1st Place - $120,000 + Capcom Pro Tour DLC Bonus + Pick New DLC Costume for SFV (Any Character)
2nd Place - $60,000 + Capcom Pro Tour DLC Bonus
3rd Place - $25,000 + Capcom Pro Tour DLC Bonus
4th Place - $15,000
5th Place - $10,000
6th Place - $10,000
7th Place - $5,000
8th Place - $5,000
Beyond receiving a huge payout from Capcom Cup this year, were happy to announce that the winner of the event will also have a costume created for the character of their choice! The winner will be able to work with the development team to provide feedback on this costume that will immortalize their victory.
Last year, after Capcom Cup concluded, we approached Kazunoko winner of the USFIV tournament and let him choose the character he wanted a costume for and Necalli came up as his number one pick! When asked why he chose Necalli, he mentioned that he thought the character looked cool and hopes that with a new costume even more players will pick him up.
Capcom Cup 2016 Tournament Format
- Double Elimination Bracket
- 3/5 Matches
- Seeding Based on Capcom Pro Tour Global Leaderboard
Capcom Cup 2016 Day One - Friday, December 2nd, 2016
The Top 32 to Top 8 matches will be fought at Esports Arena in Santa Ana, CA.
9:00 AM - Doors Open
9:00 AM - Pre-Game Show
10:00 AM - Tournament Begins
12:00 AM - Tournament Ends
Capcom Cup 2016 Day Two - Saturday, December 3rd, 2016
The Top 8 Finals will battle at PlayStation Experience at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, CA.
6:00 PM - Opening Ceremony
6:30 PM - Tournament Begins
9:30 PM - Tournament Ends
10:00 PM - Closing Ceremony
More details on how the players qualified here (Thanks Tripon)
RZR|Infiltration (Korea)
Global Points: 1670
Characters: Nash, Rashid, and the rest of the roster
1st - Evolution Championship Series
1st - Final Round
1st - NorCal Regionals
2nd - Community Effort Orlando
9th - South East Asia Major 2016
13th - Canada Cup
7th - Capcom Pro Tour - Asia/Oceania Regional Finals
I Will Definitely Win Capcom Cup|Tokido (Japan)
Global Points: 1048
Character: Ryu
13th - Evolution Championship Series
2nd - Final Round
2nd - NorCal Regionals
3rd - StunFest
3rd - Dreamhack Summer
1st - Community Effort Orlando
1st - South East Asia Major 2016
2nd - TWFighter Major 2016
4th - Online Event: Asia-Oceania Two
2nd - Never Give Up
2nd - NA Regional Finals: Red Bull Battle Grounds
EG|Justin Wong (USA)
Global Points: 984
Character: Karin
13th - Evolution Championship Series
9th - Final Round
3rd - NorCal Regionals
9th - SoCal Regionals
1st - Manila Cup
1st - JAM Festival
1st - Furia Tica 2016
5th - West Coast Warzone
1st - Northwest Majors
1st - Dreamhack Austin
1st - Toryuken
1st - Combo Breaker
4th - NA Regional Finals: Red Bull Battle Grounds
Liquid|NuckleDu (USA)
Global Points: 869
Characters: R. Mika, Guile, Nash
9th - Final Round
5th - NorCal Regionals
5th - Community Effort Orlando
5th - SoCal Regionals
1st - Canada Cup
2nd - Dreamhack Austin
4th - Combo Breaker
2nd - Defend the North
1st - Summer Jam
1st - Absolute Battle
13th - First Attack
1st - The Fall Classic
3rd - Online Event: North America Two
1st - NA Regional Finals: Red Bull Battle Grounds
RZR|Fuudo (Japan)
Global Points: 804
Character: R. Mika
2nd - Evolution Championship Series
2nd - StunFest
2nd - Dreamhack Summer
4th - G-League
7th - TWFighter Major 2016
Qanba Douyu|Xiao Hai (China)
Global Points: 804
Character: Cammy
4th - StunFest
13th - Community Effort Orlando
1st - G-League
13th - South East Asia Major 2016
1st - SoCal Regionals
2nd - Canada Cup
1st - Ze Fighting Game
ZOWIE|GamerBee (Taiwan)
Global Points: 732
Character: Necalli
9th - Evolution Championship Series
13th - StunFest
1st - Japan Cup 2016
1st - EGX
13th - SoCal Regionals
3rd - Ze Fighting Game
3rd - E-Sports Festival Hong Kong 2016
2nd - OzHadou Nationals 14
2nd - Manila Cup
5th - Thaiger Uppercut
9th - Capcom Pro Tour - Asia/Oceania Regional Finals
MOV (Japan)
Global Points: 600
Character: Chun-Li
5th - Evolution Championship Series
5th - Japan Cup 2016
5th - Tokyo Button Mashers
1st - Online Event: Asia-Oceania Two
2nd - Capcom Pro Tour - Asia/Oceania Regional Finals
1st - Sonic Boom Summer Edition
1st - Geek Weekend
1st - Fighting Games Challenge
7th - EU Regional Finals at Milan Games Week
BST|RB|Twitch|HyperX|Daigo "Justin Wong is Free" Umehara (Japan)
Global Points: 563
Character: Ryu
7th - StunFest
5th - Dreamhack Summer
5th - Community Effort Orlando
4th - EGX
7th - Canada Cup
1st - E-Sports Festival Hong Kong 2016
1st - OzHadou Nationals 14
3rd - Tokyo Button Mashers
2nd - Well Played Cup
13th - TWFighter Major 2016
1st - Lockdown 2016
1st - EU Regional Finals at Milan Games Week
9th - East Coast Throwdown
FOX|Julio Fuentes (USA)
Global Points: 548
Character: Ken
13th - Final Round
5th - NorCal Regionals
2nd - Japonawa
3rd - Furia Tica 2016
1st - Texas Showdown
2nd - Northwest Majors
13th - Dreamhack Austin
1st - East Coast Throwdown
2nd - Toryuken
4th - Defend the North
3rd - Summer Jam
13th - The Fall Classic
9th - NA Regional Finals: Red Bull Battle Grounds
BX3.TP-Link|Phenom (Norway)
Global Points: 546
Characters: Necalli, M. Bison
1st - Dreamhack Summer
5th - EGX
3rd - Canada Cup
2nd - Cannes Winter Clash
1st - FrogByte
9th - FFM Rumble
4th - Online Event: Europe One
2nd - EU Regional Finals at Milan Games Week
EG|Momochi (Japan) - Capcom Cup 2014 Champ
Global Points: 528
Character: Ken
1st - StunFest
7th - Dreamhack Summer
3rd - Community Effort Orlando
9th - G-League
2nd - South East Asia Major 2016
9th - SoCal Regionals
2nd - Battle Arena Melbourne 8
RZR|Xian (Singapore)
Global Points: 520
Characters: F.A.N.G., Ibuki, etc.
9th - Evolution Championship Series
9th - NorCal Regionals
5th - StunFest
13th - Dreamhack Summer
2nd - G-League
7th - South East Asia Major 2016
13th - Canada Cup
4th - Battle Arena Melbourne 8
2nd - Ze Fighting Game
5th - E-Sports Festival Hong Kong 2016
1st - Online Event: Asia-Oceania One
13th - Capcom Pro Tour - Asia/Oceania Regional Finals
1st - Moscow Fighting Arena
5th - EU Regional Finals at Milan Games Week
YOUDEAL MJS|Haitani (Japan)
Global Points: 492
Character: Necalli
4th - Final Round
7th - NorCal Regionals
5th - StunFest
4th - Dreamhack Summer
4th - Community Effort Orlando
9th - G-League
2nd - SoCal Regionals
1st - Battle Arena Melbourne 8
7th - Tokyo Button Mashers
5th - Well Played Cup
7th - Thaiger Uppercut
3rd - TWFighter Major 2016
3rd - Capcom Pro Tour - Asia/Oceania Regional Finals
2nd - Sonic Boom Summer Edition
GameWith|Thank You Daigo|Eita (Japan)
Global Points: 482
Character: Ken
7th - Evolution Championship Series
7th - StunFest
5th - G-League
7th - Japan Cup 2016
3rd - South East Asia Major 2016
9th - Ze Fighting Game
2nd - E-Sports Festival Hong Kong 2016
5th - Manila Cup
1st - Abuget Cup
4th - Well Played Cup
1st - Thaiger Uppercut
5th - TWFighter Major 2016
9th - Capcom Pro Tour - Asia/Oceania Regional Finals
RB|Luffy (France)
Global Points: 455
Character: R. Mika
13th - StunFest
5th - Dreamhack Summer
13th - EGX
2nd - Hypespotting V
13th - FFM Rumble
3rd - Sonic Boom Summer Edition
13th - VSFighting
1st - Celtic Throwdown 2016
2nd - Fighting Games Challenge
1st - Liga Oficial PlayStation Tournament
13th - Online Event: Europe One
4th - Online Event: Europe Two
5th - EU Regional Finals at Milan Games Week
Mago (Japan)
Global Points: 426
Character: Karin
3rd - Final Round
13th - NorCal Regionals
7th - Dreamhack Summer
7th - Community Effort Orlando
9th - G-League
5th - Japan Cup 2016
9th - South East Asia Major 2016
4th - SoCal Regionals
3rd - Battle Arena Melbourne 8
1st - Well Played Cup
1st - TWFighter Major 2016
1st - Capcom Pro Tour - Asia/Oceania Regional Finals
Global Points: 414
Character: Chun-Li
4th - Evolution Championship Series
7th - Final Round
9th - StunFest
9th - Community Effort Orlando
3rd - G-League
13th - Japan Cup 2016
2nd - Abuget Cup
5th - Tokyo Button Mashers
3rd - Well Played Cup
3rd - Thaiger Uppercut
9th - TWFighter Major 2016
9th - Online Event: Asia-Oceania Two
13th - Capcom Pro Tour - Asia/Oceania Regional Finals
2nd - First Attack
PG|Filipino Champ (USA)
Global Points: 400
Character: Dhalsim
13th - Final Round
13th - Canada Cup
1st - Thunderstruck
3rd - West Coast Warzone
3rd - Northwest Majors
5th - Dreamhack Austin
3rd - Toryuken
3rd - Combo Breaker
7th - Online Event: North America One
1st - Online Event: North America Two
9th - NA Regional Finals: Red Bull Battle Grounds
Character: Chun-Li
13th - Hypespotting V
1st - FFM Rumble
4th - Sonic Boom Summer Edition
1st - VSFighting
5th - Celtic Throwdown 2016
4th - Fighting Games Challenge
2nd - Liga Oficial PlayStation Tournament
3rd - Lockdown 2016
7th - Online Event: Europe Two
9th - EU Regional Finals at Milan Games Week
DNL|Chris Tatarian (USA)
Global Points: 386
Character: Ken
9th - SoCal Regionals
2nd - VSFighting
1st - Japonawa
1st - West Coast Warzone
5th - Northwest Majors
9th - Dreamhack Austin
4th - Summer Jam
3rd - First Attack
7th - Online Event: North America Two
9th - NA Regional Finals: Red Bull Battle Grounds
MD|MisterCrimson (France)
Global Points: 361
Characters: Laura, Dhalsim
9th - StunFest
9th - EGX
1st - Cannes Winter Clash
7th - FrogByte
13th - FFM Rumble
5th - Sonic Boom Summer Edition
9th - Celtic Throwdown 2016
3rd - Fighting Games Challenge
3rd - Liga Oficial PlayStation Tournament
4th - Lockdown 2016
1st - Online Event: Europe One
9th - Online Event: Europe Two
13th - EU Regional Finals at Milan Games Week
GGP|Kazunoko (Japan) - Capcom Cup 2015 Champ
Global Points: 349
Character: Cammy
9th - Evolution Championship Series
9th - Final Round
13th - NorCal Regionals
9th - StunFest
13th - Community Effort Orlando
7th - G-League
3rd - Japan Cup 2016
13th - South East Asia Major 2016
7th - Ze Fighting Game
9th - E-Sports Festival Hong Kong 2016
3rd - Manila Cup
2nd - FV Cup
1st - Tokyo Button Mashers
13th - Well Played Cup
4th - TWFighter Major 2016
4th - Capcom Pro Tour - Asia/Oceania Regional Finals
YOUDEAL|Yukadon (Japan)
Global Points: 346
Character: Nash
3rd - Evolution Championship Series
5th - Abuget Cup
4th - FV Cup
2nd - Tokyo Button Mashers
9th - Well Played Cup
13th - Capcom Pro Tour - Asia/Oceania Regional Finals
EG|K-Brad (USA)
Global Points: 332
Character: Cammy
3rd - SoCal Regionals
9th - Canada Cup
4th - OzHadou Nationals 14
9th - Manila Cup
9th - Celtic Throwdown 2016
2nd - JAM Festival
1st - The Fight
7th - Furia Tica 2016
2nd - Capcom Pro Tour - Latin America Regional Finals
13th - Dreamhack Austin
9th - Toryuken
13th - Combo Breaker
3rd - Defend the North
5th - Summer Jam
7th - The Fall Classic
5th - NA Regional Finals: Red Bull Battle Grounds
F3|Brolynho (Brazil)
Global Points: 305
Character: Necalli
4th - JAM Festival
3rd - Never Give Up
1st - Fight in Rio: Olympia
13th - Online Event: Latin America One
1st - Online Event: Latin America Two
13th - Capcom Pro Tour - Latin America Regional Finals
EG|Ricki Ortiz (USA)
Global Points: 289
Character: Chun-Li
7th - NorCal Regionals
13th - Canada Cup
4th - Manila Cup
9th - Capcom Pro Tour - Asia/Oceania Regional Finals
4th - Furia Tica 2016
5th - West Coast Warzone
13th - Northwest Majors
7th - Dreamhack Austin
4th - Toryuken
5th - Combo Breaker
1st - Defend the North
2nd - Summer Jam
9th - Absolute Battle
5th - First Attack
5th - The Fall Classic
7th - NA Regional Finals: Red Bull Battle Grounds
Ryan Hart (UK)
Global Points: 275
Characters: Ken, Guile, etc.
9th - Dreamhack Summer
2nd - EGX
3rd - Cannes Winter Clash
7th - FrogByte
7th - FFM Rumble
9th - Sonic Boom Summer Edition
4th - VSFighting
4th - Celtic Throwdown 2016
7th - Fighting Games Challenge
2nd - Lockdown 2016
13th - Online Event: Europe Two
PxP|Problem X (UK)
Global Points: 222
Characters: Alex, Birdie, M. Bison
9th - EGX
1st - Hypespotting V
3rd - FrogByte
3rd - Moscow Fighting Arena
7th - Sonic Boom Summer Edition
9th - VSFighting
9th - Celtic Throwdown 2016
5th - Fighting Games Challenge
5th - Online Event: Europe One
9th - Online Event: Europe Two
13th - EU Regional Finals at Milan Games Week
Character: Karin
1st - Lima Salty3 at MGTFIX
2nd - The Fight
13th - Never Give Up
9th - Fight in Rio: Olympia
5th - TRETA 2016
5th - Capcom Pro Tour - Latin America Regional Finals
WFX|XsK Samurai (USA)
Global Points: 202
Character: Ryu
9th - Northwest Majors
2nd - The Fall Classic
1st - Online Event: North America One
5th - Online Event: North America Two
9th - NA Regional Finals: Red Bull Battle Grounds
HORI|Sako (Japan) - Capcom Cup 2013 Champ
Global Points: 173
Character: Chun-Li
9th - Japan Cup 2016
4th - South East Asia Major 2016
1st - FV Cup
13th - Tokyo Button Mashers
5th - TWFighter Major 2016
9th - Capcom Pro Tour - Asia/Oceania Regional Finals
9th - EU Regional Finals at Milan Games Week
Character: Chun-Li
1st - Yangcheng Cup
7th - FV Cup
GAM|DR Ray (Dominican Republic)
Global Points: 88
Character: Vega
5th - Fighting Fest
2nd - Online Event: Latin America Two
1st - Capcom Pro Tour - Latin America Regional Finals
4th - First Attack
HuomaoTV|HumanBomb (Hong Kong)
Global Points: 88
Character: Chun-Li
7th - G-League
7th - South East Asia Major 2016
4th - Ze Fighting Game
5th - Yangcheng Cup
5th - E-Sports Festival Hong Kong 2016
5th - OzHadou Nationals 14
3rd - FV Cup
7th - Capcom Pro Tour - Asia/Oceania Regional Finals
Create bracket predictions here:
The top 3 predictions will win the following:
- 1st place: Swag bag (shirts, baller, lanyard) + Capcom SFV Costume DLC Code + 3 Year XSplit Premium License
- 2nd place: Swag bag + 1 year XSplit Premium License
- 3rd place: Swag bag + 3 Month XSplit Premium License
Day One Tournament Begins - 10:00 PST / 13:00 EST / 18:00 UTC / 03:00 JST

Day Two Tournament Begins - 18:30 PST / 21:30 EST / 02:30 UTC / 11:30 JST

3/5 matches for the entire tournament!
Lord Daigo will win this year