Buggy Loop

Boundary will no longer feature Ray Tracing, ditches DLSS over FSR & XeSS
Even though Surgical Scalpels showcased some really GPU-heavy RT effects for Boundary, the game will not feature any of them at launch.

Demo had these features for nearly 2 years.
Its a UE4 game, literally, DLSS is a checkbox for them, there's no maintenance. It's arguably more work to implement XeSS than DLSS. Seems AMD is removing the better solution and including XeSS 1.0 as it arguably looks worse and perform worse than FSR.
“Unfortunately, we need to remove Ray Tracing and DLSS from the EA version. The main reason is that our development resources cannot support multiple technical features, especially pure technical features, which means that this feature will not bring substantial improvements to gameplay. Therefore, we lowered the priority of this feature over the past year. After struggling for a long time, we finally decided to drop it from the launch version. This decision was not easy, as we are a team of technology-driven game developers, especially since we spent a lot of time doing ray tracing benchmarks for Boundary.”
“Both technologies (Intel XeSS and AMD FSR 2.0) will be supported in the game. And specific thanks to AMD, who very much provided us with great technical and resource support to make sure FSR 2 performs extremely well in Boundary. AMD has been a wonderful partner these last few months.”
i.e. moneybags
I can sort of understand to put ray tracing on the side for early access, even though it was implemented, i could respect that. But removing DLSS... LOL
AMD are snowflakes
Even Nvidia sponsored games include FSR if devs want it.