fart town usa

I was watching the YouTube channel, U Can Beat Videogames and he mentioned in it that IGN placed this game at #25 for their top 100 NES games of all time. It got me thinking...
When I was a kid, I owned Simon's Quest and absolutely loved it. Sure it was confusing but somehow my brother and I managed to beat it. I also had a lot of friends who owned the game and I honestly don't have any memories of people speaking negatively of it back then.
I think one of the reasons I enjoyed it so much was the open-ended aspect of it. Castlevania was too difficult for me (still is) but Simon's Quest allowed you to explore to your hearts content and it was a lot of fun to wander around and stumble on secrets.
I feel like Simon's Quest only started getting trashed by the masses when AVGN released his video on YouTube. It's definitely a cryptic game and has its issues but I still think it's a solid title and 100% worth playing if you like a challenge.
U Can Beat Videogames is an awesome channel, highly recommend it. He reminds me of old Tips & Tricks VHS tapes from the early 90s.
And speaking of Tips & Tricks VHS tapes. My older brother and I saved up some of our paper route money so we could buy a VHS tape at a local rental store. The box said it had a section with Simon's Quest in it so of course we had to get it. The main thing the tape helped us with was getting the flame whip. I honestly have no idea how we figured out the other puzzles. I know some were solved from spamming holy water everywhere, I'm sure kids sharing tips on the playground played a role in it too. Great times back then.
This is the section of the VHS that we bought.
On a side note, Simon is easily my favorite Belmont and Simon was my go to JRPG name for decades, still is in a way.
So Gaf, did you play Simon's Quest back when the NES was still in stores? Did you like it? Did you hate it?
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