I'm back my fellow bungholes.

Wow, I'd wear her ass as a hat!Mike Judge's daughter is a qt
Why didn't the Beavis and Buthead reboot from a few years back take off? Low ratings?
Bring back Daria while they’re at it.
I fucking loved Daria when I was younger... is that being streamed anywhere?
But I feel like it wouldn’t be possible to re make it today. I mean Daria kind of represents the early part of the liberal curve that was pushing back against the nihilistic and materialistic 80’s. Intellectualism as a cure for the everyday lack of critical thought in society.
But it represents that in the most hopeful and positive light.
Today Daria would be screaming at passing cars while holding a BLM sign and scratching her nose ring.
She’d be complaining about how no one reads books anymore while watching trans lesbian Netflix docu-dramas.
The modern day has played out the intellectual dreams of the archetype and the result has been an unmitigated disaster of narcissistic self congratulation far grosser and more air headed then Quinn.
I love Daria, you see yourself reflected in her, which is the point obviously. But as Nostalgic as I am I think the whole world trying to be outsider intellectuals is what fucked our nation up. Really we all just need to shut the fuck up and get back to that 9-5 hussle, overthinking everything isn't healthy and it’s not helping either.
Where's the TP emoji when you need one?
She's one of the few that actually care about Beavis and Butthead. It's pretty cool how she tries to help them out regardless of how they treat her.
I went and looked up their comics. Forgot how awesome comics were back then.I still have most of their comics. I had artwork published in one of them.
I’m a little concerned with the potential but you only have to look at South Park to feel at least a bit optimistic that it won’t be neutered or watered down.Beavis & Butthead on 2020 Comedy Central?!?!?!? HELL NO
That shit is going to be neutered all to hell.
I watched the episode where they forgot how to pee twice back