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Childhood obesity is freakin' tragic (processed sugar is the devil and so are lazy parents)

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The Lunch Legend

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
Stop blaming taxes and subsidiaries when it's all about what decisions people make when they shop.

Left wing mentality = everything is because of society, norms and systems, the individual is always an innocent tabula rasa sheep
Right wing mentality = everything is because of the individual's decision, it's all about willpower and discipline
At least half the population of adults live their lives as irresponsible children. We must protect them from themselves at all costs, don't you see, S Sybb ?? No one can be left behind. Biden-Harris will lead us into a golden era of unaccountability!

The Left wing must rule our daily lives..
Since I stopped eating anything heavy in sugar early November I've never felt so active in my life. Resisting the temptation is hard.


Ah, pearls of wisdom spoken from someone who clearly doesn't have children! Yeah, it's really easy to sit back and say "Man, if only these lazy/cheap parents would feed their kids the organic, gluten free, transfat free, corn syrup free, flavorless shit from the outer aisles, then their kids would be set up for success!" The problem with that is that kids are little shits who can be picky over the freaking creaminess of the mac and cheese you make. I've been very conscientious of what I buy and make for my kids, my wife has too, the problem is there is only so many times you can spend all that time, and money, and effort to get the "right" ingredients and make meal after meal only for your kids to turn their nose up at it and all that time, effort and money goes straight in the trash. Literally.

And it also is really easy to say, "well send the kids to bed hungry and they will learn their lesson". See how long you can do that before you feel like a shitty parent. Sometimes, sanity and convenience take precedence. Thankfully my kids are still skinny somehow, but I am worried for the future. Hopefully their palates change as they get older and they appreciate the "good" stuff later on.


At least half the population of adults live their lives as irresponsible children. We must protect them from themselves at all costs, don't you see, S Sybb ?? No one can be left behind. Biden-Harris will lead us into a golden era of unaccountability!

The Left wing must rule our daily lives..
The sad truth is that a lot of people can't take care of themselves, even ones who are born into good countries. Irresponsible people should be left to die (because it's their own fault), but since that message doesn't work in politics, even right wing parties pretend to care about the millions of idiots wasting their lives and feeding of wellfare systems and tax money.


Authorized Fister
I remember a shit load of classmates eating these at lunch in the 80s. So that's mom and pop buying these by the box and dumping them into kid's lunches.

At the time, no kids think of it because it's just crackers and cheese. But it's actually salty buttery crackers and not even real cheese.

Googling it, these types of things (3 crackers and fake cheese) is 100 calories alone.

I still eat those club sized boxes.

I was that fat kid younger. We were from a poor family so basically all cheap carbs. Plus fats were considered evil in the 80s, all "healthy" foods were heavily processed. I was suffering from malnutrition at 21, was hospitalised cause I didn't have enough money for food.


Gold Member
I got quite the shock back in 2012 when I travelled to America. So many fat people, I'd say more than 50%, but people seemed smaller too.
The house I lived in for most of my childhood had an extension, tripling the living space. It's really easy to distinguish the old part (around 1940) and the extension that was made in the late 80s: The doorframes.
At 6'3 I had to pull my head in or risk dinking my head everytime I crossed into the original house, and I'm not taller than most of my peers. I asked why they built the doorframes so stupidly low and it was explained that due to better nutrition people are growing taller now than they did then.

I'm not sure about the correlation but it did make me think when I walked through american streets. My observations were corroborated by other travellers from Switzerland and the Netherlands. One guy said 'It's great, I'm considered small in Amsterdam, but here... nice to see above peoples heads for once.'


I remember a shit load of classmates eating these at lunch in the 80s. So that's mom and pop buying these by the box and dumping them into kid's lunches.

At the time, no kids think of it because it's just crackers and cheese. But it's actually salty buttery crackers and not even real cheese.

Googling it, these types of things (3 crackers and fake cheese) is 100 calories alone.


Oh wow. Haven't seen this in a minute.

That was the thing too though: an item like this was "cool" to have. I remember first seeing other kids having these and you wanted the same so you'd fit in.

Same with these Dunkaroos, which look even worse for you:


It's wild how peer pressure starts that early, and leads us to make stupid choices.


You definitely need balance in everything.
All my kids are fit and active, they love taking a trip out to the park on weekends with their scooters and they also love getting a toy from McDonalds with their meal. But you have to create limits on how much junk food they get and that should also be balanced against just how active they actually are.


I was a fat kid growing up. Hated it. My daughter hates me for it some times, because I don't let her eat the same garbage that her friends eat, but I told her it's just because I love her too much to ever let her go through what I did in my youth. Being fat as a child is pure hell, it's absolute misery, and what makes it worse is that it's a misery you can escape, but every time you ask an adult for help on how to get out, they just say "oh you're fine.". No, no I wasn't fucking fine. When I was 18 I started reading up on nutrition and weight lifting and pulled myself out of hell. Folks often think the Army did it, but they couldn't be more off base, as I lost the weight before the Army, and there's plenty of fat ass soldiers. The best I'll ever give my daughter is that I care enough about her health to not buy her piles of barely edible sugary bullshit just because there's a smiling bird on the cover that she thinks is cute. I hope she appreciates that when she's older......


Gold Member
I was in a local supermarket recently and someone bought, and I swear this is no exaggeration, 48 own brand Rustlers style burgers.

For those who don't know what a Rustlers burger is, it's a plastic carton that contains a "burger" and a bun with a slice of processed cheese, you put it all in the microwave for about a minute or so to warm up.

48 of them. 2 trays of 24.

48 own brand style Rustlers burgers.


You know what big-brand food has always impressed me? Triscuits

Only three ingredients: wheat, oil, and salt

Easily the best snack cracker too


Good on them for eventually including that fact in their marketing. Everyone should be more aware of what's in their food. You need clean fuel.



Meat by itself doesn't make you obese

Well then neither does a little junk food by that logic. Sounds like the point of this thread is the excess, meat and dairy are apparently not the best for us in excess either.

Your reaction to my post further solidifies how uncool it is to even bring up veganism.

How dare I even bring it up! It's "little political activism" even bringing up anti-meat/dairy stuff in a thread about healthy eating habits and kids having no choice in what they eat when it's basically the same exact topic.

It's funny how touchy people get over it. "Get that little political activism out of here!".


The OP sounds like he just masturbated and is now totally against porn and going for no-fap. And in this case he would go to porn stores and look at all the disgusting people at the shelves there, wondering what FILTH they are about to buy.

Yeah, I'm a lazy fat slob and I like candy :messenger_crying:


With all due respect, but this idea of not having control over what your kids eat and because of that they will eat garbage is bullshit. It just shows weakness.

They are kids, they don’t know what’s good for them, they are supposed to follow rules and eat what parents think is best for them.

“But they will cry and call me a bad parent.” That’s what they are supposed to do too. Wanna give your kid a rough life? Say yes to him every damn time.

Being a teacher at middle and high school I see these kinds of kids every day. They are the ones who suffer the most. Most of them are weak and can’t handle any kind of frustration.
Paraphrased conversation this morning at the cafe:

"Can I have pop?"
"No. You can have orange juice or apple juice."

I'm not about to tell the parents it's all sugar as it's not my place.
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Gold Member
Paraphrased conversation this morning at the cafe:

"Can I have pop?"
"No. You can have orange juice or apple juice."

I'm not about to tell the parents its all sugar as it's not my place.
You also don't know their rules.

It was sparkling water or sparkling water mixed with apple juice at my house.
When it was decided that we got food and drink outside of the house - my choice of food and drink. Food and one drink. So if we went for a walk after dinner where I had the pleasure of a glass of coke and we turned in to a café or bar I drank water.


Gold Member
Paraphrased conversation this morning at the cafe:

"Can I have pop?"
"No. You can have orange juice or apple juice."

I'm not about to tell the parents it's all sugar as it's not my place.
On a per ML basis, juice has more calories than Coke and Pepsi now. Over the years, some pops have been slightly reducing sugar.


Well then neither does a little junk food by that logic. Sounds like the point of this thread is the excess, meat and dairy are apparently not the best for us in excess either.

Your reaction to my post further solidifies how uncool it is to even bring up veganism.

How dare I even bring it up! It's "little political activism" even bringing up anti-meat/dairy stuff in a thread about healthy eating habits and kids having no choice in what they eat when it's basically the same exact topic.

It's funny how touchy people get over it. "Get that little political activism out of here!".

I think the overall point is that meat and dairy offer plenty of nutritional benefits while something like Pop Tarts or Doritos do not.
For the love of lifelong health if you have kids now or do in the future please take at least one piece of advice, don't give them soft drinks at a young age, especially coke (soft drinks) or "sports" drinks. They are a treat and should be infrequent.

The amount of parents regularly buying their kids shit like cans of lemonade, coke, large gatorades and the similar is astounding. It's fucking soul destroying seeing kids in primary school literally unfit to do even basic sport. My kids aren't olympians but they regularly kick arse over their entire year level (many times grades above them as well), simply because they're active and eat/drink right. Case in point we went Halloweening a couple of years ago, walking for about 1.5 hours in some mild warm weather and 2 out of 8 of my sons friends just wanted to turn back due to walking being too much. Sad AF, of course those parents weren't out walking with us and their kids either. Learn to upset your kids by saying no and not living by what other parents do with their kids or eating habits. Protip the parental masses are fucking up their kids for a very tough life to change their eating habits.

Birthday parties and things like that let them have at it but day to day discuss foods with them and get them to help cooking to understand ingredients and choices. Kids love to try different foods if they're involved. Wife and I always have parents commenting/asking how our kids eat such varied foods? Because we do as well and have never raised them with a separate "kids" meal etc. Let them try things and say no to things so they keep trying different foods and find healthier options they actually want to choose. Seeing kids only eat "hot dogs with sauce and that's it" for sleepovers with a parental directive is also heartbreaking, you know that kid's diet sucks at home. Home cooked food with real ingredients kicks ass over fast food flavours and is honestly about the same amount of time to prepare. We grow a summer and winter vegie garden where the kids have input to half of what is planted. They look after growing the food, they help prepare the food and enjoy all the wonderful processes involved while developing a love of cooking and enjoying food together.

Fuck most of the corporate supermarket shit that's purely lies and sales; a ton of packaging and stats on the back are bullshit (at least in Australia they have to provide detailed breakdowns for all products). Buy local, go to fruit and veg outlets near you, there are generally plenty to choose from and it's fresher and often cheaper. Buy from a butcher or fishmonger and not just the supermarket chain, they kill profits for the primary producers usually. Your kids will surprise you given time, they enjoy seeing all the choices, trying something (good or bad) and look forward to seasonal foods too.

Fake edit: Ok that turned into a rant, sorry.

Real edit: Don't even start me on kids lunches for school, many parents should be ashamed.
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Super Mario

My personal favorite is the hot victim statement of "healthy food costs too much". Poor people can only survive off bags of $1 burgers and gallons of sodas. Water, salad, and chicken is an arm and a leg.

And of course, within the last decade, we've built a new victim group, fat people. Body positivity for being 300 lbs. More mentally ill idiots that need protection.

I was in a local supermarket recently and someone bought, and I swear this is no exaggeration, 48 own brand Rustlers style burgers.

For those who don't know what a Rustlers burger is, it's a plastic carton that contains a "burger" and a bun with a slice of processed cheese, you put it all in the microwave for about a minute or so to warm up.

48 of them. 2 trays of 24.

48 own brand style Rustlers burgers.

You know a little too much about all of this.
Stop blaming taxes and subsidiaries when it's all about what decisions people make when they shop.

Left wing mentality = everything is because of society, norms and systems, the individual is always an innocent tabula rasa sheep
Right wing mentality = everything is because of the individual's decision, it's all about willpower and discipline

Both mentalities are wrong. Society raises the individual and creates the environment within which he or she procures food, but humans have evolved certain nutriotional needs and behaviors (ie craving calorie dense foods) so are not a "tabula rasa."
Please read the dates of a thread before you post in them.
This right here says it all.

You don't even have to raise your kids to be deprived of junk food entirely either yknow? They're kids - let them live a litt.

Like yeah, throw some ice cream in the cart or maybe some cookies or chips whatever. But like one or two items max per shopping trip. Everything else should be actual food. Fruits, veggies, meats, eggs, milk, etc.

Then people wonder why they have to use those electric carts in the store. It's so troubling.
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