Hi, and welcome to the chilean GAF thread, if you're planning to pay us a visit feel free to ask us, and if you live here, kindly share your experiences and picadas with everyone.
Thread name suggestions:
- The country shaped like a Chili
- what does "la wea fome qliao" means?
[Please suggest more!]
About us
We're a small(ish) country located at the south eastern edge of South América, we have a pretty long coast so no seafood shortage in here, our capital city (Santiago) holds about 1/3rd (6m approx.) of the total population, with that said there's a clear unbalance in the distribution of the population but that doesn't mean cities are deserted, not at all.
Things aren't as cheap as our neighbor countries, but we have a fair share of nice things to eat, buy, visit and stay.
Some internationally well known Chileans:
- Pinochet and Allende, but pretty please try to avoid this pair, we're already on it and we still have a long way to go.
- Cote de Pablo, an actress... i guess
- The fat dude from Lost (i didn't watch it so i dunno his name)
- Kane Blueriver, the people's champ
- Don Francisco (His actual name is Mario Kreutzberger)
- Oberyn Martell
- Some youtuber named YoSoyGerman
- The 33 miners (minus 1, who is Bolivian)
- Pablo Neruda
- Violeta Parra
- Horatio Sanz
- Tom Araya, el angel de la muerte, monarca del reino de los muertos
- Alexis Sanchez (Arsenal) and Arturo Vidal (Bayern Munich)
- Manuel Pellegrini, the most loved MCFC manager ever
- Nicanor Parra, another genius
- Claudio Arrau, a genius
- Claudio Bravo, hyperrealist painter
- Claudio Bravo, hyperrealist keeper
Ok so i just got here, what do?
First and foremost, our currency is named peso (shocker huh?), for more info here's an article on the cost of living in Chile (http://soundsandcolours.com/subjects/travel/cost-of-living-in-chile-10483/) and while it's from 2011 and has some inaccuracies (for $8000 two can eat comfortably in Santiago Centro) it's a good starting point to measure your expenses.
I wouldn't recommend Santiago though, yo gotta go north or south, avoid the middle and big cities, other than museums and historical places there's not much in them (YMMV).
For some LOTR-like experience go to Torres del Paine, some breathtaking landscapes there...
Seriously hot, Peter Jackson what were you thinking
Marble caves
Other places:
Valle de la luna (Moon Valley):
Flowering desert:
El Tatio Geysers:
Lauca National Park:
And obviously, Konami's inspiration, MGS V won't even exist if these dudes weren't chillin' quietly in our most well known offshore island:
Chile is a lot of fun, but it won't knock on your door, you have 2670 miles (thanks google) of coast, valleys, and all the kinds of climate to explore and have fun.
Enjoy your stay and/or this thread!