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Battlefield Will Return in an "Entirely New Way", Says CEO
EA CEO Andrew Wilson has said during an EA earnings call that Battlefield will return in an "entirely new way".

During EA’s latest earnings call, EA CEO Andrew Wilson finally broke the silence on questions surrounding Battlefield, saying that the franchise will return in an “entirely new way”.
Speaking in the latest investor call, Wilson surprisingly dropped Battlefield a number of times, reassuring and installing confidence in investors in the franchise. Wilson said throughout that the team has the “ability to bring Battlefield back in an entirely new way in the future.” (via GamesRadar+) During the calls Q&A segment, where investors asked questions regarding projects, Wilson was asked how the company’s Battlefield franchise was progressing. Whilst Wilson said that the company didn’t have any date announcements, he said that he had “extraordinary confidence” in the new Battlefield leadership team following a recent call.