blacked Out no longer applies Vulnerability to all damage in Honour Mode.
  • Improved the Shadowed Spirit of the Land combat:
    • His Shadow Friends will no longer disappear during combat as long as they're still controlled.
    • His Shadow Friends will now disappear after his dome is destroyed.
    • Improved the visuals for when his Shadow Friends disappear.

Act III​

  • Cazador can now use his Legendary Action in his Mist Form.
  • Ptaris now has Alert and Legendary Resistance in Tactician Mode.
  • Rolan will now become more powerful after taking over Ramazith's Tower.
  • Gortash's Avatar of Tyranny form is no longer dependent on whether it's his turn or not.
  • Fixed multiple issues related to Gortash's turrets:
    • Fixed Micromodron Force Curtain and Deranged Force Curtain becoming active even if they weren't in combat near Gortash and even though they can only target Gortash.
    • Fixed the Grenade Impellers and Incineration Casters becoming active as soon as Gortash entered combat and leaving combat as soon as Gortash left, even if they were in a different area (Gortash in the Audience Hall, turrets in his office). They no longer depend on Gortash and become active or inactive when a combat nearby starts or ends.
    • Fixed Micromodron Force Curtain and Deranged Force Curtain sometimes having two contradictory conditions (Active and Malfunctioning at the same time).
    • Fixed a bug causing the Incineration Casters to be affected by the First Strikes combat penalty (causing them to skip their first turn) the first time they enter combat.
    • Fixed two Incinerator Casters in Gortash's office not working correctly.
    • Fixed the warning zone VFX of the Incinerator Casters not working properly and therefore not accurately representing the area of danger.
    • Fixed an issue with the Incinerator Casters' warning zone VFX, causing the warning zone to be inaccurate.
  • Made sure Ritual Drain is applied correctly on Asta, Yousen, and Violet in the combat with Cazador.
  • After ascending, Cazador will no longer receive healing from Vampire Regeneration.
  • Fixed a bug in Cazador's fight where it was possible to get more than 1 extra Bonus Action per turn for the same character by stepping on and off the pentagram in front of Astarion several times per turn.
  • Improved the combat with Viconia: In line with its description, Viconia's Divine Intervention won't target followers of Shar anymore, even if they are enemies; and the illusory Mapped Terror forms will not change the character portraits.
  • Lady Jannath and Oskar will no longer get Opportunity Attacks against the poltergeists in Jannath's Estate.
  • The Moonlight Slivers' Banishing Smite will now stop myrmidons from empowering Lorroakan if the myrmidons are successfully Banished.
  • Enemies in High Hall should now leave combat when Knocked Out.
  • The second wave of Intellect Devourers at the Morphic Pool should now consistently join combat.
  • Fixed Gortash's Legendary Action not working when Blinded.
  • To improve her chances of survival, Hope now has a new passive called Last Hope that grants her Death Ward for free when she enters combat.
  • During combat, Raphael will no longer care about walking on Fire or Hellfire surfaces.
  • Improved the fight against Lorroakan: Elemental Retort now costs a Reaction to cast; targets will now roll a Dexterity Saving Throw against Elemental Retort; and myrmidons now also buff Lorroakan with additional Reactions.
  • Tweaked several settings for the windows in Jannath's Estate to fix where combat can trigger.
  • Fixed the Chult Alioramus not attacking you if you were wearing damage-reducing armour.
  • Improved the Restore Soul spell so it's easier to reclaim a soul from Raphael. Also updated its visuals.
  • Viconia now only receives Mortal Reminder as an additional passive in Tactician Mode.
  • Added some lightning clouds to the final battle in the Wyrmway.
  • In the fight against Dribbles at the circus, ranged attacks will now also crit against creatures with the Menaced condition.
  • Fixed Krank not flying back up to higher floors in Ramazith's Tower.
  • Ramazith's defences now include the internal turrets again. Also fixed the turrets' script so that they end their turn when they won't shoot, and don't shoot when it's not their turn.
  • Fixed some technical names showing up for each of Ansur's limbs. Naming them all 'Ansur' was the ansur.
  • Fixed Ansur's friendly Lightning Strike units sometimes attempting to attack the lightning strikes.
  • Mystic Carrion's Legendary Action now triggers on hit, not when an Undead ally dies. His Legendary Action conditions are now curses, and his Legendary Action condition buff now heals Undead when it ticks out instead of when applied.
  • Raphael can no longer steal souls from creatures that narratively don't have souls, such as Undead and Constructs.
  • Viconia can now target Shadowheart with her trademark spells even if Shadowheart is Wild-Shaped.
  • The enemy wolf summon in the combat near the sandy dock west of the South Span Checkpoint can no longer use Help and its summoner now has Hunter's Mark.
  • Cazador's bats and werewolves are now immune to Ghastly Fumes, which his ghast-like Fallen Gur Hunters spawn each turn.
  • Fixed a bug where, if Cazador is already dead and his spawn can fight back, killing a spawn during combat could restart the combat.
  • Casting Dominate Person on Dolor before combat will no longer lead to all companions becoming enemies of the caster.
  • Kled doesn't have Dror Ragzlin's Legendary Actions anymore. Dror's not one for sharing.
  • Raphael's Infernal Salve spell will now only work on his allies who are also Fiends.
  • The Wayward Undead condition will now get removed when combat ends, and the Undead entity will get destroyed when the condition is removed. The condition also now has an icon.

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I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Good, now I can finally play this (once it hits a nice sale)


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
Great stuff, will reload my evil run and check out the new cinematics because the original super evil ending was definitely lacking a lot.

Really excited to spin up playthrough #4 at Christmas where my Mrs. decides everything that happens and I play the combat.


It might work the same as in Anno 1800. It has an in-game mod window connected to
Sure, I know how it's *supposed* to work. But what I meant is mostly if the integration will be seamless enough.
And especially if all modders (or at least most of them) will choose to actively make use of the feature rather than relying on NEXUS.


I only played the Act 1, not that the game isn't good but I'm freezing by the amount of choices I have to make. thisgameisjusttoogood.jpg
So do we still have to download mods from nexus or some other third party site, or does the game offer the ability to upload and offer mods within the game?


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
I only played the Act 1, not that the game isn't good but I'm freezing by the amount of choices I have to make. thisgameisjusttoogood.jpg

Embrace it. The game is at its best when you just let shit happen, don't reload any dialogue choices that don't go the way you wanted, don't try to 100% the maps and quests, don't try and have every companion, don't go around opening every single crate for junk, it's not designed to be played that way at all (although you can).

Play it once like that and if you're still hungry you can go again in a totally different direction with a new set of characters and it feels like a new game.


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
Time to delete and redownload for my steam deck. I don’t have a spare 160gb free on my ssd.


Console/mac version comes out in October. Crossplay and photo mode will come in a future update.

They also added dynamic split screen, so you can share one screen when near each other in coop. I saw some UI improvements for consoles and further performance optimization.


aka IMurRIVAL69
Sure, I know how it's *supposed* to work. But what I meant is mostly if the integration will be seamless enough.
And especially if all modders (or at least most of them) will choose to actively make use of the feature rather than relying on NEXUS.

It will have some kind of maximum file size so all the big stuff will be on Nexus most likely


Looks like mods will have to be curated by Larian before going to console.

Mods on Consoles​

While the Baldur’s Gate 3 Toolkit won’t be available to console players, they’ll still be able to enjoy a range of mods that become available once they pass through an additional curation process that determines whether a mod includes elements that are not supported.

  • Mods that won’t be available for console include, but are not limited to:
  • Mods that add/modify/remove shaders
  • Mods that increase the amount of nudity or violence already present in the game
  • Mods that fail our internal testing
  • Mods that interfere with Booting the game or Managing Mods
  • Mods that crash the game
  • Mods that include unsupported file formats (.exe, .dll)

Can I request my mod be made available on console?​

If you are creating a mod and want to let us know whether you would like it to be curated for console, you can do so by selecting those platforms on the backend. You can access these through the General settings > File Manager page of your mod.

And as you can imagine, no copyrighted character mods for all platforms.
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I want more combat, more bosses, more dungeons.
Can't wait for their next game, their gameplay systems are now my favorites in any traditional RPG.

I will do another playthrough soon, did 3 and i can do 1 more, when i finish the 4th it will be my most replayed CRPG and my 3rd most played RPG after Deus Ex and Dark Souls which is nuts.

Apparently they added evil endings which is great, the evil path felt a bit lacking when i did it, if you dont go Durge you pretty much just lose content, with Durge it was better but now i assume it became even better.
I wanted a Minthara questline though but alright seems they are done with the game and they want to move on, can't fault that, we need another quality CRPG with big budget, if they keep adding stuff then it will take a lot of time and i dont want that, i dont see any promising CRPG on the horizon so the faster they start development on their new CRPG the better.


Damn, Larian is the goat.

I STILL recommend going back and playing thru DOS2 at least once if you love BG3. It's great. Just play the first act, it certainly won't hook you or anything. Bwahahaha.


So I haven't played this yet, only heard about it. I played about 20 hours of Divinity Original Sin years ago.

I was thinking I would go in blind and do the Dark Urge playthrough first time. I know nothing about it - just someone mentioned that it was crazy and it sounded neat.


Do I see correctly that there were no discounts for the game to this day? The mod options look great tho.
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Gold Member
Do I see correctly that there were no discounts for the game to this day? The mod options look great tho.
It was on sale once before today. During the big yearly Steam Sale.

Even at full price it's worth every penny.
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Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Do I see correctly that there were no discounts for the game to this day? The mod options look great tho.

It has gone on minor sales here and there, you can always risk it with VPN's and try to get cheaper regional price, but that comes with the risk of getting banned I guess.


Gold Member
Good. Hopefully I'll be able gain the energy necessary to go back and finish this game at some point.


Embrace it. The game is at its best when you just let shit happen, don't reload any dialogue choices that don't go the way you wanted, don't try to 100% the maps and quests, don't try and have every companion, don't go around opening every single crate for junk, it's not designed to be played that way at all (although you can).

Play it once like that and if you're still hungry you can go again in a totally different direction with a new set of characters and it feels like a new game.
Yeah I get it but I'm not used to play like this, FOMO is joy breaker for me on this one. It's just too big for me to handle (thatswhatshesaid.jpg)


Are they ever going to patch in an Easy mode? That’s what I need so I feel confident buying this. Hate hard games.


Gold Member
how high wtf GIF

This game, if my eyeballs serve me correctly is now nearing 150gb. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY GIGABYTES. What the hell does this game have in it? I haven't even made it past the first "zone" yet, I'm exploring every pixel.


Downloading it now, i need to play other games but those motherfuckers keep pulling me back :messenger_angry_horns:

how high wtf GIF

This game, if my eyeballs serve me correctly is now nearing 150gb. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY GIGABYTES. What the hell does this game have in it? I haven't even made it past the first "zone" yet, I'm exploring every pixel.
Apparently the voice-overs take a lot of space, especially if its available in different languages. Cinematics also take a lot of space.
The game has tons and tons of dialogue lines, you won't fully see them unless you maybe do 10 playthroughs or something, the dialogue is highly reactive and dynamic.
Its also a game with lots of content, but thankfully the content is mostly unique as they dont recycle it or fill it with busy work fetch quests like other rpgs do.
Its one of those rare long games that dont lose its steam in terms of fresh content, sure some players may feel burned out by act 3, but the content you encounter is still unique and new all the way.
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