An Absolute Desaster
How ignorant can they be, yes their gameplay needs a lot of improving, but that doesn’t automatically means needs more action. They honestly want to say, if the Medium or the layers of fear Remake would have had more action segments they would have been masterpieces…
I mean now they are remaking the essence of a psychological horror game and want to move away from that genre?
I was seriously considering to give them a shot at the remake, since I thought, perhaps they learned from their mistakes and that at the layers of fear remake their b team was working, but this completetely destroys my hopes at a good enough remake.
How ignorant can they be, yes their gameplay needs a lot of improving, but that doesn’t automatically means needs more action. They honestly want to say, if the Medium or the layers of fear Remake would have had more action segments they would have been masterpieces…
I mean now they are remaking the essence of a psychological horror game and want to move away from that genre?
I was seriously considering to give them a shot at the remake, since I thought, perhaps they learned from their mistakes and that at the layers of fear remake their b team was working, but this completetely destroys my hopes at a good enough remake.