Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?

Bandai Namco Files New Tales of the Abyss Trademark
Bandai Namco Entertainment has filed a new trademark for Tales of the Abyss, which could suggest that a remaster is on the way.

Bandai Namco Entertainment has filed a new trademark for Tales of the Abyss, which could suggest that a remaster is on the way. If so, a Tales of the Abyss remaster would be part of the franchise’s “two-year-long” 30th anniversary project, as producer Yusuke Tomizawa previously teased.
The Tales of the Abyss trademark was filed on Thursday, January 16, according to the official filing. It went public on Friday, January 24. Bandai Namco didn’t make any 30th anniversary-related announcements at the time of this writing, but it’s possible that game announcements could be made at Tales of Festival 2025 this June.
This past December, producer Tomizawa teased that Bandai Namco is planning more announcements for the franchise’s 30th anniversary project after the release of Tales of Graces f Remastered. He also noted that Bandai Namco plans to remaster Tales of games “fairly consistently,” and that the company has a dedicated development line for remastered projects. As a result, we can expect to see announcements in 2025 and 2026.

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